Saturday, October 31, 2015

Finale in “Star Game” –

FINALE: I kveld er det duket for finale i «Stjernekamp». Maria Haukaas Mittet og Trine rein har overlevd utfordringer som blant annet opera, heavy metal, hip hop og EDM. Nå møtes de to til en siste kamp.

På programmet står det høydepunkt fra tidligere sendinger, en egen låt og til slutt en sang som publikum har valgt.

Vi anmelder låtene fortløpende. Følg med!

Fra tidligere Stjernekamp:

Trine Rein: «Amazing Gaze» (J. Newton/trad) fra gospel-kvelden

Det er en annen glød over Rein denne gangen, kontra da hun fremførte samme låt under gospelkvelden. Av og til er det marginene som avgjør, spesielt når man er en så erfaren og skolert sanger som det Rein er. Dette er jo en ihjeltolket sang, men Trine makter å gi den en varme og kraft i kveld som ingen kan krangle med.

Om hun holder dette nivået utover sendingen, så kan det bli en spennende kveld.

Maria Haukaas Mittet: «And I?m Telling You I?m Not Going» (T. Eyen/H. Krieger) fra musikal-kvelden

Maria og ektemannen er tilbake på scenen. Det borger for mye patos og drama. Personlig synes jeg hun har levert mer underholdende og engasjerende bidrag i flere av de andre sjangrene, men det er klart at musikalformen er en «utfordring» hun er trygg på. Og det er selvsagt godt levert på alle plan, men det kjennes samtidig litt safe og forutsigbart.

Men vi har jo bare akkurat begynt.

Fra egen katalog:

Trine Rein: «The Well» (T. Rein/T. Carey/R.L. Tekrø)

Det er prisverdig at Trine ønsker å se fremover, men det er ikke sikkert at dette låtvalget vil gi henne det løftet hun trenger for å nå til topps. Den kjennes litt for bakpå og stillestående til å skape umiddelbar magi. Stemningsfull, ja, og den funker sikkert fint i en albumkontekst, men her tar man seg i å vente på et refreng som bryter den stampende monotonien.

Men hun synger bra, da!

Maria Haukaas Mittet: «Gjennom sorga går en sang» (H. Sivertsen)

De fineste innslagene til Maria kommer ofte når hun tar alt ned noen hakk og lar den tindrende stemmen hennes dra lasset alene. Denne nakne og jordnære visa er intet mindre enn smellvakker i Marias selskap. Hun synger behersket hele veien gjennom og viser samtidig at hun har en dynamikk og et spenn som gjør henne til en stor og allsidig sanger.

Maria er nok denne konkurransens mest komplette allrounder.

Publikums valg:

Trine Rein: «Firework» (Katy Perry/M.S. Eriksen/T.E. Hermansen/S. Wilhelm/E. Dean)

Publikum har ikke nødvendigvis gjort det lett for Trine med dette valget. Som hun påpeker selv er det fryktelig mye tekst. Den ligger også i et toneleie hun muligens ikke trives veldig godt i. Hun må virkelig jobbe for å holde seg oppe i det øvreregisteret i refrenget.

Men hun stråler om kapp med fyrverkeriet og gjør en heltemodig innsats tross alt. Stemmeklangen hennes kler sjangeren. Vel blåst!

Maria Haukaas Mittet: «Halo» (B. Knowles/R. Tedder/E.K. Bogart)

Det er ofte stor gåsehudfaktor forbundet med denne sangen og Maria gjør absolutt ikke skam på den. Hun er kanskje ikke helt komfortabel i det nedre leiet i starten av sangen, men hun tar det igjen til gangs i refrenget. Det er som om et par måneder med press letter fra skuldrene i det gnisregnet setter inn på oppløpet.

Storslagent og en finale verdig.

Seernes dom er klar. Vinneren av årets «Stjernekamp» er Maria Haukaas Mittet.

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The doctor advised Adel from dancing tonight – Side2

(Page2): Tonight the stage is set for yet another evening of glitz and glamor on danseparketten in Nydalen.

