Nedskjæringene in the crisis-hit media house continues.
From before has 63 people been granted a severance package in the ongoing spareprosessen. The deadline to apply passed out 16. september.
The employees called in to allmøte Thursday.
” get lit by several sources in the TV 2 system that a further 60 employees have to go. Some sources, however, far more pessimistic and mention the far higher number.
Need to save 350 million
the club manager in the TV2 Henrikke Helland don’t want to comment on the information face of the VG.
I can’t comment on anything before the exact number is known, she says.
Nor Jan-Petter Dahl, head of communication at TV 2, will comment on the matter before the assembly in the morning.
Last week, the enlightened organization – and director of communications, Sarah C. J. Willand to Medier24 that there will be a further need to reduce the number of employees, but that the specific number will be made known on Thursday’s strategiframleggelse.
Already in January came the first sign that TV 2 should tighten into when they went out and stated that they will save 350 million until 2020. Even if everything can’t be taken with downsizing, it is speculated that between 100 and 200 employees must go from the channel, wrote Medier24.
TV 2-profile: – Here it is just to take the money and run
the Board of directors will take the position of kuttplanene Thursday morning. The plans presented to the employees in a allmøte the clock, 11: 30 am, with subsequent avdelingsvise meetings.
A variety of profiles have gone
Among those employees who have expressed concern around the channel cuts are the profile sportskommentatoren Davy Wathne.
I think it will be bloody and terrible tough – much uglier and painful than we have gone around and thought, he said to VG in the end of august.
Among TV-the profiles that have taken the severance package is Nils Gunnar Lie, Jan Øyvind Helgesen, Signe Thinning, Mah-Rukh Ali and Jan Ove Ekeberg.
In the sportsavdelingen disappear Jahn Ivar “Mini” Jacobsen, Thomas Aune, Freddy Dos Santos, Ole Martin Årst and Aleksander Schau, but not all of these have been permanent employees in the channel.
you Got with you?: Desta Marie ends as a host
Also, viewing has plummeted this fall. Figures from the mediebyrået RED shows that TV2 has had a decrease from 46 minutes seertid in september 2015 for 38 minutes so far in september, writes the Newspaper.
Also the bigger the programs have struggled with seertiden this fall. Last Friday noted the flagship “Senkveld” the season’s preliminary bunnotering with just 337.000 viewers.
(PAGE2):- I think it is touching and sad that she has not experienced the “roll” and “hook”, says Philip Wennersten (18) to Page2.
He is bussjef on a russebuss on Nordstrand, and have contacted Sandra Heather (29), in the hope that she will be with them on a russefest. The reason is that the artist and blogger from Mosjøen on Thursday put out a blog post where she writes that she thinks it is a pity she missed the russefeiringen:
Philip Wennersten is bussjef on a russebuss from Nordstrand. They will be happy to have Sandra Lyng on scrolling.
“When I started in high school challenged me also on the Idol. I was 16 and didn’t think anything more should happen than that I should get experience with the audition and maybe a nice trip to Trondheim, norway – the place where the Idol audition was held. But then it went the my way! I came not only on, but was in addition in the competition for almost a half a year.
ALSO READ: Bought the apartment with her boyfriend
Sandra Lyng dropped the school – focused on the music
Sandra Lyng came in fourth place in Idol in 2004, the year when Margaret Berger was a participant, and Kjartan Salvesen won sangkonkurransen. This was the start of a 29-åringens artistkarriere. It also led to that the school was replaced with turnèlivet, and thus, it was not russefeiring.
“because of the Idol, and everything that came with it in the form of the later album and toured I dropped halfway out of the school. I read on my own, but was unfortunately never experienced it to be russ”, write Sandra on the blog.
READ the CASE: the royal couple are ready for the “scrolling”
Philip and 26 comrades are ready for russefeiringen 2017.
- We are an energetic guttegjeng
Philip got tips on sandra’s blog post through a mate, and think it would be cool if she was with them on the “scrolling” – that is to say to attach the russebussen while running around.
the Word was really known through NRK tv-series “Shame”, where one of the main characters, William, russ.
