(Page2): We have previously provided the first glimpses of this year’s Paradise girls and a sneak peek at this year’s Paradise boys.
Last week it was also announced that the artist Sandra Lyng behind this year’s “Paradise “-låt with the song” Moonrise “.
We have well seen that presenter Triana Iglesias this year invites to a brand new hotel.
today, Monday, reveals who is the first hotel guests.
the first day is the 13 participants who check into the hotel, five boys and six girls.
Side2′ve even been to Mexico and met participants. More information and interviews with Paradise guests and images are therefore published during the coming days.
In image series of gets you a little better acquainted with this year’s guests of Paradise Hotel in 2016!
This is the sixth time DiCaprio has been nominated for an Oscar, but therefore the first time he reached the top.
The last time he had the chance was two years ago, when he was nominated twice for “The Wolf of Wall Street.” In addition to a nomination in the category Best Actor, he was then also nominated as producer for Best Picture.
DiCaprio thanked his colleagues in the film and expressed their support for the fight against climate change.
On social media was superstar naturally hailed, but surprisingly it was the big German club Bayern Munich sent a personal greeting.
The tribute was, if you’ve seen The Revenant, reasonably elegant.
Leonardo DiCaprio grunted, crawled and hissed into an Oscar for his interpretation of Hugh Glass in Alejandro G. Iñárritus “The Revenant” under the 88 Oscar ceremony on Monday night.
And it was high time that DiCaprio received a statuette – was probably the pervasive perception.
also read: These wins Oscar night!
Here are five movies he could well won for:
Whats Eating Gilbert Grape? (1993, Lasse Hallström)
19 year old played Leonardo DiCaprio role of Gilbert Grapes (Johnny Depp) mentally retarded younger brother Arnie looked credibility that he more or less stole the show. He received an Oscar nomination for the role, but lost to Tommy Lee Jones in “The Fugitive”.
The Departed (2006, Martin Scorsese)
One of the best gangster films in the past decade. Leo plays “Billy”, which is undercover to get close to gangster Jack Costello (Jack Nicholson). Frustration is spreading when the only police chief who knows about Leos undercover door. One of DiCaprio’s best contributions of all time.
Catch Me If You Can (2002, Steven Spielberg)
DiCaprio plays scammer Frank Abagnale jr., Who hunted by investigator Carl Hanratty (Tom Hanks). Classic Cat and Mouse movie where we follow the true story of Abagnale Jr.. Here shows DiCaprio both the humble, cunning, charming and stressful side of themselves. There was unfortunately no Oscar nomination for the role, but still an entertaining and good film we will remember for a long time.
The Aviator (2005, Martin Scorsese)
DiCaprio’s first nomination as best actor, and with good reason. Leo portraying director, multi-millionaire and aviation enthusiasts Howard Hughes, who enjoying the babes as Cate Blanchett, Kate Beckinsale and Gwen Stefani. The film goes probably not into the history books as one of the very best films portraying a historical figure, but we will probably all remember DiCaprio good interpretation of Hughes.
The Wolf of Wall Street (2013, Martin Scorsese)
Scorsese and DiCaprio is obviously a good combo. Once again Leo nominated for an Oscar for best male hovedrolel – and once again he lost. This time Matthew McConaughey in “Dallas Buyers Club”. Here plays Leo stockbroker Jordan Belfort, and is brilliant vulgar and disruptive role.
PS: Leonardo DiCaprio has been nominated four times for Best Actor for his work in the films “The Aviator,” “Blood Diamond,” “The Wolf of Wall Street” and “The Revenant”. He has also been nominated for Best Supporting Actress (Whats Eating Gilbert Grape) and for best producer ( “The Wolf of Wall Street”).
Ikke siden 2010 har flere sett den norske finalen i Melodi Grand Prix.
Da ble finalen sett av 1.382.000 seere. Siden den gang har tallene for den norske finalen vært varierende, men aldri så høye som nå på lørdag. Da Agnete Johnsen gikk til topps sist lørdag med låten «Icebreaker», spratt seertallene opp i 1,3 millioner seere.
