Friday, May 1, 2015

- Thor Gjermund Eriksen have naughty gift –

(Dagbladet): Thor Gjermund Eriksen said Thursday that he wants more royalties.

FRP responds now calling NRK boss rude.

Thursday sent Thor Gjermund Eriksen a letter to Culture Minister Thorhild Widvey (H) and requested 70 million in license increase perlisenbetaler. He requested the same last year but received only 25 million increase.

– Such growth does not correspond to compensation for wage and price inflation, but with a continued streamlining of NRK virksomhetvil this secure framework to maintain the offer to the public, said Eriksen of money demanded.

– Always an excuse

Culture At least he annually receives a license letter from NRK boss. The license for 2016 will be presented with the state budget in October in autumn.

Among license opponent in FRP receives Eriksen little support.

– He’s cheeky gift. NRK have always an excuse to ask for more money. Whether it’s the Olympics, Eurovision or DAB development, says Ib Thomsen, cultural policy spokesman for the ruling party.

Norway is the European country where the license fee per license pay is higher. At the same time also support around NRK record high, according to user input.

FRP opens its annual convention Friday 1 May and Thomsen says time there NRK bosses “book” more license money is past.

Global competition

– It should be final at the time NRK just calling the state and asking for more money. We envisage another solution where NRK should not keep all the tasks they have today, and then Eriksen matter not use all the money he asks for, say FRP politician.

When Eriksen sent the letter to Widwey Thursday afternoon argued he license the rise by pointing to general inflation in Norway and heavy competition from global players. NRK boss says he needs more license assets to continue to deliver a quality product to the Norwegian people.

– It is in this landscape NRK shall maintain its position as a public broadcaster with Norwegian content with a quality that can be measured against the best from overseas, he explained.

– Must streamline better

Ib Thomsen says NRK needs to streamline rather than just ask for more money .

– All media must think about inflation and elsewhere has been streamlined and gotten more out of every dollar.

– But NRK has also streamlined?

– Obviously not enough, now that they are asking for even more money from license payers’ pocket, he concludes.

Ap: – It is FRP that is brazen

NRK truncate 300 FTEs last year, most famous is probably bowl cut in the news department at NRK. Today working there about 3,000 people in the state channel.

Labour Party Arild Grande is not impressed Ib Thomsen’s initiative.

– I am afraid that the Progress Party’s attitude to the BBC, both in terms of weakening economy and cutting out parts of the mission, will cause the supply disappears and no one takes over. Before FRP call Broadcasting rude should maybe explain voters where they made the promise that the license should be removed the moment FRP came into government, says Grande.

– Now jaws the K-boss and demonstrates that way own powerlessness. It’s not a pretty sight, he concludes.


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