Friday release Sandra Lyng partylåta LIQR. But it is not yet known whether she has accepted to stick with the russegutta from Nordstrand.
- I have sent her invitation on Facebook, so I hope she sees it soon. She can bring some friends if she wants, so she gets experienced the scrolling, since she has not done it before, ” says the upcoming russen.
Philip tells you that they are 26 persons on the russebussen on the Nordstrand. How to stick with them yet he does not know.
We are at least a bunch of energetic boys who are well prepared to have fun. The evening with Sandra will be that we start with the vorsch at one of the bussmedlemmene, then retrieves the bus’s and we rolls from like that around at 23. So we hold on until she cannot take it any more.
- Therefore, one should be russ
Philip believes showed, is an important experience since it only happens once in a lifetime.
So then the bus to the Philip and de 26 mates out when they bought it. Now, is it to renovations, and will soon renamed.
- This is something you can’t go back to. You experience it only once, and there are a lot of pranks and fun.
The 26 the friends are already well underway with the preparations for the next year. They have begun to fix the bus, and right now is the at a company for further upgrade.
- Now the bus at a oppussingsfirma as “pimper” the bus as we wish. We have spent a large sum to fix it, ” says Philip, and doubt before he reveals the budget:
- There are probably well over a million.
For their part starts russefeiringen just over a month before 17.may. Then it is the view of the buses, before the “scrolling” begins.
ALSO READ the CASE: “Insanely Perfect”-Martine (18): – I would like to ask russejentene to sharpen
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(Dagbladet): TV 2 will cut 113 full-time employees. These are in addition to the 64 employees who have already accepted the severance package. It writes the CHANNELS 2 in a press release Thursday.
the press release went out after the staff in the TV-2 was informed about the spareplanene on a allmøte.
- Our goal is to achieve as many volunteers as possible solutions. Now we are going to together with union representatives to discuss the further process, ” says the managing director of the channel, Olav T. Sandnes in the press release.
INFORMS: Sandnes during the assembly of the TV 2 in Bergen. Photo: Jan-Petter Dahl, the TV 2 Show more
Forward to today’s meeting, speculation has gone high regarding whether the TV 2-the management must resort to layoffs to reach the finish with the cuts, and how many thus lose the job.
the Road to 2020
In the press release emphasizes the director that the TV 2 in the for to a large extent dependent on the linear channels, and notifies the increased focus on TV 2 Sumo.
Search for a TV 2 Sumo-director, who will build the new organization is already in motion. The channel has previously suggested a need to save 350 million up to 2020.
Move nyhetsproduksjonen
According to the press release to TV 2 move all the nyhetsproduksjon to TV 2 news channel.
TV 2: Olav T. Sandnes is the editor-in-chief and managing director of TV 2. Photo: Marit Hommedal / NTB scanpix Show more
- In the new organisation will all nyhetsproduksjon take place in TV 2 news channel, says news and sportsredaktør Jan Ove Årsæther.
Karianne Solbrække, today redaksjonssjef in the “Good morning Norway”, the news editor and the chief of the news channel in the new organization.
Årsæther tells that Solbrække starts in his new position, already from today.
Continue allmennkrinkaster
According to the press release want TV 2 to continue as commercial allmennkringkaster. They write that they want to apply for a request for this, and want to deliver daily news broadcasts with the head office in Bergen, as long as it follows a relevant consideration for the additional costs
- We shall deliver the daily news broadcasts, be an alternative nyhetsleverandør and contribute to an enlightened public debate. The balance between Bergen and Oslo is maintained in the new organization, ” says Sandnes.
When the deadline to seek a new deal for commercial public service given out 4. august of this year, selected the TV 2 to let be to submit an application.
- We choose not to apply for the announcement because we can’t take on us extensive and costly additional tasks in a demanding time, as now, without that the followed by a return, said director Sandnes in august.
TV 2 profile Davy Wathne wrote on his Twitter profile in advance of the meeting that this is a pivotal day in TV 2′s history and a crossroads.