Again the dance competition “Shall We Dance” stands four aspiring celebrities, who tonight can boast of having come all the way to the quarterfinals.

In the previous transmission was Youtube-star PelleK who were forced to leave the competition, and was thus missed himself Halloween dance floor.

First out in today’s terrifying competition was Katarina Flatland with his dancing partner Tom Arild.

Full pot

In the previous transmission was program manager Katarina Flatland top of the standings with 40 points, but it kept nevertheless not.

With missing votes from the audience ended she still dance duel, and it has left its mark on the self-esteem of Flatland.

– I try the not to take it personally, but it’s hard. I am simply afraid to not get enough votes, and that people will not vote for me. The fear is I’ll probably never get rid of, she says to the camera.

Abdominal pain

Earlier this week had Adel to the hospital to get checked some abdominal pain she was plagued with under rehearsal.

After some blood tests, it became clear that she could finish the dance on Saturday, but the doctor made it clear that the dancing was the best she could do now. Adele still decided to implement.

– I’m not ready to go back to everyday life yet. Adrenaline I get when I dance works better than Ibux, says Adele.

After completing the dance is also Adele really positive and thinks it’s fine with her.

– My doctor can not dance, he can not prevent me from standing here. It’s fine with me, I want nothing more focus on this, says the young pop star.

Katarina Flatland and Tor Arild: Quick Step

This mean judges:

Tor: Feet, ankles and knees were not in place. Quickstepen was a messy performance I did not light on.

Trine: – You have a great attitude and great jumps. You stand on, and you deliver once again. Do not listen to Tor!

Overall score: 29

Stian Thorbjørnsen and Alexandra: Vals

This mean judges:

Merete: – I see that you like it here, and it’s very nice to see. We are nearing the end, you have a good partner and fine lines, but I miss still that little extra.

Trine: – I think you delivered absolutely gorgeous. You had great ankles and amazing footwork.

Overall score: 38

Samuel Massie and Marianne: Paso Doble

This mean judges:

Egor: – It is amazing how changing character of all these dances. You supply power to such a degree, but you should get some extra punch to your hips.

Merete: – I think the use of arms is very good. It was a little too hard sometimes, but I’d rather have a little too much punch than too little in a paso doble.

Overall score: 32

nobility and Benjamin: Rumba

This mean judges:

Tor: – I do not get some rumba-esteem. This gives me no great feeling, and it’s like cotton candy in a headwind.

Trine: – You provide a lovely dance, I see that you have the weight a little too much backwards, but you dance down the hips and has good guidance legs. You are sensual, and you are conducting fight well!

Overall score: 36

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Promotion with ad links


Bieber’s record company: – Excuse, Norway –

(Dagbladet): Justin Bieber took the stage after playing one song during the concert in Oslo, having blamed the spillage at the stage.

Bieber record label, Universal Norway, is now asking fans to apologize for pop icons conduct Thursday night.

– It was very sad what happened yesterday. We apologize for the strong against the Norwegian fans who had looked forward to the concert, says Gjermund MOASTUEN in Universal.

In dialogue

Shortly after scene storming, let Bieber himself out a message on Instagram where he apologized to the fans and confirmed that he had interrupted.

MOASTUEN and Universal are now working together with TV 2 to find a solution to the situation, both financial and practical, so that they can save their butts from what would be good PR for the channel and Justin Bieber special on TV in November.

– We have a very good dialogue with TV2, says MOASTUEN.

– Have you considered financial compensation?

– As said, we have a very good dialogue with TV 2.

drawers TV 2

MOASTUEN says Bieber’s outburst on stage was extra sad because the rest of the day had been fine.

– It was a great day. Justin visited a school class, got skated a bit and had a great interview with “Late Night” -Guys. So it is particularly sad that it ended like that, and again, we apologize.

The next day admits TV 2 that the canal is “very disappointed” over pop icons behavior.