At MGP samler folket viser også markedsandelen. Av samtlige som satt foran en TV-skjerm klokken 21.00 sist lørdag, valgte over 71 prosent å se konkurransen fra Oslo Spektrum.
2003: 1.394.000
2004: 1.228.000
2005: 1.352.000
2006: 1.264.000
2007: 986.000
2008: 1.129.000
2009: 1.524.000
2010: 1.382.000
2011: 1.304.000
2012: 1.223.000
2013. 980.000
2014: 761.000
2015: 1.257.000
2016: 1.313.000
Årets finale hadde 56.000 flere seere enn i fjor.
- Dette ble den folkefesten vi håpet det skulle bli. I forkant har det vært noen kritiske røster som mente at interesser har dabbet av. Dette motbeviser vel det. Dette var uten tvil musikkens nasjonaldag, sier
Stig Karlsen, prosjektleder i Melodi Grand Prix i NRK.
Morten Thomassen, leder av den norske MGP-klubben mener NRK og ikke minst musikksjef Jan Fredrik Karlsen har klart å skape en forventing hos TV-seerne.
- Jan Fredrik Karlsen er veldig flink til å prate opp ting, og han har også en tendens til å holde det han lover. Så da har folk trodd på at dette kom til å bli gøy. Samtidig har NRK kjørte noen oppvarmingsprogrammer, slik at seerne har vært oppmerksomme på at det var MGP, sier Thomassen.
Han tror også at mangelen av delfinaler gjør at seerne ikke rekker å bli lei av MGP før den store finalen.
- Ettersom det nå bare er én sending, så rekker ikke folk å bli lei. Når du ikke vet hva som kommer av låter, må du nesten se programmet for å se hva som kommer. Dessuten har Norge lange seertradisjoner med å se på MGP, sier Thomassen.
On Monday 14 March, opens TV3 doors for the season premiere of the popular reality show “Paradise Hotel”.
The recording of the eighth season is fully underway in Mexico, and now you can finally meet this year’s participants.
When Seoghør.no met the lively gang in Mexico, they do not hide the fact that they look forward to the adventure begins.
– It is not often that one gets to something like that, so then you have to just take it in stride, says Jonas Malvik Ulseth (20) to Seoghør.no.
• Other participants and read more about them in bildespesialen upper case.
– Flink lying
There is a big difference between this year’s female participants. While Nina Martnas (25) claims she has a very high IQ, others a little more modest.
– I have not thought so much of participation, because I tend not to think of the consequences before they come, says Henriette Otervik (22).
it’s no secret that the tactical game is a big part of the reality competition, and several of the participants stood prepared.
– I’m a good liar, and part of my tactic is to lie very much, says Øystein Bakken STORÅS (21).
– lovely bouquet
This year, checked gang into a brand new hotel, and press officer in TV3, Line Vee Hanum reveals that she is very pleased with this year’s contestants.
– Participants are as usual a long and complex bouquet. I will say that I have rarely seen such a well-trimmed lads as this year, we talk push-ups in all breaks.
– girls are everything from trim queens to bone hard and astute players.
The romance of
Now fans can rejoice to follow on who takes over victory hat by Martine Sjøhaug and Pierre Louis Olsson. Last year’s season commanded namely the much drama, both before and after the program. Martine Sjøhaug and Pierre Louis Olsson won the competition together and became lovers in the hotel.
It was a scandal, when TV3 showed a sex scene between the couple, without censorship. Shortly after they returned from Mexico, revealed Seoghør.no that romance between Martine and Pierre was over.
(Dagbladet): There has been this year’s big Oscar talking point that Leonardo DiCaprio (41) may finally, after three previous nominations in the same category, could win the golden statuette this time.
And the night was clear: DiCaprio takes home the award for best Actor for his work in “the Revenant”.
Brie Larson (26) won for best female Leading role for her role in “Room,” while in sheer numbers was the “Mad Max: Fury Road” that took home the most awards. Each of the winners can be found here. Thank speech devoted DiCaprio to an issue that has concerned the actor for a long time: The climate crisis.
– To create “The Revenant “dealt with man’s relationship to nature. 2015 was the all-time warmest years. Climate change is real, and now takes place, the biggest threat we face. We must stop linger and support executives worldwide who speak for humanity and indigenous peoples who are most affected by this. Let us not take the planet for granted, I do not take this evening for granted, said DiCaprio.