Wathne emphasizes to the newspaper Dagbladet that he personally will be affected by spareplanene, but is closely following the the company has has devoted large parts of his professional life to.
- You are very attached to your colleagues to work closely together so that one does here in the TV 2. Many have their first workplace here and bring their identity up to the job they do, ” says Wathne.
Newspaper comes with more. Do you have tips in the matter, contact us at e-mail:
The seven-month-old svenskeprinsen never ceases to charm.
SEOGHØR.EN: IN the beginning of march cheered crown princess Victoria (39) and prince Daniel (43) when the son of prince Oscar came into the world.
the Time has flown since that time, and there are only days left until the little sjarmtrollet is seven months old.
the Prince, whose full name is Oscar Carl Olof, has – just like her big sister Estelle (4) – taken over Sweden with storm.
When kronprinsessen Wednesday inaugurated Öland skördefest which celebrated 20 years, she had with her youngest family member.
the Heart always beats a little extra for Öland. It is a great time of year to be here, she said in a speech, according to Expressen.see.
Friday morning also shared The Swedish royal family a lovely photo of Oscar sitting behind a pumpkin.
- Greeting from Solliden and Ölands skördefest, it is written to the image which is taken by kronprinsessen even.
the Image at the time of writing flipped over 19.000 likerklikk and has received well over 300 comments, most of which points out how sweet the Swedish prince is.
the Case continues below.
Hermet for her cousin
The fresh image of the young prince reminds of a picture of princess Madeleine (34) took of her daughter Leonore (2) two years ago.
In the picture is sitting the energetic princess on a høyball and is placed at the side of a pumpkin.
the Case continues below.
When Victoria and Daniel’s daughter Estelle was born in 2012, she was king Carl Gustaf (70), and queen Silvias (72) first grandson, while Oscar was the fourth in the herd.
Princess Madeleine had two children close to princess Leonore who came into the world 20. February 2014 and prince Nicolas, who was born 15. June of last year.
At the end of april received the royal couple’s fifth grandson, then prince Carl Philip (37) and princess Sofia (31) was the father of prince Alexander.
BIG FAMILY: King Carl Gustaf and queen Silvia have in only few years become grandparents to five little charmer. Aftonbladet
(PAGE2): More from the Kardashian clan is currently in the French capital in connection with the “Paris Fashion Week”.
Realitystjernene popping up on several of the largest motevisningene and Thursday evening was the date set for the Balmain Afterparty, writes the Daily Mail.
TELEVISION celebrities Kourtney Kardashian (37) and Kim Kardashian (35) were among the guests, and there was little doubt that realitysøstrene had agreed to the outfit in advance.
The oldest of the Kardashian-herd, Kourtney, arrived at the party in a gullskjørt with high split and a matching glitter BRA in silver.
POPULAR: Kim and Kourtney are currently in Paris where they check out the latest news on motefonten.
the Bulls
37-year-old matched the outfit with black stiletto heels and her big sister Kourtney definitely had one of the evening’s most revealing outfit.
the little Sister of Kim, who is known for his daring klesvalg, had this time opted for a a loose omslagskjole in gold and silver.
Offers himself
But even if tobarnsmoren had a relatively robust outfit than what she usually chose, so is the 35-year-old will not be deleted shy on Instagram. The last few weeks, Kim bet on several “puppeselfies” and bikinibilder.
Earlier this month also wrote to several american media that realitystjernen “went so to speak, naked at a concert” when she showed up in the very airy dress.
a few weeks ago she asked in a transparent short variant during this year’s MTV Music Awards. And at a party in New York city was the transparent lace from top to toe, as was tonight’s partykjole for mrs. Kardashian West.
Parisian Vibes
A photo posted by Kim Kardashian West (@kimkardashian) on Wednesday 28. Sep.. 2016 PDT
(PAGE2): The new MacGyver series was recently premiered on CBS, over 30 years after the original was first aired on TELEVISION.
In 1985 appeared the hockey-behårede and very inventive hero up, in the form of Richard Dean Anderson. Manne as be able to create explosives of two ties and a pack of gum, the series with the coolest theme song.
