(Page2): In the novel and now the movie “A man named Ove ‘, we encounter the grumpy, old old man found in many neighborhoods. We also get to hear the story of why he is a grumpy old man.
– Ove is a person one can meet every day if you do not behave as they should. A self-proclaimed policeman, says director Hannes Holm when Side2 meet him and lead actor Rolf Lassgård in Oslo.
Met Ove’s
Both Holm and Lassgård have met some real Ove’s.
– Oh yes! The secret behind the success of the novel is that we recognize us, and all have met on types, says Lassgård.
Rolf Lassgård spent two hours in makeup every morning to look like Ove.
Nordisk Film Distribution AS
Holm says that they met on several when they were preparing the film.
– We looked into several residential areas to find the right recording instead. In one of them we met one, two, three Ove’s! They stood and talked and watched, and we felt us that Indians had to say, “We come in peace,” he laughs.
When they finally found the residential area they would use, they met some Ove tendencies.
– condominium had to have a meeting to decide whether we should be allowed to film there, he says, and points out:
– There are not only Ove’s, there are also Ova-is.
Just these types makes the story of Ove interesting, says the director.
– The heady with the story is that one is addressing gubbe character and shows his unique story, he says.
– This was something I would do if I was 27.5 years
Both Lassgård and Holm have known gubbe feelings.
Bahar Pars and Rolf Lassgård.
Nordisk Film Distribution AS
– I know it a little already, says 60 years old Lassgård.
53 years old Holm feels he occasionally behaves like a old man.
– I live in Malmo, and the other day was three Syrian youths and smoked inside the train station. Then I went away and said from that it is not allowed. Afterwards I felt that this was something I would do if I was 27.5 years, he admits.
They think gubbe feelings comes because one is no longer young and free .
– When one gets older and matures, so sort away much frills and know what you stand for. But often comes also a bitterness over the place have not yet been done, think Lassgård.
Holm also believes that an important thing disappears with age:
– I notice myself that I’m being incredibly irritated that HUD disappears. In the 20s believed that the boss is wiser, that love lasts forever, that one can get rich. With years disappearing dreams, he says.
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