Thursday, December 31, 2015

- Important to see through the film first – ABC News

1. Christmas Day was set for a welcome reunion with Solan, Ludvig, Reodor in cinema film “Sonny and Lambert – Hefra to Flåklypa.” This includes Solan pledges dairy managers Ollvar O. Klepp Violence and resuscitating the old Rennet to find out once and for all who is the best: Flåklypa or neighboring parish Slidre.

There are Media Authority which set age limits on the film to be shown in theaters, and “Sonny and Lambert – Hefra to Flåklypa” are assessed at age A – Permitted for all. This allows you to bring the smallest children to the cinema to see Sonny and the other characters in action. But what is a children?

– A children’s film is a film that, regardless of genre, captivates and engages the kids, as they can relate to and recognize, explains Barbro Hardersen, film expert in Media Authority, to Skolekino New.

See also: New onset war film shows Finnmark still ablaze

(The article continues below video)

VIDEO: Movie theaters are not allowed to drop in children of views that are under the age limit set by the Media Authority. Violations could lead to them losing its license. The British animation film “Bien Maja adventure” is the free forward to see at the cinema.

Respecting children want

Hardersen says that children themselves neither think nor analyzes the genre. For them, a “movie” be a news item or a Youtube video.

– We adults often puts a certain kind of film in the genre of children’s films, while it may be difficult to put these in a age category.

Movies that are considered permissible for all must not contain any disturbing or dramatic scenes, but they may have some scary elements if these are short-lived and are conducted in a safe setting. Movies that are allowed for all must also have a subdued sound and power use.

– It can be awesome scary in itself for the youngest having to go into a movie theater where the lights extinguished and where it can be strong sound effects along the way. The adults must respect if a child is afraid and does not want to see. When it is about to bring them out of the hall rather than going to try some.

See also: Tarzan returns to the big screen

Considering not DVD or Blu-Ray

Barbro Hardersen Media Authority underlines that it is important to remember that the age limit should not be confused with the film’s target audience.

– Target is the one think the film is relevant and which may be of interest to it, while the age limit set for malicious principle of proportionality. A classic grow film containing only dialogue in an hour and half to get “Permitted for all” without that it has something to do with the children, telling Hardersen.

(The article continues below video)

VIDEO: Cinema Current “45 years” contains no scenes that are believed to scare the youngest, and is therefore allowed for all. But the target audience is not children.

Everything that appears on cinema will be assessed and assigned age of the Media Authority, while the distributors themselves who make the same assessment of films being released on DVD and Blu- Ray.

Even more important is to know about this nuance difference.

– Often follows the distributor the same age limit that was set when the film was shown at the cinema, but sometimes for there is a difference. Therefore it is important to look through the film first and take an assessment in relation to whether it is appropriate for the children to appear for, believe Hardersen.

See also: New “Star Wars “films hailed by Norwegian critics

Naked skin on film

When Media Authority considers film for the cinema, it’s about how harmful it can be compared to what children may be able to handle and what can be too difficult to digest afterwards.

– When we look at individual scenes so we often see that when approaching the climax, pull it out simultaneously with effects that make It can be scary for the little ones. Otherwise it may be the movie in its entirety. You do not necessarily see anything in the pictures, but the theme itself may be difficult to deal with.

(The article continues below video)

VIDEO: World’s most famous beagle, Snoopy, was created in 1950 in connection with the comic “Peanuts.” Now he’s cinema topical with “Snoopy and Charlie Brown: Peanuts movie.”

Media Authority audience gets inquiries from people who think the age limit should be up and those who think it will be down. When it is about to explain the regulations they administer and emphasize that the Media Authority does moral judgments.

– For example, it may not be nudity on film is harmful. It may be uncomfortable for parents to watch it with your kids and maybe adults would like to have age limits on different topics you think are uncomfortable, so that it can be avoided, says Hardersen.

– But children in our culture it is the traditionally not unmanageable or “harmful” to see nudity in itself. Again it is the setting that is essential.

See also: Unknown Disney movie lay forgotten for 87 years

This case was originally published on Film & amp; Kino.


