It is now two months since the page Marius Helge Larsen went from Oslo to Sydney to work for NTB.
Before he left, he celebrated 30th birthday with his friends, and then he got two tickets to a Taylor Swift concert in Sydney.
NEED HELP sunscreen Marius Helge Larsen looking for a lady in Australia. Photo: Private / Screenshot from the video
The idea was that Larsen should find a lady – or a friend – who could join the concert. It was easier said than done, and now Larsen made a video in which he calls for a date for the concert, which is next week.
– It is absolutely crazy
The video has gone viral, and discussed by foreign media as BuzzFeed, Huffington Post and The Mirror.
– It is absolutely crazy. I had never imagined this! I hoped it would lead to a few inquiries, and I was really just looking to find a solution to who would be with me at the concert, says Larsen to TV2 by telephone from Sydney.
He has deliberately not shared the video with their friends and acquaintances in Norway. He seems namely it is a little embarrassing.
HAS NO FRIENDS: – I’ve got some friends, but no one I can ask to take on Taylor Swift concert, says Helge Larsen. Photo: Private / Screenshot from the video
– I would not think that it should be spread in Norway. I have shown it to some friends, but I asked my friends not to spread it further. But now all seen it yet !, laughing Larsen.
Has received numerous inquiries
– Have you found a date yet?
– Not yet – but I’ve received a lot of messages and mail, and I have not had time to read them yet. It looks at least like to make it a happy ending anyway, says Larsen.
In Australia the day just started, and Marius it is filled up with a series of interviews on radio and TV.
– I’m a little nervous. I shall immediately in a radio interview and they said that they had found some ladies whom I shall choose, says Larsen.
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