Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Gunilla considering to sue Hollywoodfrue-colleague – Theend

Want to review Åsa Vesterlund after the tumbler-folding.

TV3s suksessprogram “Swedish Hollywoodfruer” have served the viewers loud discussions, arguing and frantic drama in the course of its ten seasons.

When you think it can’t be more drama among the fruene living their glamorous Hollywood lives, one takes it wrong.

Last week, the daily newspaper Dagbladet about an episode that occurred when four of the five Swedish fruene met for an annual lunch.

Gunilla Persson (57) and Åsa Vesterlund (40) begins to discuss during lunch, which leads to both be very upset.

It ends with that Vesterlund take a tumbler and throw on Persson before she leaves the room.

- I could have been blind, deaf and dumb. I could have died, it is an attempt, says Gunilla Persson after the incident in the clip from the episode.

See the video here:

Considering politianmelde Vesterlund

Now 57-year-old to take the matter further, according to the Swedish Aftonbladet.

In the episode of the “Swedish Hollywoodfruer” that is shown on Swedish TV3 in the evening they meet two fruene again for the first time after lunsjbråket, then to a pressefotografering.

I have considered to politianmelde her so that she gets a restraining order so she does not attack me again. I could have been both deaf and blind, and it had been a ten million dollar lawsuit and jail time for Åsa Vesterlund, ” says Persson in the program, according to Aftonbladet.

the Officer of MTG Sweden, Susanne Nylén, says to the Swedish newspaper that neither Persson or Vesterlund has made contact with TV3 and says that they have not yet taken a position on what will happen if Persson reviewer Vesterlund.

Nylén also states for Aftonbladet that this is the most dramatic season of “Swedish Hollywoodfruer” some time.

the Case continues under the image.

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FAMOUS HOUSEWIVES: Elena Belle, Åsa Vesterlund, Maria Montazami, Gunilla Persson and Sofie Prydz are all familiar with from TV3-the success of the “Swedish Hollywoodfruer”. TV3

first time

Also in season seven of the popular series rated Persson to sue Vesterlund after the two had several arguments in front of the camera.

Opposite the Swedish Expressen explains Persson that it was about defamation.

I have talked with a lawyer. It counts as libel, and it is very easy to win. You get a lot of money. It would lead to a hole in the man’s wallet, but I choose to stand up for my opinions in the place, said the 54-year-old to the newspaper at the time.

Was even reported to the police in 2015

In February 2015, it became known that Gunilla Persson was prosecuted by the Swedish Försäkringskassan, suspected of aggravated fraud.

According to Expressen shall Persson have received 332 000 Swedish crowns in child benefits, parental benefits and sick pay, as she had no claim.

Gunilla Persson was even very surprised when she received a review in the last year. Aggravated fraud can also known to give jail time in Sweden.

I did not know that I have driven with some fucking fraud. Had I known it, as I had obviously not done it, ” said Persson of Expressen at the time.

the Case was originally published in the Newspaper.no.

ALSO READ: Maria Montezami: – I bestikker children

1. november 2016 – 21:54


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