Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Organizer react to police say depiction – Sunnmørsposten

The reason for this, according to Olav Saure, responsible for safe Heita the arrangement, it is the police’s communication on Twitter and operational managerial say depiction which alone is the source of these headings.

No, he has send a written letter to police say evaluation of the event.

– In connection with the organization of large dance and anniversary with Vassendgutane May 14th, we are not satisfied with the police say depiction of dei actual relations at event held. In our meaningfulness this storm EiT wading glass and police is a long way out of step with the public and arranger, type Saure.

He write that during the whole evening was all guards active both inside and outside of the earliest advice to prevent scuffles and saman swig between the audience and that guards several times, stopped people who were binge rusa and quarrelsome. – As we “day then” woke up to big negative headlines in both local and riksdekkjande medium we feel not again of the wonderful evening we tended able for both langvegsfarande and local fans of both Vassendgutane and the other two groups. This is where the police’s Twitter account and operational managerial say depiction which alone is the source of these headings, type Saure.


The police report that was more incidents of violence. Saure victory that episode as the police accused to surely correct, but that they lasted taken care of with ein time.

He says and that he not tek light on the cases that were, but that Depictions of the scale is overdoing it.

– Naturally are unacceptable dei few people who exercised blind violence, but I do not see how we can weed out they get weeds as fine-society around us, the same how many guards or police who are on this page.

– Was there is much alcohol?

– if you tone than EiT church event, then yes, but if you tone than ein village party, then no. Those who were binge rusa fekk not buy more alcohol and lasted been followed out.


There were 2,000 persons visited the event in Kiwi Hall in Ørsta on 14 May. Organizers had leigd into an extra policing to ensure what is referred to as a great events in Ørsta, in

consequence letter.

In addition, there were many from the Red Cross facility and a vaktlag from Ørsta Fire and Rescue. Saure write that this together, it was well over a hundred guards were uniformed with guard west during the event.

He write that they like the organizer of this annual dance and organizer of the May 17th event held in Ørsta getting into highly welcome pengar in club checkout, as the host used among other things to good ATTITUDE creative work for children and young people.

– Ørsta football are therefore extremely vulnerable to police their pronunciation reader where they shot gives att Ørsta like a “battlefield” after this dance. This is both misleading and erroneous information from the police side, and we have a one feeling they have not Vore at the same pleasant party event we others, enter Saure.

And he held up:

– We see that the police’s operation owner not’m impressed with our work. This will be his utsegn. We meiner self that not someone situation by dancing and around was out of control this evening.

Finally wish he advice from the police about what they can do really liked this next opportunity.


Per Aage Ferstad was operational Head of police in western Norway that evening, and it was he who send out tweets from the police.

– Eg referring succinctly about dei the events as fann place. That should I do if there is an events in Ålesund or whether it is in connection with EiT event like this, he says.

He says that he has not spoken out about the organizer of the total.

– Eg has not pronounced me about the event or the organizer. I told ein journalist on an follow-up questions that episode not was good and we had seen many drunkenness and bad behavior.


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