Not surprised
Dagbladet film expert and -Review Inger Merete Hobbelstad had not expected any other winner than DiCaprio.
– All’d keeled over from shock if he had not won . This was a clear example of a total Hollywood thought it was about time that one of their most famous and serious men were rewarded with the greatest prize they have, says Hobbelstad continues:
– DiCaprio is good in “the Revenant”, though it probably is not the best the role he has done. It is intense and requires great range, but are not written to be particularly deep. Still a nice recognition for one who has consistently used star power its to intelligent adult movies made. Typically him that he spent most of his acceptance speech to encourage measures to combat global warming.
Oscar for breakthrough
Brie Larson was a big favorite to win Best Actress, and get praised by Hobbelstad efforts in the emotional drama “Room”.
– a young actor who gets an obvious breakthrough with “Room”, where she makes an amazing feat as a young girl who has been held in sexual captivity for several years and had a child there. “Room” is an exploration of a very special relationship between a mother and a son and also genuinely exciting. There is also a film that is largely borne by the actors, and it’s nice that Oscar voters recognize, says film expert.
– DiCaprio’s trip this year
DiCaprio has previously told how tough recording period wilderness thriller “the Revenant” was. Now he has thus been amply rewarded for their efforts with the Golden Globe- and Academy Awards.
When Dagbladet asked Norwegian film experts before distribution, they agreed that it was DiCaprio who was going to win Best Actor.
– Now it’s DiCaprio’s turn. This year thinking hopefully Oscar Academy the same as the people giving him the prize, said NRK Birger Vestmo.
DiCaprio has thus been nominated for best leading total of four times, for “The Aviator” , “Blood Diamond” and “The Wolf of Wall Street.” He has also been nominated for Best Supporting Actress, as in “What’s Eating Gilbert Grape” from 1997.
This year’s most coveted awards is underway. See all the nominees and winners at the bottom of the matter.
SEOGHØR.NO: Winning an Oscar is one of the biggest an actor can experience, and on Monday night it finally settled the stars who win the prizes below the 88 Oscars.
the awards for “best mannlige- and best Actress”, “best supporting Actress holder”, “best Director” and “best film” is considered among the most prestigious prices to win.
The movie “The Revenant” and Leonardo DiCaprio (41), which has the lead role, is this year’s big favorites.
The film has received twelve Oscar nominations, while “Mad Max: Fury Road,” with Tom Hardy (38) and Charlize Theron (40), is close behind with ten nominations.
case is proceeding under the picture.
TALENT FULL: Leonardo is a big favorite for winning the Academy Award for Best Actor this year. He has already run off with coveted prices under Golde Globe, BAFTA and SAG distributions. NTB Scanpix
FAVOURITE: Leonardo DiCaprio has said that the role of the adventurer and trapper Hugh Glass in “The Revenant” has been the most difficult of his career. NTB Scanpix
DiCaprio has previously been nominated for an Oscar for the films ” What’s Eating Gilbert Grape “(1993),” the Aviator “(2005),” Blood Diamond “(2007) and” the Wolf of Wall Street “(2014), but he has never been joined the coveted statuette home.
this year he has been cheered and priced for his role as Hugh glass in the raw and brutal movie “the Revenant”, and soon time will tell if he finally reached the top as this year “best actor.”
See the dresses at the Oscars in 2016
View large images
the other actors nominated in the same category are Bryan Cranston ( “Trumbo” ), Matt Damon ( “The Martian”), Michael Fassbender ( “Steve Jobs”) and Eddie Redmayne ( “The Danish Girl”).
The case continues below.
joyful reunion: The drama Creed is a spinoff of the popular Rocky films. Here we get a reunion with Rocky Ballboas played by Sylvester Stallone. Here along with colleague Michael B. Jordan in a scene from the movie. NTB Scanpix
The first awards given were for “Best original screenplay.” Here did journalist film “Spotlight” by the statuette, while “The Big Short” won for “Best adapted screenplay.”
