AUTHOR: Monica Isakstuen
TITLE: “Be kind to animals”
PUBLISHER: Time Norsk Forlag
When the Pia, the little dachshunden my parents, recently had five puppies, wondered we’re all on who his father was. The answer lay in the white spots; the neighbor’s beagle had to be the culprit.
Still had the question about omsorgsrollen a simple answer: the puppies belonged to the body that had born them.
do not Feel that a modern woman
When Karen leaves her husband, three-year-old Anna shared. But how share you really a child?
For us humans (hi, folks!) is barnefordeling more complicated, which comes to expression in the Monica Isakstuens novel “Be kind to animals”. I-the person Karen leaves her husband and three-year-old Anna must be shared.
But, how to share you really a child?
Karen doing what is expected, she signs “it in the ørska framforhandlede samværsavtalen”. At the same time she knows the conflicting feelings.
This perspective, the woman who tries to be a modern woman while everything in her rebels, can almost feels daring in 2016. But there is enough criticism against the therapeutic language that excites me the most about this novel.
A fuck you to the therapeutic technical jargon
the Book offers practical information – or perhaps a small warning to those who have not yet been on the family offices. There are working professionals who know just when and how a family should go in resolution, ” says Karen.
In the face of these, she experiences that the vocabulary is expanded, or curtailed, depending upon how one looks at it. Professionals use words which are generally written in italics; the tilknytningsproblematikk, shared residence, the optimum development potential and age-appropriate sphere of operations.
And it doesn’t take long before the Guy even starts to use the “unnatural language”. It occupies the oral cavity her, ” she explains, before she adds that she once, when all this is finished, to look up the words to see what they really mean.
That can not be read as anything other than a ever so little fuck you to the therapeutic technical jargon, which may not be as informative and descriptive after all.
Talk naturally – with normal words – even about the hard things, seems to be one of the Isakstuens message.
Imaginative texts about animals
the Animals ‘ omsorgsevne get a large space in the Isakstuens novel. Early in the book tell the Guy to a friend that she seeks rescue literature, that she among other things, reading about animals in order to comfort themselves.
But when I read about rotteunger who eat up his mother after an attempt with a shared residence, and later on kjempekengurubarn that through tens of generations have developed an elastic pocket on the back, with space for the mother’s body, I realize that several of dyretekstene is pure imagination.
It is difficult to relate to, as it is then clarified that Karen seeks out this knowledge to comfort themselves. Without the creation, I had a much higher degree accepted the Karens fantasies.
A good book, but not the best in the 2016
“Be kind to animals” is designed as it is often called a punktroman, i.e. episodiske korttekster in chronological order. The shortest of the texts is on a line. The longest is just over a page.
It is an effective grip of a writer with such a poetic language that Isakstuen. She doesn’t need many words to describe how Karen has it as a single mother.
Bragepris-the jury believes that the “Be kind to animals” is the best literary work which is published in 2016. It is a little too large recognition, in my opinion, but very far away from the top, the book is not. I’m looking forward to following this work further.
“Fjällräven yellow” by Tiril Broch Aakre: “the Novel is perceived both as important and velkomponert. For me it was still jam-packed.”
“I am the I am the I am” by Ruth Lillegraven: “To be in the world, with all of her, in a way that almost can’t be experienced stronger than when one is a child. The feeling manages Ruth Lillegraven to convey in his new book of poems.”
“would no longer be competitive or your life” by Atle Grønn: “In his excellent sjakkbok “would no longer be competitive or life”, Atle Green the human element of the game.”
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