But where was he off, after that the series was laid down in 1992?
Norwegian blood in him
After MacGyver he was to see in some movies in the 90s, including “Through the eyes of a killer” and “Firehouse”. From 1997 to 2005 he had the lead role in “Stargate SG-1″, a spin off of the movie with (almost) the same name. He has only been in a film since 1997, namely, the spin off movie to the Stargate TELEVISION series: “Stargate: Continuum”.
see also: Disney confirms: going To make a feature film of the Lion king
Anderson was born in Minneapolis, minnesota, as the oldest of four siblings. He has both Norwegian and Swedish blood in your veins. He dreamed of being a hockey player and was pretty good, for those who remember all the scenes where he had skates on their feet in MacGyver – but two broken arms and put an end to the plan.
He studied film, but jumped off the school before he graduated – and the French subsisted with a drøss small jobs.
He has been linked with a number of famous names, including actresses Teri Hatcher, and Lara Flynn Boyle, as well as kunstløperen Katerina Witt.
New series
His first role he got in the TV series General Hospital in 1976, and settled finally through with MacGyver nine years later. When the series ended, had possibly Anderson also had enough.
MacGyver was seven years of age to literally be in every scene, and not to have any life outside.
Anderson in Los Angeles, and have a daughter, Wylie Quinn was born in 1998.
He is now 66 years old, and he had possibly not released as easily away as the hero MacGyver now. He has after all changed hockeysveisen against a mustache! But the new version of the inventive hero has been relatively good receptions from the TV viewers.
It is Lucas Till who plays the lead role, and the action is added to the time before he was grown, and familiar on the TV screen in Anderson’s likeness. It is CBS that makes the series about the young MacGyver, and Till has previously done roles in “Hannah Montana”, and “X-men: First Class” and “X-men: Days of Future Past”.
also READ: CBS to make a new series MacGyver
NEW HERO: Lucas Till plays the young MacGyver.
Facsimile /C CBS
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(PAGE2): It was the Norwegian Charlotte who had to thank for himself in tonight’s “Top Model”.
also Read: Top Model-Charlotte had enough of the bullying and evil thoughts: – I’ve never felt more sexy, vibrant and happy than now.
this Week’s task was twofold. Just over half of the girls would take pictures floating in the water and the rest would take pictures as the femme fatale.
Already, just after the fotoshooten thought Charlotte that she came to break out.
I’m pretty sure that it is I that go. When you go from to be a model to be a liquid pudding into the water, so you need to out, she said in the episode.
also Read: 15 things you probably never knew about the Top Model.
Charlotte came far in Top Model, but eventually had to leave the competition.
- Went straight down the drain
To Page2, she explains that she was unhappy with the last day of the photo shoot.
- The last shoot went straight down the drain and went from “Top Model” to the “Top Toad”. I laugh so much at the thought of the image I ended up with. To lie and float in the water with the sun as the blender, the wind that makes eyes water and in addition with your ears under water is not only just to relate to, ” she says, and continues:
I realized with a time when shoot mine was finished that I was the one who came to break out this week and that it was not something to mull over since I just knew it.
In the beginning it seemed to her it was painful to think that she probably would have to go home, but she managed eventually to be positive.
I cried a few tears after the shoot, and after it was there a bit of irritation and then laughter and fun, ” she says.
Critical to the programme
She is, however, not only positive to the way the challenges were added up.
Even though I have had it is great fun and experienced something quite out of the ordinary, so I have to admit that the very organization of the program and how things were done and certain is strange and unfair in my eyes, ” she says.
She points out that the participants several times was split up in two groups, where each group received each task. In today’s program, several of the girls on this and thought that it was unfair.
Different conditions
Charlotte group was to take pictures while they floated in the water, and it was not an easy task.
“We had to relate to the strong sun, and it was so sharp that I was told to lie down and float on your back and look up not managed other than to squint his eyes up with narrow eyes at the photographer,” she says.
The second group would take the images as the femme fatale, and this mean Charlotte was a far easier task.