Swedish Alicia Vikander (27) will rejoice in one of today’s most coveted Awards . She won namely Oscar for “Best Supporting Actress” for her role in “The Danish Girl”.
Vikander is the girlfriend of Hollywood star Michael Fassbender (38), who plays Harry Hole in ‘The Snowman’ and gave him a kiss on the way up to the stage to receive the award.
– This is crazy. Wow. Thank you so much to the Academy for this crazy the acknowledgment in, she said, among other things while she beamed at his beautiful Louis Vuitton dress behind the microphone.
The case continues below.
BIG MOMENT: Alicia Vikander was very moved when she received her first Oscar statuette. NTB Scanpix
Another who has extensive experience in the industry and hoped on winning his first Oscar night was action hero Sylvester Stallone (69).
He was nominated for “best supporting Actor” for his efforts as Rocky Balboa in “Creed”, but should see beaten by actor Mark Rylance in “Bridge of Spies”.
– I’ve always loved stories. To hear them, see them, be them. So for me it is a great honor to get the opportunity to work with Steven Spielberg – one of our greatest storytellers. And unlike some of the leaders we are presented for these days, he will bring with it huge with love, said Rylance including acceptance speech.
tab for Best Actress, the “Room” star Brie Larson (26) leading the race.
But a lot can happen when your opponents are the talented women Jennifer Lawrence ( “Joy”), Cate Blanchett ( “Carol”) , Charlotte Rampling ( “45 Years”) and Saoirse Ronan ( “Brooklyn”).
See the nominees and winners at the picture!
BIG SMILE: Leonardo Dicaprio and Brie Larson are favorites as Best Actor and Actress in each film. Here won the same prices during SAG awards last month. NTB Scanpix
Here are the nominees. Winners are highlighted in black:
Best film: “Bridge of Spies” “Brooklyn” “Mad Max: Fury Road “ ” Room “ ” The Martian “ ” Spotlight “ ” The Big Short “ ” The Revenant “
Best direction: George Miller – “Mad Max: Fury Road” Adam McKay – “The Big Short” Lenny Abrahamson – “Room” Alejandro González Iñárritu – “The Revenant” Tom McCarthy – “Spotlight”
IN PLACE: Benecio del Toro and Jennifer Garner introduced audience for the nominees for best movie clip. NTB Scanpix
Best Actress: Brie Larson – “Room” > Cate Blanchet – “Carol” Charlotte Rampling – “45 Years” Jennifer Lawrence – “Joy” Saoirse Ronan – “Brooklyn”
Best actor: Bryan Cranston – “Trumbo” Eddie Redmayne – ‘The Danish Girl’ Leonardo DiCaprio – “The Revenant” Matt Damon – “The Martian” Michael Fassbender – “Steve Jobs”
Best supporting Actress: Jennifer Jason Leigh – ‘The Hateful Eight’ Alicia Vikander – ‘The Danish Girl’ > Rooney Mara – “Carol” Kate Winslet – “Steve Jobs” Rachel McAdams – “Spotlight”
Best supporting Actor: Christian Bale – “The Big Short “ Mark Rylance -” Bridge of Spies “ Tom Hardy -” The Revenant “ Sylvester Stallone -” Creed “ Mark Ruffalo – ‘Spotlight “
ON STAGE: Cate Blanchett gave the prizes for best costume design. She had on a dress from Armani Prive. NTB Scanpix
Best original screenplay: “Bridge of Spies” ” ex Machina “ ” inside out “ ” Spotlight “ ” Straight Outta Compton “
Best adapted screenplay: “The Big Short” “Brooklyn” “Carol” “The Martian” “Room”
Best makeup and hair: “Mad Max: Fury Road,” Lesley Vander Walt, Elka Wardega and Damian Martin “hundred-year-old who climbed out the window and disappeared,” Love Larson and Eva von Bahr “The Revenant” Sian Grigg, Duncan Jarman and Robert Pandini
Best production design: “Bridge of Spies” ‘The Danish Girl’ “Mad Max: Fury Road” “The Martian” “The Revenant”
Best costume design: “Carol,” Sandy Powell “Cinderella,” Sandy Powell “The Danish Girl, Paco Delgado ” Mad Max: Fury Road, “Jenny Beavan ” The Revenant, Jacqueline West