– Of course we are disappointed. And it is not only we who are. There are fans who had won tickets and enjoyed large. They are of course very disappointed, and we are staying, too, says communications director at TV 2 Jan Petter Dahl Dagbladet on Friday morning.


This mean the reviewers of “Spectre” –

“Mendes har et utmerket øye for det visuelle. Enkelte scener fra døsige lokaler er filmet i et sløret lys som gjør bildene umåtelige vakre, noe som tilfører agent-filmen det jeg aldri hadde trodd den skulle få: Poesi og skjønnhet.”, skriver en begeistret Kristin Aalen og leverer full pott på terningen.

Tidligere kollega Arild Abrahamsen er ikke snauere, og triller også sekser på sin blogg Han karakteriserer “Spectre” som den på alle vis beste Bond-filmen noensinne.

“Spectre» er ikke rosinpølsa i ei langvarig søndagssuppe, den er kjøkkenet. Filmen er som et byggesett for gamle minner, den er et laboratorium der konsentrater av nostalgisk Bond-romantikk tar seg sjøl flere skritt videre, og jeg mener ikke sånne skritt, for det britiske samveldets trofaste trener framstår med delvis lukket gylf som kjærlighetssøkende og biologi-tikkende samboer-emne i førtisjuårsalderen, og det gjør ingenting. Det er vakkert når machoene mjukner på midten.”, skriver blant annet.

Lunkent i Dagbladet

Bond-begeistringen kan med andre ord se ut til å være størst blant Stavanger-kritikerne. I Oslo har ikke alle latt seg rive med i like stor grad, og Dagbladet mener at filmen bare fortjener halvparten så mange terningøyne.

“Den tjuefjerde Bond-filmen er et stort, dyrt og profesjonelt stykke kitsch som sniker seg ut av hukommelsen allerede idet man forlater kinosalen.”, heter det der.

VG er langt mer positivt innstilt, og gir filmen en femmer.

“«Spectre» er ingen glattslikket Bond. Vår helt svetter og lider og bekymrer seg og må langt tilbake i eget liv denne gangen; han er på en måte menneskelig nok. Men ikke for menneskelig, selvfølgelig; da hadde han jo ikke vært vår mann.”, skriver avisens anmelder.

Aftenposten lander på samme karakter, og skriver blant annet:

“Da Daniel Craig tok over rollen som James Bond var filmserien blitt anakronistisk, ja, ikke så lite patetisk. Craig har tilført rollefiguren en relevant og moderne identitet.”

Begeistring i Trondheim

I Bergen synes de ikke at filmen fortjener mer enn en firer.

“Slik er Bond-franchisen en vindusrekke med panoramautsikt til sin tids sosiale og politiske dragkamper. En serie idéhistoriske snapshots med tilgang til frosset tidsånd”, skriver Bergens Tidende i sin anmeldelse.

Trønderne er noe vennligere innstilt.

“Daniel Craig fortjener etter fire filmer status som en av de beste Bond-skuespillerne. Han funker fortsatt, men hadde tålt mer humor å spille på. Mens kvinnerollene har blitt mer moderne med åra, er den underliggende tendensen i «Spectre» ikke det. “, skriver Adresseavisen.

Les også:

James Bonde ble selv reddet av 007

Derfor er han fortsatt populær etter 53 år på lerretet

Disse vant James Bond-billetter! 

Agent 007 fra Stavanger 


Friday, October 30, 2015

Uncertain about TV 2 sends Bieber outbursts from the stage – Aftenposten

Etter avtalen skulle Bieber synge seks sanger for fansen under minikonserten på Chateau Neuf torsdag kveld, men han gikk av scenen etter å ha kun spilt én låt. Dermed fikk «belieberene» kun høre «Boyfriend» før Bieber gikk av scenen, og forlot Norge kort tid etterpå.

Konserten skulle etter planen sendes på TV 2 fredag 13. november. Bieber var på Norgesbesøk i forbindelse med innspilling av Senkveld-intervju, som ble sendt på TV i går kveld.