George Lucas harsh criticism of Disney’s Star Wars – NRK

REGISSØR: J.J. Abrams, som er 21 år yngre enn George Lucas, har regi på den nye Star Wars-filmen.

Foto: ED JONES / Afp/NTB Scanpix

Star Wars: The Force Awakens siden premieren 14. desember spilt inn over 1,2 milliard dollar. Den har blitt elsket av både fans og de fleste kritikerne, men mannen bak filmene er uenig.

I et intervju med Charlie Rose i CBS sier Star Wars-skaper George Lucas at han aldri var enig med Disney om hvordan filmene skulle se ut.

– De ville gjøre en retrofilm. Jeg liker ikke det. Jeg jobbet hardt med å gjøre hver film unik. Jeg gjorde dem helt ulike hverandre – ulike planeter, ulike romskip, for at det skulle kjennes nytt, sier Lucas.

Lucas kaller Star Wars «barna sine», og sammenligner Disney med slaveeiere.

– Jeg solgte dem til de hvite slavehandlerne som tar disse tingene og … og …, sier Lucas før han bryter ut i latter.

I intervjuet forteller han at Disney heller ikke var interessert i å ha Lucas med på laget.

– De var ikke interesserte i å involvere meg. Om de hadde gitt meg det, ville jeg bare skapt problemer. De ville ikke gjøre det jeg ville gjøre.

Se utdrag fra intervjuet under.


Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Star Wars goes into NOK 700 million – E24

Den nye Star Wars filmen «The Force Awakens» har siden premieren blitt nærmest umulig ikke å få med seg, enten man er fan eller ikke.

Per dags dato har filmen tjent inn én milliard dollar raskere enn noen andre i historien, skriver AFP.

Kun tolv korte dager etter den storslåtte premieren lykkes filmen å passere den magiske grensen, og natt til 30. desember har den nådd 600 millioner dollar-grensen i USA (5 milliarder kroner), ifølge

Det tok altså tolv dager å få inn 545 millioner dollar i Nord-Amerika, og ytterligere 546 millioner dollar ute i verden.

Med andre ord utgjør dette 83 millioner dollar om dagen, eller 700 millioner kroner i snitt.

Mest innbringende filmen i verden

Den tidligere rekorden ble satt av sommerens Jurassic World. Her tok det tretten dager å nå 1 milliard dollar. Tallene så langt vitner om at Star Wars har potensial om å bli den mest innbringende filmen som noen gang har blitt produsert.

– Du vil ikke tro forventningsnivået knyttet til Star Wars-filmen på Wall Street akkurat nå, sa Michael Nathanson, analytiker ved Moffett Nathanson til New York Times ved inngangen til desember 2015.

<b>TROFASTE FANS:</b> Her er fans under premieren av Star Wars i Taipei, Taiwan den 19. desember 2015. Ingen annen film har tjent 1 milliard dollar på så kort tid som The Force Awakens.
TROFASTE FANS: Her er fans under premieren av Star Wars i Taipei, Taiwan den 19. desember 2015. Ingen annen film har tjent 1 milliard dollar på så kort tid som The Force Awakens.

På Wall Street forventes det at Star Wars vil dra inn minst 1,5 milliarder dollar, tilsvarende 13 milliarder norske kroner, på verdensbasis.

Fem milliarder dollar i ekstra omsetning

Noen analytikere tror også tallet vil være vesentlig høyere. I tillegg anslås det at salget av filmrelaterte varer kan stå for fem milliarder dollar ekstra i omsetning i løpet av de neste årene.

Objects from Star Wars: The Force Awakens you can visit – Manager


Named this year mektigstemediekvinne – VG

The blogger Sophie Elise Isachsen (21) is a key “influencer” believes website providing all other media state power to mature men.

It is the site Medier24 who has published the ranking “Media Norway’s 50 most powerful” in 2015.

In the upper echelon is the heavy male dominance. Most powerful, according Medier24 Schibsted Rolv Erik Ryssdal. Behind him follows a further nine guys who make the top 10 for a clean man list.

