(Page2): Aksel Hennie has spent the last month in Los Angeles, where he recorded the film “The God Particle”. Now actor in Norway to promote Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation series “Nobel”, which premieres on September 25.
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“Nobel” is made by the creators of “The Heavy Water War” and “The Half Brother” and has a budget of about 68 million. The series is about the Afghanistan war, and takes us into the reality of the Norwegian soldiers who fought in the war. Although the series is based on real events, says Hennie the script tells a very important story.
– The script is about a life and an environment that we in Norway have no particular tradition of telling about. We talk about ourselves as a nation of peace when we demonstrably war in other countries in the world. But there we are talking very little about, says Hennie to Page2.
See interview with Aksel Hennie bottom of the case!
WANTS DEBATE: – it is the Norwegian culture and history I know the most about, so for me it was a platitude to say yes to a script with such a theme, says Aksel Hennie.
A matter of course say yes
Hennie has been much abroad in recent years, and is today the largest international film actor with roles in including “Hercules” and “the Martian”. the role of Lieutenant Erling Riiser Hennies first role in a Norwegian TV series.
But even if Hennie thrives with actor existence in Hollywood, he was in no doubt what he would do when he got an offer to play in the “Nobel”.
– Firstly, the script is incredibly interesting. In addition, the series is directed by one of my best friends, Per Olav Sørensen, who is a man I have incredible respect for. The roles filled by one flock of super good actors that I’ve wanted to work with long, says Hennie, and continues:
– In addition, the main audience my Norwegian. It is the Norwegian culture and history I know the most about, so for me it was a platitude to say yes to a script with such a theme.
Watch the trailer for “Nobel” at:
Want conversation and dialogue
Although Hennie has spent much time abroad, he is often in Norway.
– Family and friends are very important to me, and this is where I have my base. So I’m very much at home.
– You’ve played in several major Hollywood films in recent years, is it that you can now pick and choose roles?
– I feel absolutely that I’m in a good place, and I get to choose the projects I think are important. Yes, I have more offers than before, but I choose the same criteria as I have always done. My whole career is based on that I do the things I think are valuable to the public, while it is interesting and engaging for me.
Now he hopes “Nobel” will generate debate among Norwegian TV viewers.
– All literature, film and art in general are made to engage. Just what I want also with “Nobel”, that people will be interested and engaged, and that it started a form of conversation and dialogue around the theme that we who have made the series feel is important.
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