- Det er ikke meningen å høres egoistisk ut, men jeg håper Universal gir oss noe tilbake for dette. Vi har tross alt jobbet hardt for å få tak i billetter. Vi var med på alle konkurranser det var mulig å være med på, sa Charlotte Marie Jensen (15) til Aftenposten etter gårsdagens skandale.

Hun og venninnen Helene Nygaard (17) gir ikke opp håpet om å se popidolet igjen, og er fortsatt fans selv om de er skuffet.

- Jeg håper Universal gjør alt de kan for å få ham tilbake til Norge, sa Nygaard.

Sender minidokumentar

Jan Petter Dahl, kommunikasjonssjef i TV 2, forteller at Biebers opptreden er et brudd på kontrakten med Universal Music Norge.

- Vi har en konstruktiv og god dialog med Universal, og jobber mot en god løsning på dette, sier Dahl.

Minikonserten, som var planlagt å sendes den 13. november på TV 2, blir ikke sendt.

- Vi hadde tenkt å sende minikonserten, men det er ikke nok materiale til det. Vi hadde et kamerateam som fulgte Bieber store deler av dagen i går, så nå jobber vi med å prøve å få til et program rundt dagen i går som skal sendes 13. november. Det blir ingen konsert, men mer et innslag med dokumentarpreg, sier Dahl.

Målet er å få til en Bieber-spesial, som de nå skal begynne å jobbe med.

- Vi vet ikke ennå om vi skal inkludere klippet hvor Bieber synger den ene låten han fremførte. Konsertklippet har vi god tid til å finne ut av hva vi skal gjøre med, sier Dahl.

Bieber ville ha publikum nær

Den spisse scenekanten under torsdagens konsert gjorde Justin Bieber lett tilgjengelig for publikummerne som hadde ståplasser helt foran.

Ifølge Dahl var planen egentlig at det skulle stå barrièrer rundt scenekanten, men at det var Justin Bieber selv som hadde ønsket at publikum skulle stå helt inntil scenen.

- Det er for tidlig å si om vi kommer til å ha en annen sceneformasjon neste gang Bieber gjester Norge, sier Dahl.

- Vil de 950 tilskuerne få en erstatning for den avbrutte konserten i går?

- Det har vi ikke diskutert ennå. De har ikke betalt for billettene, de er jo vunnet gjennom konkurranser. Men jeg håper publikum fikk oppleve sitt idol og hadde glede av å høre i det minste én låt, sier Dahl.



Where were you when Bieber washed scene in Chateauneuf? –

COMMENT: I thought he had lost it.

A tidal wave of screaming teenagers hit parts of central Oslo when he was here in 2012. TMZ and The Guardian wrote about it.

When Justin Bieber landed at Gardermoen yesterday, I was hardly the only one who thought “He’s not as big anymore. Oslo The visit is going to go peacefully. ”

There were few fans outside his hotel at Holmenkollen in the morning, nor many of the hysterical screams characterizes Bieber presence scraped the air throughout the day. Here at home we visit milked for all it was worth, but nothing indicated that Senkveld-his performance would lead to viral world news.

But eventually got TMZ and The Guardian something to write about again.

Yes, Bieber became furious and left the stage (and the country) after just one song. And that’s the only thing we really know.

Hysterical fans from the world over (suggesting that most of them were not present) sends death threats to some poor girls who stood in front of the stage during Bieber stage exit. Other blames promoter, perhaps thinking the same as me: “He’s not as big anymore. Let’s drop the fences “- while most point toward Bieber lack professionalism in the situation.

“OMG what a diva he is” the first thing I thought when I heard he ran away from the scene because of something spillage.

Then I saw the footage and then it was not a lack of professionalism, or diva whims struck me. Rather the opposite. I saw one of the biggest pop stars take responsibility and wiping water off the stage so that neither he nor the dancers were to hurt themselves.

For those who have worked on a scene knows, or should know, how risky spillage in a scene can be. It gets soaped – and can be dangerous.

