The poet Yahya Hassan blei e litterær super Stjerne of Denmark when he was 18 years old gave out the kritikarroste poem gathered no «Yahya Hassan» in 2013. Book Selde in over 100,000 eksemplar in Denmark.
The book Tok Hassan EIT oppgjer with dei gammaldagse kjønnsrollene in innvandrarmiljøa in Denmark, but with også early as juvenile criminal. Book skapte reaksjonar, og Hassan must have politi guards deposit box at grunn of trugsmål.
Band Wars
Norwegian politics Heldt guard when Yahya Hassan deltok the EIT arrangement in Oslo in 2014. Photo: cave, Vegard Wivestad / NTB scanpix
But the poet said setter fourth recipe from tough politivaktene. In the town hat has created over writings in Denmark if elected og baptism, og hevdar in hyppige Facebook oppdateringar he ate you in the war to innvandrarbandar in Aarhus.
No spore mange in the Danish kulturmiljøet tenacious about Yahya Hassan ikkje has tolt compaction as følgjer with stjerne status, seier cultural commentator Niels Frid-Nielsen, the Danish Radio til NRK:
– Det er ein utbreidd frykt-in to he s out of control og ikkje klarer the rule tenacious. If we les his Facebook page, we see that he s veldig valdsfiksert.
Yahya Hassan s varetektsfengsla in fire veker. Lovbrota he is your aim for the e strafferamme on seks years. But he Sjølv nectar criminal guilt for what hendte. Fleire Danish Aviser Spor tough today kVA eigentleg lie behind skyteepisoden. It becomes blant anna spekulert in it Heile can vere EIT PR stunt that got out of control. But Hassan gets også støtte recipe from to Danish forfattarar.
Ikkje godt nok Budd?
Commentary Niels Frid-Nielsen, the Danish Radio you derimot usikker on whether Hassan was godt nok Budd at the merksemda he fekk flick debut:
– You can gjerne samanlikne he American rapstjerner, which også kjem recipe from gettoen. We have made him til ein «media darling”, but on the bu he Korleis it is on live in søkelyset deposit box.
Lene Hillestad in Vindtorn Festival vil snakke of ytringsfridom og poetry, Sjølv of Yahya Hassan ikkje kjem til Drammen in April. Photo: Morten W. Røkeberg / NRK
Yahya Hassan scale banquets plan Komi with e new collection of poems til hausten. Hendingane dei last dagane shell ifølge Forlaget Gyldendal ikkje vere til obstacles. Dei write in ein email til Berlingske at dei ventar on the manuscript, og at dei reknar on kunne g in the book as scheduled.
Hassan s også til invitert Poetry Festival Vindtorn Festival in Drammen no in April. Der he would snakke of ytringsfridom og poetry in Samtale with Vebjørn Selbekk, but no you there usikkert kVA skjer, seier practical ansvarleg Lena Hill City til NRK:
– We kjem til å proceed with tematikken uavhengig of about Yahya Hassan kjem or ikkje. Selbekk kjem uansett, so we are working on alternative feeds, we can take up dette regards to the subject on.
book application
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