Read also : Sophie Elise showcases how the body really looks like

On 11 . space, however, the person Site deem the country’s most powerful media woman: Harstad girl Sophie Elise Isachsen, who has long been a popular blog, but that has reached new heights of awareness concerns in the past year.

In its grounds Printer Medier24:

“the largest blogger and an important” influencer “. Has solid grip on young ladies, and the past year taken steps in a more serious direction. Represents a trend that the traditional media industry, with few exceptions, still have not seen. “

And blog star exults over the award.

– This is absolutely fantastic! Truly a rally for me and very motivating. Finest Christmas and New Year gift I could have gotten. It also shows that one should not underestimate the young, says 21-year-old told VG.

You got ? Tone Damli was beaten by Sophie Elise: – Fully cannon!

Male dominance in the top of the list she takes not so heavy.

– I assume they are doing a good job and deserves his place and it is certainly a coincidence that only men. But I hope that next year looks more young on the list, regardless of whether it is women or men.

– How seriously do you feel you are being taken now, compared to a year ago?

– Very much more seriously, but it is also my own merits, says Isachsen, as the past year has stepped up community involvement in their posts.

The country’s second most powerful Media woman is according Medier24 See and Hear-editor Ellen Arnstad, which is also publishing editor in Aller Media. She gets 13th place.

Kudosen to Sophie Elise applauded by all. Project manager at NRK’s ​​”focal point” reports this on Twitter:

Other media people debating too:

The award is made by Bard Borch Michalsen, who has over 40 years experience in the media, including in Dagbladet, Altaposten, Dagens Media, Harstad Tidende and Haugesund Avis. His son Gard L. Michalsen is editor in Medier24, and is also involved in the design of the list.

– The ranking not pretend to be scientific. But we’ve been looking for those who have power in the Media-Norway, and it is about two kinds of power: The power of money and the editorial power – ie of what is written, explains Bård Borch Michalsen.

Sophie Elise received harsh criticism : – I think people forget that I am a human being

– It is perhaps a little taste how to assess those on commentator since, for example, who who has the most power of Sophie Elise and Dagbladet Marie Simonsen or VG Hanne Skartveit. But Sophie Elise when a segment that is foreign to everyone else, and that she will naturally plus the margin.

Editor Gard L. Michalsen think that Sophie Elise is a representative of the new media, both personally and that symbol.

– She has more readers than many newspapers, and definitely more than most single commentators. She sets the agenda both through its own blog and traditional media, when she puts his finger on something. Here I think the traditional media houses in far too little has been joined by how young people under 20 and 30 consume media.


Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Lemmy (1945-2015) – iTromsø

It was is neither a shock or something tragic in it. Lemmy had been struggling with health in recent years. Cancelled concert with Motörhead was becoming a habit. The last album was full of the same symbolism. It went instinctively toward the end, we knew it all along.

On Christmas Eve he filled 70. Yesterday he died. And despite all these previsions, we knew where the bar, outperformed its novelty as blytungt down for many of us who like rock’n’roll. Facebook and Twitter were papered with mournful greetings and sad statement.

was not just another death in the musicians’ ranks. This was the day when someone took power from the PA system. At least it felt that way, one gets the often somewhat sentimental and bombastic when confronted with death and thus are reminded that everything is transient. Even Lemmy proved that to be there, he also. But that Lemmy would die was still an absurd thought.

There are just a few weeks ago I saw a picture someone had shared on Facebook, it must have been from the latter half of the 80s, under one or another festival, where Lemmy stood and grinned at his mustache with several distinguished musicians around him. They were members of Guns’ N Roses, Metallica and Megadeth, band that has sold an incredible lot more slices than Motörhead.

The longhaired musicians, all a head shorter than Lemmy, stands all looking up at idol, like a bunch of småfnisende teenage fans. Lemmy in caps, wearing a leather jacket while he sipper to a glass of Jack Daniel’s and Coke. The comment under the picture was something a la “Lemmy is entertaining some female fans.” I laughed loud and long. It was an image that said more than a thousand words.