Of course, should Bieber have entrusted drying job to someone else, but that he took the job in their own hands, whether it was he or fans who spilled, made me swallow diva accusation.

Bieber today in Oslo, from he visited schoolchildren in Bærum to react with anger from a scene is no point to portray. He does well enough in the song “Roller coaster” with “For a minute we were up, but the next we were falling down” .

And the big question is not ” Why stabbed Justin from the scene? “and” this was a publicity stunt? “. The question is, “Where were you when Bieber washed scene in Chateauneuf?”.


Thomas and Harald: “This was not the girls fault” – TV 2

TV 2 has been in contact with the girls who were involved in Bieber-drama Thursday night and their families. It goes under the circumstances well with them.

They have been in school on Friday morning and by better spirits than when the storm was the worst night of Friday.

– The girls were taken down on a back immediately after the broadcast, after several of TV 2 had talked with them. We made sure that they got home safely at night, several of them live some distance away but we brought them home, says Jan-Petter Dahl, Director of Communications TV 2.

Net proportionality has not abated, but more belibere have taken to speak out and support the girls against cyber bullies.

– It is important to say that we hope that people keeps calm, calm down and think that this is young girls who have it really tough and that one therefore thinks carefully about what you write on social media.

– No review yet

2 TV has talked with the police stating that it has not yet entered any reviews based on online harassment.

– We know that the girls were brought home yesterday and are taken care of. Beyond that, as police have not followed up on what happened at the concert, said police superintendent Lars NJØS at Majorstua precinct to TV2.

– How does the police to the vast netthetst?

– On a general basis so advise the police to report serious threats and harassment online. We have not received any reviews in connection with this event, says NJØS.

Thomas and Harald takes bullying distance

On the Facebook pages have presenters thomas numme and Harald Rønneberg with a message to his followers. They had Justin Bieber in Senkveld couch before the concert where he was in good spirits.

The singer Justin Bieber (right) with Harald Rønneberg and thomas numme under admission to Friday’s edition of the talk show “Late Night with Thomas and Harald ». Photo: Heiko Junge / NTB scanpix

“Dear friends! Much has been said and written about our day with Justin Bieber. Many were understandably angry and upset after the concert was canceled and some unhappy fans even got unfairly blamed for the artist left the stage. We who were present know that it is not true and we encourage everyone to take away from the bullying that spreads on social media! “

Senkveld broadcast will as planned be aired on TV 2 o’clock 22.15 Friday.

The planned concert broadcast by Justin Bieber on November 13, will be sent an application about Bieber’s visit in Norway – where he first and only konsertlåt will be shown.



- Just a myth that we are writing the screenplay in Bond films – Campaign

Friday makes James Bond his entrance in Norwegian movie theaters for the 24th time. It is the fourth time the role interpreted by Daniel Craig, but several of the ingredients audiences expect to find in a Bond film has been present much longer than that. Among them are brand goods agent surrounds himself with. Clock Tagged Omega had product placements in Bond films over the last 20 years. This year’s film Spectre is no exception.

– The ratio between Omega and Bond is a relationship that came very naturally, it was not something we expected or pressured in to get to. But now, 20 years after we first began working together, I think it says a lot about our brand, and it puts us in a position that enables us to communicate to customers in an exciting way, says Omega president Stephen Urquhart to Campaign.

– It is important for us to be associated with some of the most iconic stars of the film. There are usually actors or actresses who is a brand’s public face, but since Bond is a character it gives us the opportunity to collaborate with different actors.

article continues after the picture:

Has been part of the brand: Omega CEO Stephen Urquhart believes Bond cooperation is important for clock mark. Photo: Omega

– How much does it for Omega to be associated with the James Bond films?

– If you look at James Bond as a character, it means much to be associated with him. He is a man who demands the best, appreciate style and relies on good quality. This is reflected in everything from the car he drives to the suit he wears. The fact that he chooses an Omega watch confirms the reputation of our product.

