Wednesday, June 29, 2016

The new “Shame” -hovedrollen is revealed –

(Dagbladet): It has long been associated with tension to who is the main character in the third season of NRK’s ​​smash “Shame.”

NRK has today released the first taster of the upcoming season, and all indications are that it is Isaac story should be about to fall.

in the trailer we see Isaac sitting in male locker room at Hartvig Nissen school, while grades Jonas, William and boys’ Chris has water war in boxes shorts.

in the final frame of the trailer throws Jonas a milk carton in the wall so that it squirts milk into the face of Isaac. The clip is titled “Isaac” and end with “Autumn 2016″.

– I never thought that a metaphor for semen could be so beautiful to look at, says Dagbladet television reviewer, Marie Kleve, after seeing the clip .

BECOMES MAIN PERSON: Isaac (right), played by Tarjei Sandvik Moe, the main person in “Shame” season three. Here with his buddy Jonas, played by Marlon Langeland, in the first season. Photo: NRK more

Who is Isaac?

Isaac’s best friend Jonas, who was the girlfriend of Eva in the first season of television series.

in season one thought Eva Isaac was in love with her, but on Christmas tree lights did Eva and Noora realized that Isaac could be in love with Jonas instead.

Also in season two has Isaac orientation and possible ” hook “ been an issue.

When Isaac and boys’ Chris was spotted together in a car, and later did the” call me “sign to each other in the schoolyard, Eva was sure that the two had something going on.

Isaac played Tarjei Sandvik Moe.

– This will be fun

Dagbladet TV reviewer, Marie Kleve, was confident that season three would be about character Sana, something Dagbladet readers also hoped for. She believes, however, that it will be interesting to Isaac through autumn.

– This is fun! I was fairly certain that the third season would be about Sana, because she was such an important supporting characters in the previous season, and NRK has constantly emphasized that “Shame” is a series for and about teenage girls, she says and continues:

– But Isaac has been a very exciting figure since the beginning, and the second season ended with some big hints about him.

After the second season set Kleve left with several unanswered questions.

– Is he the one who slept in the booth with Noora and Eskild? Has he been having problems at home, perhaps because of their sexuality? Here there is so much to grasp, and I guess “” Shame “-kommentatorene will have enough to do, also this fall.

– Will not be disappointed

Editorial Director in NRK P3, Hakon Moslet, is tight-lipped when Dagbladet talks with him Wednesday morning.

Moslet will not go into details or say anything about the rationale behind the new protagonist, but he says that even season three will be made in the same “Shame” format as season one and two.

– the trailer speaks for itself, he says and continues:

– We think it will be an amazing season, and fans will not be disappointed.

the fans are split

the fans are shared in their reactions to NRK choice of new “Shame” -hovedperson.

lOVE dRAMA: Other season revolved largely about love drama between Noora and William. Photo: NRK more

While some rejoicing to see more of Isaac, expressing his fellow disappointment at the closed “Shame” group on Facebook, which has nearly 47,000 members.

Several wrote that they wish that the choice fell on William or boys’ Chris, while some believe that NRK will lose viewers because of the election.

” I do not know how they do not see themselves that they are going to lose viewers on this. Had been much smarter of them to let the boys have their own series, than to just throw away the girls. Shame was about the girls, not the boys. “Writes a” shame “-fan on the Facebook group.

But it is not all that is equally critical. Comments of Facebook characterized by pink hearts, and comments like “Happiness,” “So insanely happy” and “I love it.”

Some also writes that it looks forward to “a different perspective” in series, and that it is “good with variations.”

– Sexy trailer

gANG ALLIANCE: During the first and second season of “Shame” has viewers come close to this girl gang at Hartvig Nissen high school. In the third season, it may seem that the focus of the series revolves around more toward boys in the series. Photo: NRK more

Marie Kleve believes that the trailer can be a bit like the trailer for season two.

– The sexy trailer reminiscent of the trailer for the second season, only it’s about a – seemingly – gay boy rather than a heterosexual girl. It’s cool and current and very time, for a Norwegian youth series, she says and adds:

– If you can not stand several articles and commentaries about Shame, you should take an extra-long summer holiday.

Director Ingvild Endestad in Mon, association of gender and sexuality diversity, it seems the choice of Isaac as a protagonist is exciting.

– “Shame” has already been voted a very good example to show strong characters with different backgrounds, and they have themed gender and sexuality. That we think has been important. In a series that has a role model position it is exciting that they now choose a young gay assumed as principal, says Endestad Dagbladet.

– Do you think that a larger promotion of Isaac in the series may have ripple effects in any way?

I think that it is important to have role models within the whole spectrum of gender and sexuality in series, and that also allowed to be the main roles and not just bikarakterer. There is at least some to mirror itself in young people, says Fri leader.

Kid Chris + Isaac?

Ingeborg Heldal’s blog editor at Aller Media and avowed “Shame “-fan. But unlike many others, is not Heldal surprised the new lead role.

– I think it’s so exciting that they have chosen Isaac as a new starring role, but I feel yah the thread was put clear through entire season two and in the ending. I also think it will be great fun to see things from the boys’ perspective this time, says Heldal adding:

– We have to also remember that although this season will be about Isaac, so was the William in almost equal measure a starring role as the Noora was in season 2

Heldal seem especially relationship between Isaac and Chris will be interesting to follow.

– We have received many foreshadowed Isaac and Chris may have had something to do with each, but this is currently only speculation. But what happens with Eskild in all this, and who have actually stayed in the booth? There are so many exciting things I hope we will answer during this season, says Heldal and continues:

– Now, they might create new sweaters with Chris + Isaac too, it is the finery for me who have already secured me Noora + Wilhelm sweater, laughing Heldal.

Sana was favorite

NOT HOME PERSON YET: character Sana, played by Iman Meskini, was voted by Dagbladet readers as the character most wanted to get to know in the next season. Photo: NRK more

The series has been acclaimed by young and old through its two seasons. This autumn it is done for season three.

It has since Preseason been speculated who would be starring in the third season of shame.

Dagbladet readers voted the Sana as the hottest candidate. When it is thus clear that the first boy, then Isaac to carry the popular series next season.

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