There are hundreds, perhaps thousands, rock musicians who are alive and who have sold unimaginable many more plates one Motörhead. Nevertheless, there are not many left who are on his level in terms of myths, status and deservedly legendeprefiks before his name. Keith Richards. Iggy Pop. Angus Young. And then one can begin to argue who belong and not the exclusive club.

But anyway where quarrelsome nor difficult one wants to be, it is entirely self-destructing contesting Lemmy position in rock, where a mixture of some timeless rock classics, an extremely hard life; where intoxication, nihilism, promiscuous and hedonistic lifestyle has been on edge until it comprehensible, as well as a perpetual tour with Motörhead.

Apartments shows with Motörhead, after he broke with drug space rockers Hawkwind . Discographies and year are available anywhere the Internet. In Norway they played well over 30 concerts from 1985 and until the end, now in December.

I’m a real “late bloomer,” as it is called in good Norwegian, When it comes to Motörhead. While I thought that Motörhead was a mediocre heavy band, which only becomes more and more embarrassing to think the older I get. But I saved me luckily into with honor like less intact, rescued by The Ramones, as Lemmy wrote a tribute to the Motörhead album “1916″ from 1991, and thus he got me into the fire. Later I become thoroughly introduced by colleagues and music friends, where the catalog was acquired and delved into.

I think that Motörhead is a kind of litmus test on whether you get the proper rock or not. Of course you can say in good company that Motörhead is not your thing, you’re not a huge fan, that you rank both the one and the other band higher than them. You will hardly be especially bullied or idiot positioned for that reason.

But if you draws doubts Motörhead status, messing with Lemmy position or uncover a lack of respect for both and simultaneously claim to understand you on rock, it is synonymous with a brutal reputation suicide. Rightly. Motörhead and Lemmy has as much appeal and high status among those who crave traditional and hard rock, metal, punk or other strains are released by rock played at high volume with electric instruments.

There are not so many of these in music history, as no one feels entitled to fuck with. Lemmy is one of the few. Johnny Cash was also a way. You could say that Cash is not your thing, but you can not say that Johnny Cash was lame. For Johnny Cash and Lemmy is anything but stupid, no matter how tight cliches and myths stacked immediately their names mentioned. And they will never be replaced. Simply because they were both pioneers and have been making rock as we know it today.

Lemmy speak in the film “LEMMY: 49% Motherfucker. 51% Son of a Bitch “(2011) about life in the days before it at all existed rock’n’roll, a phrase that sounds quite sick, but actually voting. And how his head was totally rearranged by seeing The Beatles at the small club The Cavern in Liverpool for over 50 years ago.

The rest is, as known history. Roadie for Jimi Hendrix. Casual work as a guitarist. Incorporating in Hawkwind. Fired from the same job. The formation of Motörhead. Sideburns, mustache, warts, Jack & amp; Cola, narcotics, groupies, mass discs and tours, more of the same up and down and in rerun.

Never anything whining about pressure. Complaining of their own health. Or how bad it is with fans who constantly want to talk to you. Lemmy lived with, for and with her fans.

My Friend and former colleague Alf was the one foisted on me the first five we Motörhead discs for “1916″. We have had many musical quarrels over the years, and many are still not finished debated, but Lemmy and Motörhead we agreed.

And so was fixed fare on Christmas Eve in plate sjappa we worked together, that we sold all Motörhead slices at half price, take note without announcing it. But Lemmy had a birthday on Christmas Eve, and such manner hailed, on so on a more than subtle way.

We laughed often of this, that such a little “Christmassy” artist birthday on Christmas Eve. And I think the purely personal that it was fun to figure out the band’s biggest single, iconic “Ace of Spades”, came out on my own birthday in 1980, with the band dressed up in Santa Claus suits on the cover.

And I used to say to Alf that it is going to be infinitely sad when people like Lemmy door. We will then lose one of our own, that one of the main exponents of unpretentious and uncompromising rock will disappear and that it liberating and necessary counterpart to helseproklamerende health tyranny ster we disappear.