He adds:

– But let’s not take it too seriously, above all, this is very entertaining movies enables Omega products can be marketed in a cool way.

– Increases sales around premieres
Urquart says that clock sales increases before and just after the launch of the new Bond movies .

– Traditionally increasing sales around the new premieres. There are many watch enthusiasts who are waiting for limited edition models, as well as people interested in the bells used by the characters in the movies. We reach a new group of customers through product placement in films, so it tends to be an increase in the interest in James Bond bells at this time. There will also be a part promotion of the products in the time before premiereer, so this helps naturally enough.

– Have Omega any impact on product location In Bond films?

– Interesting question but we generally have no impact on how a clock is used. We will not be deciding the location. It is usually as much a surprise to us as viewers where products appear. However, in Spectre then had Daniel Craig and manufacturers an idea of ​​how the clock should appear, so we helped them to bring the idea to life.

– It’s just a myth that Omega has influence on how screenplay or scenes should be designed in James Bond films.

Heineken campaign illegally in Norway
Heineken has collaborated with Bond Group for 17 years, and has this autumn launched a campaign including involving a commercial with Daniel Craig to be shown on TV.

– To cooperate with Bond Group gives us the opportunity to create exciting, innovative and integrated global marketing campaigns that create value both for the film and for the Heineken brand across the world, says Hans Erik von Tuijt, responsible for global Heineken campaigns, in a press release.

Here is Heineken’s commercials:

The film can not be shown in Norway due to the prohibition of alcohol.

– What makes Heineken in Norway?

– In Norway, we get a little extra attention around the premiere of the movie, but we do not activate James Bond sponsorship and follow Norwegian laws. We have no wish to revoke alcohol advertising ban, in other words, we are fine with that advertising the film can not be shown in Norway, says Theodor S. Espelid, brand manager for Hansa Borg Breweries.

– For Heineken internationally collaborated with Bond Group important. In those markets that enable sponsorship experience Heineken cooperation creates value for the Heineken brand through increased awareness and sales.


“What a letdown for the Norwegian Bieber fans” –

(Dagbladet): Justin Bieber stormed off the stage after one song under the much talked about intimate concert in Oslo on Thursday evening.

This after complaining of water on the stage, as fans must have spilled. They continued when Bieber asked them to stop. This resulted in a 21-year-old left the stage. The fans who stood in front of the stage should have received hundreds of death threats in the hours after the concert.

The case attracted great attention in foreign media. 347 English language sites have so far discussed the incident.

“Bieber [..] interrupted abruptly concert in Oslo” writes British The Guardian and establishes that pop icons “leaving rattling fans in tears.”

TMZ covers course also matter. “Justin Bieber is approaching the melting point and stormed off the stage.”

Music Sida Billboard has also caught the news, focusing on that Bieber after all lamented the scene shortly afterwards. “Unfortunately, it has been a tough week for me, long days without sleep, while I have had to be” on “for the cameras and fans» renders Billboard.

Huffington Post in the United States reports that Norwegian fans were too intimate for Bieber, and the pop star therefore canceled the concert. Here the focus is inter alia that the Norwegian Beliebers not seem to afflict the accosted from Bieber and thus triggered rasieriutbruddet.

“Bieber storm scene and fled Norway” writes our neighbors in the Swedish Expressen. Danish Politiken also covers the matter, and writes that the concert in Oslo “for a downturn for the Norwegian Bieber fans.” The newspaper believes many Norwegian girl hearts were crushed when Bieber chose to leave the stage after only having played a song.

Justin Bieber “has liret off even a tantrum” reports British Daily Mail.


Thursday, October 29, 2015

Teen girls harassed and threatened on the coarsest after Bieber’s scandal-exit from Oslo … – TV 2

The Canadian popidolet (21) is notorious for its short-tempered, and during Thursday’s recital at Chateau Neuf in Oslo took only one song before he exploded and called off the event.

Therefore concluded Bieber concert:

One of the fans who stood completely in front spilled water on the stage floor. Bieber tried to dry up, but then tried hysterical fans taking shirt off his moppet with. That was all it took:

– I’m done. I do not, he said, and disappeared.