Best original music: Thomas Newman for “Bridge of Spies” Carter Burwell for “Carol” Ennio Morricone for “The Hateful Eight” Jóhann Jóhannsson for “Sicario” John Williams’ Star Wars: The Force Awakens “
GOOD MOOD: Margot Robbie and Jared Leto shared out Oscar for best makeup and hair. The price was only one of many Mad Max: Fury Road got this evening. NTB Scanpix
Best Animated Feature: “Anomalisa,” Charlie Kaufman, Duke Johnson and Rosa Tran “Boy and the World”, Ale Abreu (no known Norway premiere) “inside out”, Pete Docter and Jonas Rivera “Shaun the Sheep” Mark Burton and Richard Starzak “Marnie – my secret friend,” Hiromasa Yonebayashi and Yoshiaki Nishimura
Best Cinematography: “Carol,” Ed Lachman ‘The Hateful Eight, “Robert Richardson ” Mad Max: Fury Road, “John Seale ” The Revenant “, Emmanuel Lubezki ” Sicario “Roger Deakins
Best promote language film: Colombia, “Embrace of the Serpent” France, “Mustang” Hungary, “Saul” Jordan, “Theeb – wolf” Denmark, “War”
Best documentary: “Amy” “Cartel Land” “The Look of Silence” “What Happened, Miss Simone?” “Winter on Fire: Ukraine’s Fight for Freedom”
Best movie clips: “The Big Short “ ” Mad Max: Fury Road “ ” The Revenant “ ” Spotlight “ ” Star Wars: The Force Awakens “
ARM IN ARM: Rachel McAdams, who was nominated for Best Supporting Actress for Spotlight, gave the prizes along with actor Michael B. Jordan, known by Oscar-nominated Creed. NTB Scanpix
Best Original Song: EARNED It, “Fifty Shades of Grey” Manta Ray, “Racing Extinction” Writings on the Wall, “Spectre” At It Happens to You, “The Hunting Ground” Simple Song No. 3, “Youth”
Best Visual Effects: “Ex Machina” “Mad Max: Fury Road” “The Martian” “The Revenant” “Star Wars: The Force Awakens”
Best documentary – Short Film: “Body Team 12,” David Darger and Bryn Mooser > “Chau” Beyond the Lines, Courtney Marsh and Jerry Franck “Claude Lanzmann: Spectres of the Shoah,” Adam Benzine “A Girl in the River: The Price of Forgiveness” Sharmeen Obaid-Chinoy “Last Day of Freedom”, Dee Hibbert-Jones and Nomi Talisman
Best animated short: “Bear Story” “Prologue” “Sanjay’s Super Team” We Can not Live Without Cosmos World of Tomorrow
Best Short Film – Live Action: Ave Maria Day One Everything Will Be Okay (Alles Wird Gut) Shok stutterer
Best Sound clips Mad Max: Fury Road The Martian The Revenant Sicario “Star Wars: The Force Awakens”
Best sound mix: Bridge of Spies Mad Max: Fury Road The Martian The Revenant “Star Wars: The force Awakens “
– She has been there in the heaviest time in my life and been through the worst, and I’ve been there for her, says a stirred and clearly proud best friend, Malin Elisabeth Olsen.
She is like the fresh Eurovision winner from Nesseby in eastern Finnmark. The girls have been friends since they were seven years old and Olsen was of course in Oslo Spektrum, when her friend outclassed the competition in this year’s Eurovision final.
– The song was spot on
Agnete has even told that “Icebreaker” is a personal song to a close friend who, like herself has struggled mentally.
at the end of the long session with victory interviews were also girlfriends suddenly interviewee, a challenge she took in stride.
– it was great fun that she would write a song about me, the first time I heard it, I got goose bumps and tears came, and the song was really spot on, says Malin.
– How is it to get their personal problems served as guide for Norway?
– It’s special, I’m not inside the public eye, but it is special that she would write songs for me, I mean just as much for her as she means to me.
Agnete sings winning song
– Proud and touched
Agnete gives her friend a hug when NRK request to get a picture of the girls.
Winner skull from Finnmark are not tougher than she admits it was not easy to sing in the final.
