(Page2) Joralf Gjerstad, best known as Snåsa man, has received much criticism for their business. Meanwhile, says 50,000 people that he has helped them.
Now Margreth Olin ready with the documentary film “The Man from Snåsa.” She takes us into Gjerstad and shows what happens when he tries to help.
The film is the first in which Snåsa man allows someone to be with him into the treatment situation.
Two of the people he helps in the film, Kare Ohnstad and Kristiane Bøgwald. Ohnstad has had several physical problems after a fall of several meters, while Bøgwald struggling with anxiety. We’ve met them in connection with the butchering.
– I do not believe in some things
Kåre Ohnstad said he was very skeptical before he visited Gjerstad.
– My wife thought it was strange that I was going to him, I who believe that “spiritual power” is just nonsense and who do not believe in some things, he laughs.
And skepticism was no less when he met Gjerstad first time.
– I remember when I would see him I thought I would check if he had warm hands. But they were freezing! Then I thought that this was nonsense, he says, and continues:
– But I was surprised.
Kristiane Bøgwald meetings Joralf Gjerstad.
Norwegian Filmdistribusjon / Speranza Film
Was nervous
Kristiane Bøgwald was nearly as skeptical as Ohnstad. But she was unsure what the meeting with Snåsa man would give her.
– I thought he could not make me completely healthy, I expected no panacea. But I was hoping for a joyful experience, tells she said.
And she is pleased with the result:
– I think it went beyond all expectations. Just before I met him had Margreth made an in-depth interview in my hotel room where I talked about a lot which was uncomfortable, so I was somewhat degraded. This peeled off when I got to him. I did not go into a role, did not make me.
– It was a nice experience, she says.
Could move hand
Kåre Ohnstad had struggled with several problems after it ugly fall six years earlier. Among other things, he was rigid in the wrist and neck. Only small movements could cause severe pain and get a sweat.
He says he tried to hold back when Gjerstad began healing. But it did not.
– He took on my neck, and it was so hot as an irradiator. I was very surprised. Suddenly thrust it down, and I could move my hand again, he says.
Before the meeting with Gjerstad, had Ohnstad gone to a physiotherapist for several years. After the meeting, had the physiotherapist a simple response:
– He just said, “It was weird.” But he believed in it, for he had a Danish grandfather who also had such capabilities, says Ohnstad.
After this not Ohnstad needed to see the physiotherapist anymore.
– I do not know what happened with him
Still, three years after he was at Gjerstad, can Ohnstad move your hand and neck normal.
– I do not know what happened with him. But it has helped me. Now I can arm-wrestle, play tennis, play golf, he said.
He believes that the meeting has changed him.
– I was a skeptic, now I am a doubter Plus, he explains.
Have been safer wearing even
Kristiane Bøgwald felt Gjerstad really saw her, that he was honest and little judgmental. She got talked out about feelings she otherwise thought was difficult to talk about.
– After meeting with him, I realized a lot about myself, ‘she says.
She cites the Nordic culture, where Janteloven standing strong.
– One should not believe that it is something, yet one should try to get up and forward, she says.
This is something she has struggled with, and anxiety has also given her bad self. This has greatly improved after the visit in Snåsa.
– I was afraid that many would judge me for what I say in the film, but now I give a damn about them. Joralf inspired me to do it, to give a damn, not to take so much attention all the time, she says.
Norwegian Filmdistribusjon / Speranza Film
Skeptical father
The first year after the filming, there were only a few people who got to know about it.
– I told it to my mother, but my father I told it to first just before Christmas last year. My father is a psychiatrist. We’ve talked about Snåsa man before, and he think it’s just nonsense, it just about placebo. But he took the news well, and he would like to see the film, she says.
– Placebo is a force in itself
If her father were correct, and it Gjerstad patients experiencing is placebo, do not seem Bøgwald that it does something.
– If there is a placebo, so it is a force itself. Look at the girl with lockouts in the neck in the film, and she was not understood by doctors … They got help from him, she says.
She also mentions that there are many myths about Gjerstad, and that several of these are revealed in the film.
– Many people believe that he will cure everything, but he does not. He asks people go to the doctor with many problems, but helps with what he can. I hope the critics see the movie, because it is more nuanced than is often portrayed in the media, she says.
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