BIEBER scandal: This has happened

• October 29 visited superstar and teen idol Justin Bieber (21) Norway for hosting Senkveld with Thomas and Harald. He was scheduled to be the guest of talk show and also hold an exclusive mini concert for fans at Chateauneuf in Oslo.
• Senkveld recording took place as planned.
• When the concert started later in the evening, singing Bieber one song before he stormed off the stage. He never came back.
• The reason why he stormed off stage, was that it was spilled water at the front edge of the stage. Bieber tried to wipe it out with a shirt, but was fortstyrret of eager fans in the front row. Bieber shouted “Stop! I do not gig! “Before he stormed off the stage.
• Senkveld program managers thomas numme (45) and Harald Rønneberg (42) took the floor on the stage after it was clear that Bieber had left Chateauneuf. They describe the situation as “damn crappy.”
• Bieber has since apologized on Instagram. He blames a long week with little sleep. During the recording of Senkveld mentioned artist that he was cold and he thought he had bronchitis.

The day would become an unforgettable highlight was a nightmare, especially for four Justin fans. The girls standing by the stage being hung out on the Internet after the pop star left the concert recording in rage.

– Now we hung out on the web. There are many who have posted pictures of us and written fight ugly thing, and it’s very painful. We did not think we did anything wrong, and now believe all that we are to blame for that concert was canceled. Everyone hates us, this is absolutely terrible, says one of the girls who experienced the drama.

TV 2 does not choose to identify the girls.

for exit: Justin Bieber was furious when some of the fans in the audience did not let him wipe up spilled water on the floor. PHOTO: HEIKO JUNGE / NTB scanpix

– We thought he kidding

When Bieber came on stage and to sing his first song, so he urged the public to to rise, even though the producers of the TV show had asked the audience to sit. After singing his first song “Boyfriend” song had to be recorded again. Meanwhile went Bieber backstage and took a water bottle. He took a sip and handed the bottle to one of the girls at the edge of the stage.

– First he threw the water bottle out to us, too, I managed to squeeze it so that it splashed out on stage. So he went and fetched a shirt that he was going to dry up, says one of the girls.

– He was really nice in the beginning. Then he snapped completely and began to yell. He looked me in the eyes and began to yell at me, and say that “if you do not stop, then I go.” I took him, but not the shirt. I did not think he would be so mad, because we thought he kidding, she says.

They were confident that teen idol not meant business when he asked them not to touch him and shirt he dried up.

– guards should not let us stand here

– He got it to seem like it’s our fault, but we tried to behave. He is sick, so it’s understandable that he would not tolerate so much. I’ve heard that he would not have someone in front of the stage, but when the guards should not have let us stand here!

The four girls know strongly episode and is clearly marked as TV2 talk to them before they get confirmation that Bieber does not come back on stage.

– It is very unkind. We’ve been waiting all day, also only goes he. We have traveled a long way for this, so it’s really hurt.

The girls are taken care of

TV2′s communications director, Jan Petter Dahl, think it is very sad that the girls when being harassed in social media. He believes this could happen to anyone.

– People are ecstatic, this is super blood fans. I just have to call upon the people that they think carefully about what they utter, and what they write. These are young people, says Dahl.

– We have very close contact with the girls, and they are taken care of. It was certainly not the girls who ruined the evening, he said.

International attention

It’s just a barely days ago Bieber got up and went from a radio interview in Spain in frustration over the questions he received.

Here breeds Bieber unleashed after the concert:

The incident in Oslo will therefore attention worldwide.

“JUSTIN BIEBER REACH BREAKING POINT – Storms Offstage” writes gossip website TMZ.

“Justin Bieber throws ANOTHER tantrum and storms off stage in Oslo … just hours after walking out on Spanish radio show,” writes Daily Mail.