- They got to stand on the ground, which in itself gives you a better starting point to promote a look and an attitude. They also got to stand inside a dark tunnel in a building with zero sun and wind, ” she says.
The Norwegian Top Model-participants (f.v.): Linda Selmoni, Martine Halvorsen, Charlotte Bø, judge Janka Polliani, Guro Many, Benedicte Haugaard and Jannie Gefle.
Happy for the opportunity
despite the irritation, she’ll see back at the time in “Top Model” with much joy.
- Anyway I am so grateful that I got to be with, and that I got to be a part of changing modellbransjen, ” she says.
After that she busts out of the competition, she has received a lot of feedback from people, and it touches her.
I’m so glad I got the opportunity to be a role model for young girls and adult women out there and contribute to show that if one only learns to love their body as it is, one can achieve and do everything, ” she says.
do not
Even though she is out of the “Top Model” , she hopes that people will continue to follow her.
I have absolutely not intend to give me as a model and to stand on and work hard to get where I want in life. I’m going to take one day at a time also we get to see how things go. Nothing is more exciting than not knowing what awaits around the next corner, ” says Charlotte.
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(PAGE2): It was the Norwegian Charlotte who had to thank for himself in tonight’s “Top Model”.
also Read: Top Model-Charlotte had enough of the bullying and evil thoughts: – I’ve never felt more sexy, vibrant and happy than now.
this Week’s task was twofold. Just over half of the girls would take pictures floating in the water and the rest would take pictures as the femme fatale.
Already, just after the fotoshooten thought Charlotte that she came to break out.
I’m pretty sure that it is I that go. When you go from to be a model to be a liquid pudding into the water, so you need to out, she said in the episode.
also Read: 15 things you probably never knew about the Top Model.
Charlotte came far in Top Model, but eventually had to leave the competition.
- Went straight down the drain
To Page2, she explains that she was unhappy with the last day of the photo shoot.
- The last shoot went straight down the drain and went from “Top Model” to the “Top Toad”. I laugh so much at the thought of the image I ended up with. To lie and float in the water with the sun as the blender, the wind that makes eyes water and in addition with your ears under water is not only just to relate to, ” she says, and continues:
I realized with a time when shoot mine was finished that I was the one who came to break out this week and that it was not something to mull over since I just knew it.
In the beginning it seemed to her it was painful to think that she probably would have to go home, but she managed eventually to be positive.
I cried a few tears after the shoot, and after it was there a bit of irritation and then laughter and fun, ” she says.
Critical to the programme
She is, however, not only positive to the way the challenges were added up.
Even though I have had it is great fun and experienced something quite out of the ordinary, so I have to admit that the very organization of the program and how things were done and certain is strange and unfair in my eyes, ” she says.
She points out that the participants several times was split up in two groups, where each group received each task. In today’s program, several of the girls on this and thought that it was unfair.
Different conditions
Charlotte group was to take pictures while they floated in the water, and it was not an easy task.
“We had to relate to the strong sun, and it was so sharp that I was told to lie down and float on your back and look up not managed other than to squint his eyes up with narrow eyes at the photographer,” she says.
The second group would take the images as the femme fatale, and this mean Charlotte was a far easier task.
- They got to stand on the ground, which in itself gives you a better starting point to promote a look and an attitude. They also got to stand inside a dark tunnel in a building with zero sun and wind, ” she says.
The Norwegian Top Model-participants (f.v.): Linda Selmoni, Martine Halvorsen, Charlotte Bø, judge Janka Polliani, Guro Many, Benedicte Haugaard and Jannie Gefle.
Happy for the opportunity
despite the irritation, she’ll see back at the time in “Top Model” with much joy.
- Anyway I am so grateful that I got to be with, and that I got to be a part of changing modellbransjen, ” she says.
After that she busts out of the competition, she has received a lot of feedback from people, and it touches her.
I’m so glad I got the opportunity to be a role model for young girls and adult women out there and contribute to show that if one only learns to love their body as it is, one can achieve and do everything, ” she says.
do not
Even though she is out of the “Top Model” , she hopes that people will continue to follow her.
