You remember Tjorven? The chat happy, little girl, who was almost inseparable from St. Bernard dog Boatswain in the TV series “We at Saltkråkan.”
Astrid Lindgren series aired on TV the first time in 1964 and premiered at NRK following year.
Since then it has been rebroadcast a number of times, and has become a folk favorite across generations.
(the article continues below.)
Actress Maria Johansson is probably best known as Tjorven for us Norway. Today, she 60 years. Here she is pictured in 2012. Photo: Dan Hansson / Svd / Tt / Svenska Dagbladet
The director drew star
today fills actress, Maria Johansson, 60.
In an interview with Swedish news today she tells us about how she got the role as six years old.
– It was auditioned on Maximteatern at Karlaplan. We should do a few simple things. I thought it was funny. When they called and said I had got the role, I said bråkjekt: “I already know that.” “How so?” Wondered dad. “I saw that Uncle Olle (Hellbom, director) signed an asterisk by my name.”
Maria Johansson played” Tjorven “in” We the Saltkråkan “. Photo: NRK / NTB Theme
And through television series and subsequent feature films from the Swedish archipelago, was Johansson’s character beloved here in Norway.
But all the attention was in excess of the actor.
– in 1998 I got enough. I was really tired of constantly being evaluated and considered, she says to Dagens Nyheter.
Today Johansson professor at Stockholm dramatic college, and wrote in 2012 doctoral thesis “Skådespelarens practical knowledge.”
for the Swedish website she says that this is exactly what got her to quit now that she is most curious about: What happens when you are judged and considered? Of our surroundings, of colleagues and not least by itself.
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