When used always Alf seeing fatherly on me and say quietly, “He Lemmy, Egon. He dies never . He Lemmy can not die. He Lemmy é not like that like us. So relax. ” This was the last Christmas Alf and we also got the opportunity to say that Lemmy can not die. Obviously he was made of flesh and blood, he too. And it makes me very sad. That the original drummer, Phil “Philty Animal” Taylor, would die in September this year then means that only “Fast” Eddie Clarke left from the glory days.

I remember not exact what year it was, but it at Rockefeller in Oslo sometime late nineties, and I saw Motörhead for the third time. They started habitual coolt that Lemmy stood under the overly loud hooked microphone and bellowed out, “Good evening! We are Motörhead and we play rock’n’roll! ‘. As he always did.

This was the course to get goosebumps everytime. But what I remember best is a moment of magic in the middle of the same concert. I think that they had blown off a grueling version of “Damage Case” from “Overkill” dial. All set. Everything worked. Lots fists in the air. Lots of sweaty bodies and wet hair. Lots of hair. Beer in sacking flows. Collective happiness and infantile madness so just rock at its best can be.

When the song was perfectly finished, it was one of those moments that are not possible to attach to tape or film. You must be there to understand it. And right here we realized all that. This was such a moment. And I do not know if it was the same on Lemmy, he was already an old man with several thousand concerts in the belt.

He stopped still up, looked toward a searchlight and spat out her cigarette against the barriers scene sparks flew up, blew a thick plume against the blue shone from the ceiling. Then he said, while he almost nodded to his own conclusion: “Yeah. We ARE rock’n’roll! ‘. It is one of the toughest I’ve ever seen, the five seconds there.

And was what they were, Motörhead and Lemmy. Incarnated rock’n’roll, so it was meant to be in its original form. Tough, provocative, dangerous, assertive, relentless and unite downstairs for those who love it. Asking Lemmy rest in peace seems completely pointless, a man who more than anyone has opposed peace and harmony throughout his adult life.

There are rather nothing to suggest that he even thought of something new or eternal life in the hereafter. But there is every reason to feel a sorrow today, because now we’ve lost one of the foremost and most historically and objectively greatest exponents and legends of the foremost and finest cultural expressions the way we know. Or rock’n’roll, if you want.

Measured up against Lemmy gets most of the industry some trashy goblin ladder.

So thanks , Lemmy. For everything. Shit worked.


- Finally I get married with the best man – Seher

– Finally I get married with the best man, cheering NRK profile.

SEOGHØR.NO: It was a happy ending to the new year for NRK Carina Olset (33).

Tuesday she revealed namely his girlfriend and colleague, Jan Fredrik Bjørntvedt (38), has proposed to her.

It was on his own Instagram profile that Olset came with the joyful news.

– Blue hours was extra light today. Dressed TO scarf, in my lighted, he went down on his knees. Finally getting I marry World’s Best Man, it stands as text under a picture of a smiling couple – where Carina showing off an engagement ring.

Olset, who last month won the award for “Year model “under Look and HORSHOLM Celebrity Gala, fell for former footballer in 2013 when the two worked together during the World Cup.

The case continues below the image.

SPORTY TRIO: Along with Ida Nysæter Rasch and Anne Rimmer is Carina Olset among NRK Sport most popular profiles. The trio, who are also good friends, was in the summer program managers each week in “Summer Open.” Oddvar Walle Jensen

Earlier this year opened the great Northerner up about their chronic bowel disease, ulcerative colitis.

Carina has struggled with the severe illness, which repeatedly have her hospitalized, since 2011.

Although she had never heard of the disease before she was diagnosed – that approximately 17 500 people in Norway suffer from.

In our told 33-year-old about the disorder during a lecture for the National Association against digestive disorders, and in the aftermath received She massive support and media attention.

The case continues below the image.

STOOD UP: NRK profile has received much praise for its openness bowel disease ulcerative colitis. NTB scanpix

Would not embellish the truth

The popular TV presenter has been brutally honest about the disease, where periods of chronic severe diarrhea is one of the main symptoms.

In April did Carina in your pants during the national anthem while players from Norway and the Netherlands got ready to give their best in 2 x 45 minutes.

Just minutes later she was in place in the television route as if nothing had happened.

