Mobile game “Pokemon Go” has been out of the US market for two weeks and on the European market in one week, but it was not until today, Friday, that the game was released in Pokémon’s homeland Japan.
SPONSORED : McDonald’s is an official sponsor of Pokémon Go in Japan, and has pokégymmer on all its 3000 restaurants.
the game was originally to have been released yesterday, but the launch was postponed because the capacity of the servers that control the game has been blown up.
Fast chain McDonalds is also an official sponsor of the game in Japan, and in every one of the around 3,000 restaurants in the country should be a pokegym. So somewhere you can train and compete against other players.
– Feverish mood
Rune Fjeld Olsen’s play journalist in Level Up Norway and former game reviewer in VG. These days he is on vacation in Tokyo with his family.
– Japanese are very fond of Pokémon and they are very happy in mobile games. The combination means that there are very many who have gone and looked forward to the launch, says Olsen.
According games journalist has at times been a feverish mood in Japan while people have been waiting for the game.
– Wherever you go now, so people play Pokemon go. You do not go longer than three meters down the street, so it’s somebody who has the game on the phone.
Olsen says that Pokémon has been big in Japan since the game was launched on 90- s.
– Chaos reigned might happen if a lot of people show up at the same place at the same time because it has appeared rare Pokémon there. It’s only a matter of time before it happens, says Olsen.
Running Intrinsic Safety Campaign
SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS Japan announced the launch of Pokémon Go a separate safety campaign. This is one of the posters that were hung up.
Photo: AP
Japanese authorities introduced a safety campaign for “Pokemon Go,” even before the game was released on the Japanese market.
the campaign consists of nine points that encourages people to be careful while playing. The reason for it to be all the accidents and unfortunate incidents that happened because of the game.
The nine safety rules for “Pokemon Go” in Japan
- always make sure your personal information.
- Beware of false applications and cheating tool.
- Download a Weather app so you are not surprised by bad weather.
- Beware of heatstroke.
- Bring spare.
- Be prepared with options for contacting family members.
- Do not go into dangerous or vulnerable areas.
- Resist encounters with strangers who want and hit.
- Do not use your phone while walking.
People have just been stuck in mines, robbed and injured themselves because they played the game.
Security campaign seems not to have helped quite. Only hours after the launch fell a Japanese student down a staircase while he played and had to be rushed to hospital.
Also in other parts of the world races Pokémon chaos. In the United States, where the game was first released, became a journalist caught red-handed in the US State Department when he played the game during a press conference about the terrorist organization IS.
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