The road leading up to the new government quarter in Oslo has been long and tedious.
Friday took the process one step further, as Statsbygg presented its proposal for zoning for the area.
– we will now work with the new government quarter into a new phase, and the proposal now on the table, safeguards the goals we have set, says municipal Minister Jan Tore Sanner (H) to NRK.
Bet dense and low
These are the main features of Statsbygg suggestions:
- the new government quarter prevented concentrated in a limited area and in moderate height.
- most of the new buildings will be added between Grubbegata and Møllergata.
- the top two floors in high-rise proposed demolished and four new floors proposed built. High-rise building remains the tallest building in the quarter.
- A new building is entered north of today’s High-rise building.
- The whole area is kept open for pedestrians and cyclists but traffic is limited.
- the inner ring road in Oslo, ring 1 is lowered. A new park constructed on top.
- Fuse zone around the block expands.
H-block remains the highest
Previously, it was known that the government wanted to demolish the top two floors of the high-rise, and replace them with four new ones. The new high-rise will be 68 meters high, against the current 56 meters.
Several of the earlier sketches to new government quarter added up to build in height, but Statsbygg plan envisages that the new high-rise continue to loom over the rest of the quarter.
– the high-rise has since it was built in 1958 symbolized the executive Authority in Norway. I’m glad we protect the qualities of high-rise and built again becomes government quarter midpoint and government meeting, says Sanner.
The characteristic Y-block proposed that awaited demolished, despite the fact that several, among them Directorate for Cultural Heritage Jørn Holme , has called for reversing the decision.
Restricts competition to Norwegian nationals
at the press conference announced Statsbygg also how the architectural competition for the new quarter to take place.
architects and engineers will have to go together in groups to deliver solutions, and all who wish to participate must qualify in advance.
in addition, the winners will have to get security clearance by the Norwegian authorities. Thus, it will be difficult for foreign firms to participate in the competition.
– In practice this means that you must be a Norwegian citizen or have strong ties to Norway, says Statsbygg project director Knut Jorgensen told NRK.
Still long way to go
the new government quarter are scheduled to accommodate all ministries minus Ministry of Defence when it is expected to be completed sometime between 2023 and 2025.
the proposed zoning is now out for consultation until 31 October. The final plan for the new government quarter is expected to be ready in 2016 or early in 2017.
The proposal is also presented in a separate permanent display in July 22 center from Friday .
PLAN READY: On Friday Statsbygg forward the proposed zoning for the new government quarter. The sketch shows the area seen from the west, and will demonstrate how new buildings are planned position in relation to the existing buildings.
Photo: Nordic Office of Architecture / Public Construction
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