(Page2): Kim Kardashian showed Monday that she is in every way back after birth – by posting a nude photo of herself. Naked in front of the bathroom mirror, she had taken a selfie – with skidding over tits and abdomen – says “When you have nothing to go with.”
It is not the first time she creates nude furore – at the end of 2014 she tried partly to crack online to prove nude on the cover of Paper magazine.
Reviews for SEFI-nude photo pretended obviously not long in coming. Naked stunt was met both with accusations that the picture was old (ie it was before she was pregnant with the last man Saint, and when she was blonde – which Kim himself remarked in retrospect is the case) and people had fun of ‘dress on “reality celebrity.
selfie: When you do not have anything to go with.
Others have criticized Kim for not thinking about their children, daughter North and son Saint. Twitter users were quick to publish his views on Kim’s – and his own – understanding of motherhood.
– I do not fling shit but Kim Kardashian’s mother and she is posing nude on the web.
– nothing to wear? Children in Africa and other countries in the third world have nothing to wear … You’re a mother to another.
– Kim is such a good role model as a mother, nude photos over the web .
– You have a daughter now, she’s not going to be proud of this when she sees it in a few years. You’re the mother now, act like it.
Susanne Kaluza is guest editor of the online newspaper on Women’s day.
Net Daily’s guest editor, Susanne Kaluza in Kvinneguiden, many believe critics do bummer.
– there is nothing liberating by posting a nude photo which you are trying to look sexy. that said, I think the criticism she get that she should not undress because she is mother is incredibly narrow-minded, says Susanne Kaluza to Page2.
– if you think it’s stupid to throw clothes for a few million internet users as it is a different matter but if she is mom or do not have precious little to do with it. Should women somehow not being sexual beings anymore because they have a child, she asks.
Also more famous people threw themselves to criticism. Among others believed actress Bette Midler that Kim went too far – something Kim did not seem to be responding to, Twitter – in pure husband Kanye West-style.
And Kim K does not seem to care about either one or the other of critical voices. Today, she has published a new picture of himself. This time in black / white and with hands strategically placed rather than gossip.
Just naked, and equally aware of what she is doing, we assume. Text accompanying the photo on Instagram is short:
– Liberating.
dRESS FOR YOU: Some thought it was fun to give Kim clothes.
A picture published by Kim Kardashian West ( @kimkardashian) Monday, 07 March. 2016 PST
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