– I have noted strong emotions , has been around and been depressed and have really tried to put me to the time when I wrote the song, it was not easy, but now we have it good, look where we are now, exclaims Agnete, she too was visibly touched.
– This is huge, Malin means so very much to me, she adds.
Malin nodded and smiled and thought it was great to experience vennine Eurovision success .
– When Agnete wants something she gets it, it’s incredibly moving to see how good she is, you have no idea how wonderful it is, I get tears in my eyes just me talking about it, says Malin.
childhood girlfriends from Nesseby have allered begun to look forward to tEurovision Song Contest party in Stockholm.
Photo: Mette Ballo Vara / NRK
– We book tickets
There is hardly anyone who is in doubt who is also going to find themselves backstage in Stockholm during the semifinals of the Eurovision Song Contest 2016.
– I hope that Malin will with me to Stockholm, says Agnete and her friend nodded eagerly.
– We have to book tickets right away, it will be fantastic and she will win the whole thing, says Malin while it spreads enough a big smile across his face.
Agnete is declared the winner of Eurovision-2016. She could hardly believe it was true.
“Ka s what happened?” This was Agnete Johnsen’s first thought when she was finally alone in the hotel room after the victory in Eurovision Saturday night.
VG met a happy and overjoyed MGP-winner Sunday morning. She had gotten himself some tiny hours of sleep, without putting a damper on the joy. But a small party was.
– It was very, very cozy. I attached a little with my family, my friends, and we danced and drank some wine. It was incredibly cozy, although there was a slightly long night, says Agnete Johnsen (twenty-one) VG.
In the silence after all the frankincense round victory, alone in the hotel room, she asked herself; What happened now?
READ ALSO: Agnetes wins journey started at age 13.
– I do indeed yet, I do not think it has completely gone up for me. It was so strange to see Facebook’en my full of congratulations, and … No, this is crazy. I guess I have not really landed yet, she said.
She admits that she was very nervous before she came on stage Saturday night.
– You get it when you want to make the best possible . On broadcast I just had to put aside the high expectations I had for myself and just enjoy myself. Then I felt a lot more confident about myself, and … yes, it went well, fortunately!
A positive push in the back she got by her best friend Malin Elisabeth Olsen (20) Agnete wrote ” Icebreaker ‘to.
SET THIS ?: Here’s the girl Agnete Johnsen sing about!
– it helped very, and she was the last I saw on backstage before I went on stage. It helped me to be focused and to take me back to the period when we wrote the song, to get the right feelings, she says.
The NEXT DAY: A tired, but very happy Agnete Johnsen met VG the day after she took first prize in the Norwegian final of Melodi Grand Prix.
Photo: Ingelow Elise Kopperud
Agnete, which is open on that she has gone on a few mental slams, says she never is more creative than when she is depressed. “Icebreaker” she wrote to Malin who have struggled with the same problems.
READ ALSO: Here, Jahn shock comeback MGP-stage
– The writing is therapy for me, I write lots and intensely when I’m far down. I am incredibly proud “Icebreaker” and loves to perform it, precisely because it means so much to me. It’s sick to think that it came into being because of a friendship that has lasted since I was eight and she seven years, says Agnete Johnsen.
She now hopes that Malin may help to Stockholm in May .
– I hope really. She is an insanely great support for me, she said.
THIS believed VG about this year’s Eurovision contributions Saturday night
was Agnete even who submitted “Icebreaker” under consideration by MGP-general Jan Fredrik Karlsen’s team. The song was below a songwriter camp in the Netherlands, where she was placed in a group of British Ian Curnow (who has written for, among others, Kylie Minogue, Boyzone and Rick Astley) and Swedish Gabriel Alar.
Alara is not just anybody; he was part of the team that wrote “A Million Voices” for Russia’s Polina Gagarina in Vienna last year. It ended in another place, closely behind Swedish Måns Zelmerlöw.
Now pleasures Agnete to weeks leading up to the international final in Stockholm, although she naturally has not had time to look at what she can work with to hone their efforts in Eurovision.
– I must land a little and take this inward me until I see what I can work harder. But I’m ready! I just need some rest first, and I’m glad that I get!