Each year prepares Telemarksforsking Norwegian kulturindeks, where they have analyzed the kulturnivået in Norway’s 428 municipalities based on several categories. For the fifth year in a row ports Røros on 1. space.
It was a totally brilliant new. It is as kultursjefen our say – we have the culture for the culture here in Røros, says the mayor of Røros, Hans Vintervold (Ap).
No longer last
In the year ended Advise the municipality of the last place, but this year, the municipality climbed to 421. space. When mayor René Rafshol (H) get the message from The journalist that they are no longer in last place is the reaction immediate:
– we Are not there? What happens?
And just that can Rafshol also deepen. Among other things, is the municipality in time to get a new kulturarena on Saltnes. In addition, the studied also the opportunities for doing the old longhouse in order to Prevail on a meeting place in the community.
NOT the LAST: Mayor René Rafshol (H) Advise the municipality feels confident that the citizens appreciate cultural.
Photo: Refshol / NRK
Rafshol is confident that the location doesn’t reflect the citizens ‘ views on the cultural in the municipality.
It had been worse if we were on the 250. place and the citizens were dissatisfied. As long as the citizens are satisfied and we try to improve ourselves so is that the best, he says.
Get a lot out of the small
For the first time, Telemarksforsking analyzed municipalities ‘ prerequisites for what kind of kulturnivå they can be expected to lie on.
One of the municipalities that manage to get a lot of culture out of little is the Verdal municipality. The municipality has an expected 320. space, but getting on an actual 29. space.
According to the researcher, Gunn Kristin Aasen Leikvoll in Telemarksforsking, there are several areas in the town of Verdal is doing better than expected.
– Verdal has many more visitors at the museum than what is expected. They have and several visits to the cinema than what one might expect, in addition to more lending at the library, to mention some, ” says Leikvoll.
a LOT of CULTURE: – There is a lot of culture around the country, ” says research scientist Gunn Kristin Aasen Leikvoll in Telemarksforsking.
Get less out of the lot
In the other end of the forventningsskalaen is kraftkommunen Bykle in Aust-Agder. According to Leikvoll using the municipality about 15 000 nok per capita on culture – eight times as much as the national average.
the Municipality is expected to be on 1. space, but getting on the 60. space.
– We have invested heavily in culture in the municipality. It is interesting for us to get these figures, for they tell us that we should get even more culture out of the money we use, ” says the mayor in Bykle, Jon Rolf Næss (Ap).
According to Leikvoll in Telemarksforsking is Bykle a strong besøkskommune, with above average high education in the population. However, the municipality of fewer students in the premises than expected. In addition, the municipality unexpectedly weak results in the category of volunteer work.
BETTING ON CULTURE: -We have experienced the culture as a glue that makes that well-being increases. We believe we are good, but can certainly be better, ” says the mayor in Bykle, Jon Rolf Næss (Ap).
Photo: Svein Sundsdal / NRK
there are few students in the premises is due to the fact that we are a small municipality. We could perhaps have had larger classes and been more effective. The same applies to volunteering provides. We have many who are members of non-profit organizations, but it is limited how much a person can participate in, ” says Næss.
a Lot of Bykles kulturmidler has been used on sports. Næss says he thinks it may be part of the reason that they do not when the to the top of the kulturindeksen.
It is a debate we have to take about what kind of culture we should emphasize, ” he says.
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