I have absolutely not intend to give me as a model and to stand on and work hard to get where I want in life. I’m going to take one day at a time also we get to see how things go. Nothing is more exciting than not knowing what awaits around the next corner, ” says Charlotte.
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(PAGE2): The new MacGyver series was recently premiered on CBS, over 30 years after the original was first aired on TELEVISION.
In 1985 appeared the hockey-behårede and very inventive hero up, in the form of Richard Dean Anderson. Manne as be able to create explosives of two ties and a pack of gum, the series with the coolest theme song.
But where was he off, after that the series was laid down in 1992?
Norwegian blood in him
After MacGyver he was to see in some movies in the 90s, including “Through the eyes of a killer” and “Firehouse”. From 1997 to 2005 he had the lead role in “Stargate SG-1″, a spin off of the movie with (almost) the same name. He has only been in a film since 1997, namely, the spin off movie to the Stargate TELEVISION series: “Stargate: Continuum”.
see also: Disney confirms: going To make a feature film of the Lion king
Anderson was born in Minneapolis, minnesota, as the oldest of four siblings. He has both Norwegian and Swedish blood in your veins. He dreamed of being a hockey player and was pretty good, for those who remember all the scenes where he had skates on their feet in MacGyver – but two broken arms and put an end to the plan.
He studied film, but jumped off the school before he graduated – and the French subsisted with a drøss small jobs.
He has been linked with a number of famous names, including actresses Teri Hatcher, and Lara Flynn Boyle, as well as kunstløperen Katerina Witt.
New series
His first role he got in the TV series General Hospital in 1976, and settled finally through with MacGyver nine years later. When the series ended, had possibly Anderson also had enough.
MacGyver was seven years of age to literally be in every scene, and not to have any life outside.
Anderson in Los Angeles, and have a daughter, Wylie Quinn was born in 1998.
He is now 66 years old, and he had possibly not released as easily away as the hero MacGyver now. He has after all changed hockeysveisen against a mustache! But the new version of the inventive hero has been relatively good receptions from the TV viewers.
It is Lucas Till who plays the lead role, and the action is added to the time before he was grown, and familiar on the TV screen in Anderson’s likeness. It is CBS that makes the series about the young MacGyver, and Till has previously done roles in “Hannah Montana”, and “X-men: First Class” and “X-men: Days of Future Past”.
also READ: CBS to make a new series MacGyver
NEW HERO: Lucas Till plays the young MacGyver.
Facsimile /C CBS
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Director: Mandie Fletcher, With: Jennifer Saunders, Joanna Lumley, Lulu, Kate Moss, Julia Sawalha, Jane Horrocks, June Whitfield. British comedy. Age limit 6 years
It is absolute crisis! Champagneskapet is empty and the credit cards have reached the upper limit. All is apparently not free anymore for those two crazy – and a little drikkfeldige – ladies in the fashion business.
she took (Jennifer Saunders) opportunity for a last hope. On Patsys (Joanna Lumley) overkule retrospective motelansering, which, incidentally, just has to be a parody of Yayoi Kusama, is the goal to get the supermodel Kate Moss as a customer. It all ends with that Moss falls into the Thames and disappears.
Scandal! The world goes into a collective grief, which matches many a journalist with grief when Prince and Bowie died earlier in the year. She took get to feel Twitter-with all hatred.
Read the review of “The girl with all the gifts”: a simply ghastly
still Lacks self-knowledge
Absolutely Fabulous was a popular TELEVISION series between 1992-2012. The actors are, like us all, been older, but thankfully they have not been the wiser. It skorter still on the self-awareness where they stagger around in champagnerus on high heels.
the TELEVISION series consists of episodes of 30 minutes where the humor was built around crazy and crazy skits. It goes well in short segments, but it does not always work equally well in a whole movie. Then, it can quickly become tiring.
Fortunately avoids Absolutely Fabulous the the trap. Director Mandie Fletcher balances nicely between madness and a more serious tone. The film manages to tell a coherent story–even though it is completely ko-ko–and not only consists of hilarious scenes spread over enough a new skit.
