the Blogger chastens pop star for the poor attitude to work.
“Justin must hate their job”.
So reads the title of a blog post Sophie Elise Isachsen (21) has posted in the aftermath of the one year older Justin Biebers concert in the Telenor Arena on Friday night.
Bieber concert on Saturday: – feel sorry for him
Isachsen have seen Bieber act before; no later than by the interrupted Chateau Neuf concert in 2015. Consequently, she had a little hope that he would make up a little for now.
It seems she is not that superstar did – on the contrary.
Motanmeldelse: Sorry VG – so was the concert
LATSABB? Justin Bieber at Telenor Arena on Friday. Photo: MATTIS SANDBLAD
She thinks he doesn’t give the fans what they pay for.
“Remember that this is a night he earns wild a lot of money on, and yet he chooses to for the first sing playback on a good 50% of the songs”, she writes.
– do not Bother even pretending
Furthermore, the mean Isachsen that Bieber’s driver with is laziness.
REQUIRES the work ethic: Sophie Elise Isachsen. Photo: ODIN JÆGER
“When it’s playback bother he doesn’t even have to pretend that he sings, he addressed not a single time to the audience apart from a few rehearsed lines about being “just a man”, he subber around the stage and seems to be bored.”
Check: The first concert, song for song
the Blogger points out that people go to the kjipe, poorly paid jobs every day, and that Bieber should make his well-paid properly.
“And if you are tired, so go not out and partying in the evening right afterwards, it he had the energy to. But to bring a smile to the audience who has spent a lot of money and time to see him, it was too much given.”
you Got with you? Justin as juliet’s lydprøve
Not so fat
Isachsen people are also behind the many who think it seems as though the superstar has a dark cloud over his head.
FAN: Rano Akbar. Photo: PRIVATE
“He is a man who seems to have it so freaking fat in life”, she believes.
Isachsens manager informs that the blogger does not have the opportunity to comment on the post further.
Konsertarrangør Atomic Soul does not want to comment on the case. The same applies Biebers record label Universal.
– Has done its job
Bieber-blogger Rano Akbar (20) are deeply disagree with Isachsen.
She believes it is understandable that Bieber is tired.
– But he delivered and created a great atmosphere. He is one of the world’s richest young people, both on the material and experience, so why continue if he hates his job, she wonders.
Akbar says she has talked with both beliebere and less dedicated concert goer who is satisfied with what they got.
as long As the fans are happy, he has done his job.
Isachsen points out that she nevertheless had a pleasant evening.
She arrived at the Bieber concert by sea together with, among others, Linnéa Myhre, Astrid Smeplass and Tone Damli.
This is posted on the latter’s Instagram:
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