“I’d love to talk to him”

A father outside Chateuf Neuf says that he is very disappointed after superstar stormed off stage:

– I would have liked him in front of me and spoke with him. He drawers very many, and need to grow up, first and foremost, says Eddie Close to TV2.

– He can not behave like that, he disappoint very many, and he is not entitled to it. He can not take care that freedom.

stepdaughter his cries and says that she was disappointed Bieber.

– He could all the adult, so I was very annoyed.

She is still a Belieber. It is not the stepfather …


Justin Bieber i Norge – TV 2

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Biebers dansere har ankommet hovedstaden, og har innlosjert seg på hotell i Oslo. Det er grunn til å tro at danserne har tatt inn på Radisson SAS ved Jernbanetorget, men Bieber har fremdeles ikke landet på norsk jord.

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  • Trond Bjarte Meg og ungen skal no på show, vi gleder oss veldig masse :-)

  • Jenny Sikkert et spørsmål dere har svart mange ganger på men, når skal Justin ha minikonserten hans? Er dette idag eller skjer alt i morgen?

  • Ulrik ÅÅÅÅ! Har drømt om denne dagen, helt sykt at jeg ikke vant billetter! Er det forsatt muligheter for og få tak i biletter?

  • Trine Har så sinnsykt lyst å møte han!


Bor Bieber at this Oslo hotel? – TV 2

Justin Bieber landed at GA terminal at Gardermoen clock 4:30 Thursday morning, according to VG

Little information

TV 2 has on several occasions been in contact with Bieber’s record company, Universal, the last week, but they are very sparse with information about Bieber’s visit.

The record company has refused to confirm whether superstar at all will stay overnight in Oslo, but according to Dagbladet finds himself inside the Holmenkollen Park Hotel now.

You get all the Bieber-stay here! Ask questions to TV2 Bieber expert and send us your photos and tips with the hashtag # 2bieber.

To become Bieber’s visit:

  • Justin Bieber arrives in Norway with private planes.
  • 18.00 Guests should arrive at Senkveld Chateau Neuf.
  • 19:00 recording Senkveld starts between kl.19.00-20.00.
  • kl.19.30: Guests will have a concert attendance.
  • 21.00 The concert starts between kl .21.00-22.00.

The last two times Bieber has visited Norway, he stayed at hotels to Petter Stordalen. When Bieber visited Oslo in April 2013 to hold three concerts in Telenor Arena, he lived in luxury hotel The Thief on Tjuvholmen in Oslo.

– We pronounces us about our guests, says kommunikasonssjef The Theif, Siri Payday Kolderup to TV 2. She will neither confirm nor deny that the artist and his crew will be staying at the hotel the next few days.

Bieber came to Oslo from Spain, where he had several appearances on Wednesday.

Dancers are in Norway

Justin Bieber’s crew have already put on a flight to Norway. Bieber dancer Johnny Erasme writing Wednesday morning on Twitter that they are headed. Norwegian Mona Berntsen is one of Bieber’s dancers, who are expected to adopt Oslo on Wednesday.

Sekveld recording starts between 19:00 and 20:00, and will be shot in the library at Chateauneuf. There will be chat and fun, and Bieber will be playing an acoustic song for the audience.

Only those with tickets to see him

According to the security officer Prosec, Henning Kristiansen, is Bieber’s visit to Norway a short stay. He says that the fans will not get a glimpse of him without a concert ticket.

– It is only those with valid ticket coming in at Chateauneuf. The surrounding area will be fenced by two meter high fences that are covered with black cloth, and the artist will be driven in a car with grimy panes, says Kristiansen told TV 2.

He says it also will not be possible to meet Bieber at the airport.

– It is a waste spending and energy to travel there, says Kristiansen.

According to Kristiansen Bieber will not stay at a hotel in downtown Oslo.

You get all the Bieber-stay here! Ask questions to TV2 Bieber expert and send us your photos and tips with the hashtag # 2bieber.

See Bieber on Senkveld on TV2 Friday at 22.15. Senkveld “Bieber-special” sent on November 13, the same day as his album goes on sale.

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