Read the review of “Snowden”: For once manages Stone to be more subtle
Delightful satire
the Film is best when it’s sassy and satirical. For what to do now really is a PR-agent except to drink champagne at lunch? Also the satirical gaze of the paparazzi-the horny part of the press is hysterically funny.
the Film does not only satire at the expense of fashion and PR industry. The are also quite cruel to our two heroines who have played through life. Her daughter Saffy (Julia Sawalha) is as stated as always. Film dress she took and Patsy quite naked in all their pathetic hysteria for the fountain of youth, a slim body and eternal fun.
the film adaptation of Absolutely Fabulous is a pleasant reunion, and perhaps a goodbye. The movie scores high on the to tone down on the sketsjene and also keep a sharp and funny satirical tone.
Veteran tv presenter and news anchor Arill Riise says that the employees of the TV 2 is preparing for tough. After the VG experience, he has every reason to do so.
Low ratings and severance pay has so far characterized fall for the TV 2. 63 employees, hence the profiles that Nils Gunnar Lie and Mah-Rukh Ali, have already been granted a severance package as part of the 350 million crowns canal must cut costs to 2020.
today At 11: 30 am the employees are called in to allmøte, where they can be served more bad news.
do you Have tips on the matter? Contact vg’s journalists here!
After the VG experience is there to talk about that 176 must go in total. There are 113 more a the that so far 63 confirmed sluttpakkene. After the VG has reason to believe has not more been given the severance package.
communications manager Jan-Petter Dahl does not want to comment on vg’s information.
We do not make any comments before pressemøtet in Bergen at 14.30, he writes in an SMS to the VG.
Culture Linda Hofstad Helleland (H) emphasizes the face of VG that she is not informed about it to come forward on a allmøte in the CHANNELS 2 later in the day.
Confronted with vg’s information, ” says the minister that she first and foremost feel with them that will be affected if the channel have to go to drastic cuts:
If this is true, it shows how serious and difficult the situation is for the whole of the international media industry. On a day like this, so I feel with those who are directly affected. And so I know that there is a simple solution to the global challenge the media stand up in. It is about structural changes over time, and we are in the process of looking at solutions for this.
According to the whole nettdesken to the TV-channel will move from Bergen to Oslo. It should be four to five positions that will disappear from the head office at Nøstet in Bergen. The newspaper also writes that the technical apparatus around the broadcasts are under the hard pressure.
Arill Riise in the TV 2 does not know even the exact number that will be told to go on the assembly. The management has, according to the nyhetsankeret kept the cards close to the chest through the process of downsizing.
People are excited about what will happen, we all are. We are preparing for tough action, “he says, and adds:
” It will be a tough information many going to get, and it is brutal. So it is in all industries when you get told to go, ” he says.
Remember? Davy Wathne must end in the TV 2
Nyhetsankeret reflects on TV 2′s declining ratings.
– We have not the proportion of consumers that we have, and it is disappointing. We have delivered on the new – and sportsfronten, but we have not been good enough on the entertainment, ” says Riise.
He tells at the same time that the employees are implied with the fact that it is a necessary job cuts to come.
Krisetall for “Senkveld”: – People feel they have seen it before
– I think there is a common understanding in the CHANNELS 2 that we prepare the canal for the future. We just have to align ourselves according to the situation and hope for the best, ” says Riise.
Cathrine Fossum, presenter in “Good Morning, Norway”, are also excited.
” We are prepared that it will be news that is not pleasant. But it will be good to get to know concretely what happens, instead, to go and be unsafe. I look forward to getting to know what kind of reality that confront us. It is an uncertainty that characterizes many of my colleagues, ” she says.
UNSURE: Cathrine Fossum, presenter on Good Morning Norway, believes it is good to know the specific measures the channel will make to come into port with sparetiltakene.
PHOTO: Espen Solli, TV 2
a club manager Henrikke Helland and communications manager Jan-Petter Dahl does not want to comment on it any nedbemanningen before the assembly.
