“Shame”star will play a young soldier, and the recording is in the North of Norway. Even though he is no Lars Monsen, he is ready with the new wool socks, long underwear and tjukkgenser.
Thomas Hayes, also called William from the “Shame”, has got a new job. This time he is playing in the TV 3s krimsatsning “the River”, where he will portray a young soldier in the etterretningsbataljonen in Northern Norway.
– the Character I play is a guy who I think seem interesting to play with, writes Hayes in an e-mail to VG.
Hayes was known through the first two seasons of the successful series “Shame”. Where he quickly became one of the most talked about characters. In the summer, he said for himself in the series, and wanted to bet against skuespilleryrket.
– I’m really quite finished with William after that I thanked for me in the summer. He was a role, but one can’t stay on it your whole life. It was a nice experience, and top people to work with. Now, there are others which should bring the series further, so it was natural for me to get me further, ” he says.
Fewer norwegians see “Shame”: But the danes weighing up
– Not just any Lars Monsen
In the last year he was done with the last year of high school, and many other select military duty, school, or year off, and it respects him fully. He chooses to use the time ahead to develop himself as an actor. First and foremost, in “the River”, which is a new experience, he tells.
– I’ve never been to Northern Norway before, and am looking forward to experience that part of the country. I am prepared that it is sour and cold, and I’m not just some Lars Monsen. I’m ready with the new wool socks, long underwear and a thick sweater, he states.
Read more about Thomas Hayes here: Life as a “Shame-William”.
Hayes is looking forward to working together with the actors behind the star, Espen Reboli Bjerke and Ingeborg Sundreahgen Raustøl.
– Espen and Sarah is the habile actors in the lead roles, so I’m looking forward to it. It is one of the things that is exciting about this job.
Bjerke tells us that it will be exciting to work with a new generation of actors like Hayes represents. At the same time he must admit that he has not seen more than ten minutes total of “Shame”.
STARRING: Espen Reboli Bjerke is looking forward to working with the young Hayes in “the River.”
Photo: Fredrik Varfjell, NTB scanpix
– I like that it comes up a style of play and way to tell stories that are tailored for just the generation, ” he says and adds:
– The only experience I have so far along with Hayes is that he served me a wonderful good pizza on the species earlier in the fall and that I gave him plenty of tips as it should when you get really good service.
Remember? Two “Shame”-starring into the Theaterhøgskolen
“Exotic north”
Bjerke tells us that his role as the local sheriff Erik is a character that is far from who he is, at the same time as he recognize a melancholy and a sense of curiosity in the character.
– As an actor I look for quests that can challenge me and this project makes it, in many ways, without that I’ll go into detail at the risk of revealing the content in the series, he says, and adds that he is looking forward to getting started with the recording in the “exotic north”.
The female lead, Ingeborg Sundrehagen Raustøl, quickly became excited about the character and the universe.
- It is an exciting and strong character with a clear project and such roles are not so many of, at least not for women, she writes in an e-mail to VG.
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Rated military duty – Was with the idea
She is looking forward also to working with Hayes.
It is clear there is much to learn from experienced actors, but I believe it is just as important and see to the younger and their approach to the profession. It is they who are the future and those who possess lots of knowledge about what storytelling is today.
She should portray a commander in the military, and as a teenager she was inside on the tank about to report for military duty to test themselves both mentally and physically. It was, nevertheless, with the thought, ” she says.
The last time I have been hearing many others and new stories from the girls in the defend and it is clear it quickly gives greater relevance and resonance in me. It is very exciting and in many ways exotic, ” she says.
the Series is about a girl who finds a likdel in the river, which turns out to be an unsolved murder in a larger international political games with threads back to the cold war.
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