– Afterwards I went straight to the toilet and did what I had to do. I felt like I mastered the situation, told Carina to See and Hear earlier this month.

– The reality of the disease is so brutal that it must be told to be understood. I would not embellish the truth, although we realized that honesty was going to cost.

Moreover, told Olset that she sees bright future.

– When I think of the future then I think actually the disease at all. I think that I still enjoy my job in NRK and traveling on trips with girlfriends. And maybe Jan Fredrik and I have bought a small house and has started a family, she said to Look and Listen.

Shelf: In November received a party dressed and beautiful Carina Olset price “model year” under Look and HORSHOLM Celebrity Gala. Here with Christian Borch. Andreas Fadum / Look and Listen

READ ALSO: – The reality of the disease is so brutal that it must be told

29. December 2015 – 8:03 p.m.


This is the correct order to see the Star Wars films – Side2

(Page2): If you have not seen “Star Wars: The Force Awakens” already and might like to freshen up the previous films first, then it is possible you are keen on knowing what order you should see them – according to George Lucas.

READ our review of the latest Star Wars movie here!

Vulture has asked a bunch of people who should know it – at least have relatively sound advice when it comes to the best order. For one begins with the oldest films first, or number 1?

Star Wars boss George Lucas believes one starts with film 1, 2, 3 and until 6 So one can see the last movie made, The Force Awakens.

– That’s the way they’re meant to be seen. Just because it took a long time to make them, does not mean that one should not look them in order, says Lucas.

flee evil: Daisy Ridley and John Boyega as Rey and Finn – the woman first – always.


Daisy Ridley, who has role Rey in the last film, agrees.

– I mean 1,2,3,4,5 and 6, because it is easier for the younger to understand the chronology of the story then.

But not everyone agrees that – others think they should be seen as they are made. As an actor Aaron Paul.

– One begins with the original Star Wars movie. There is no other way to do it. Maybe it’s nostalgia, or maybe not. I do not know why I think it should be so, but you should see in the order they were released.

LES also: Star Wars may be the biggest blockbuster

But! So it has been those who have made a completely different order. Either because they believe it plays fine small role, or because they think it makes the story more exciting. Film Reviewer Matt Zoller Seitz is among the latter – and he believes the order should be 4,5,1,2,3 and 6,

– This is the way I and my wife came on in 2005. We talked about The best way to let our children see movies, and we agreed that revelations about Darth Vader was such a big deal that it would be a shame to see them in numerical order, he says and continues:

– In our order so it starts with A New Hope and continues with EMPI, which ends with Vader disclosure opposite Luke. Then there is the “flashbacks” of The Phantom Menace, Attack of the Clones and Revenge as of the Sith showing how Anakin became Darth Vader. So ends one with Return of the Jedi where Luke is trying to get his father back over on the good side. We have seen the films in this way, and it works.

READ more: VII things you need to know about “Star Wars VII”

ACTOR: Daisy Ridley.

Photo: Getty Images / Kanwai Tang

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Carina Olset has got engaged – Seher

– Finally I get married with the best man, cheering NRK profile.

SEOGHØR.NO: It was a happy ending to the new year for NRK Carina Olset (33).

Tuesday she revealed namely his girlfriend and colleague, Jan Fredrik Bjørntvedt (38), has proposed to her.

It was on his own Instagram profile that Olset came with the joyful news.

– Blue hours was extra light today. Dressed TO scarf, in my lighted, he went down on his knees. Finally getting I marry World’s Best Man, it stands as text under a picture of a smiling couple – where Carina showing off an engagement ring.

Olset, who last month won the award for “Year model “under Look and HORSHOLM Celebrity Gala, fell for former footballer in 2013 when the two worked together during the World Cup.

The matter is updated.

SPORTY TRIO: Along with Ida Nysæter Rasch and Anne Rimmer is Carina Olset among NRK Sport most popular profiles. The trio, who are also good friends, was in the summer program managers each week in “Summer Open.” Oddvar Walle Jensen

ALSO READ: – The reality of the disease is so brutal that it must be told

29. December 2015 – 8:03 p.m.