May be required to pay back reklamepenger
In addition to the approved severance package and notified the downsizing, the viewers failed channel and for more of the storsatsingene this fall have the arrows only pointed downwards.
It does not apply to at least underholdningsformatene.
“Senkveld with Thomas and Harald” has, for example, lost over 200,000 viewers from the sesongpremieren and to the previous week’s program. “Live live,” has been cut in half the number of viewers in the autumn. Nysatsingen “Straight from the heart” went from 294.000 viewers and all the way down to the holds 113,000 in the space of a few weeks.
TV 2-profile: – Here it is just to take the money and run
“The Stream”, which after all is more stable what number of viewers pertaining to than “Senkveld”, has so far delivered to 200,000 fewer viewers than the “Norwegian Talents” did last fall.
It also means that the channel delivers far fewer viewers to their advertisers than what they have paid for. Much of the creative space for this fall is sold in the autumn, and in its most extreme consequence, it may mean that the CHANNELS 2 must pay back the money to the advertisers, ” says TV/radio-chief Morten Wiberg in Carat to VG.
They hoped that it would go over
Marie Nilsson in Medievision is one of the foremost experts on the development of the media. She will not say anything specifically about Tv2 situation, but not surprise that the nordic media houses currently have to go through major downsizing and savings measures.
Crisis in the TV 2: – Believe there are bloody
– I’m not the dew surprised, because one must save in the old model to invest in the new. Traditional TV is approaching its “tipping point” also through the distribution. How will you tailor the? We are not interested in the large package of linear TV channels anymore, it is not relevant. And it is certainly not relevant for the next generation of TV viewers, she says.
– do you Think the development has happened so quickly that the crisis comes suddenly on to the media houses?
– No, I don’t think they are surprised, but perhaps they had hoped that this would go over. But we have been at this since 2010. Since when have linear CHANNELS displayed a strong downward trend – especially among the main target group up to 50 years. You can have peaks during the enkeltarrangementer as the OLYMPIC games, but the trend is clear-perfect for.
– Too early to pass a judgment
TV 2′s communications manager Jan-Petter Dahl says this in the comment to the VG on Wednesday afternoon:
It is too early to pass a judgment over autumn yet – especially since the summer the first left off the roof a week ago and it of course has resulted in somewhat lower looking in general for all of the TV channels. Some programs provide lower than expected, while many deliver very good numbers and continues to increase. We also see that both opptaksseing and seing on the TV 2 Sumo is strong for several of our concepts. So we are looking forward really to the next week, which is a great premiereuke here at TV 2, including “the Farm”, “the Best of the Best”, “On a trip with Dag Otto” and “Our Little Country”. Later in the fall will also finally season two of dramaserien “Acquitted”.
Has gained momentum on the up after the success of “Jungelboken”.
For those who can not get enough of the Disney magic, is today’s news probably of the best: Walt Disney Studios has confirmed that they will make movie of the Lion King.
money maker
Thus, turn Disney again on the big drum, after the success medJungelboken, who have gone into the 7.8 billion worldwide since its premiere in april.
- the Lion king is based on Disney’s success with creating movie versions of their tegneserieklassikere, to fit the present audience. So it is done with “Maleficent”, “Cinderella” and the upcoming “Beauty and the beast”, type Disney in a press release.
Emma Watson has the role of beauty in the latter film, which has its premiere next year.
In the film adaptation of the Lion King it will be more of the classic songs. The director is Jon Favreau, which also is in time with the sequel to Jungelboken.
the Date when the film will be ready is not set yet.
Huge success
the Lion King came out in 1994, and is one of the most successful animasjonsfilmene that is made. It raked in his time in the 7.9 billion. The animation also won the Oscar for the song “Can You Feel the Love Tonight”, sung by Elton John, and for best screenplay, as well as two Grammy awards. The film’s soundtrack sold over 14 million.
the Lion King also finished on Broadway, where it won six Tony awards. In 2015, it was made a sequel in the form of a TV series, where several of the original actors had