- This is a horrible private economic cocktail – Seoghør.no
Siviløkonom Hallgeir Kvadsheim warns against the hopeless method to “Luxury Trap” -deltageren. Watch Video!
SEOGHØR.NO: In week’s episode of “Luxury Trap” takes economics experts Magne Gundersen and Hallgeir Kvadsheim trip to Hamar.
There they meet Bjørnar Moen ( 35), who had a high consumption in all years. After he received his first credit card in 2006, debts piling up.
When “Luxury Trap” -ekspertene comes to visit, he has 450,000 million in debt collection debt. In a desperate attempt to earn money, Tracey also wasted approximately 100,000 on online gambling.
– Until recently, it is to operate and play the only measure you have done. Sit at home and play the slots online, it’s supposed to solve the financial problems. The only people who have benefited from gaming di, Lynne, is the gaming companies, said Magne Gundersen said.
The case continues below the image.
BE NOTED: Economists Hallgeir Kvadsheim and Magne Gundersen did not quite understand the way Lynne has tried to deal with their finances on. TV3
Worn by problems
Tracey works about 50 percent as carer for the mentally retarded. He loves his job, but struggling to make ends meet with a monthly salary of between 13,000 and 18,000 respectively. For several years, he has resorted to credit cards, consumer loans and online gaming to supplement the income.
– In sheer desperation to win money, then all sense completely gone, says 35-year-old episode .
See the tough confrontation between Lynne and “Luxury Trap” -ekspertene upper case!
Also Hallgeir Kvadsheim stands little puzzled Bjørnars method to deal with the expenses and its debt.
– You’ve been working 50, 60, 70 percent of the all those years, when you really could have been on ! You can not blame the time squeeze or children or have a long journey or … what do you have? You have selected really , path of least resistance, I think, adds Kvadsheim emphatically.
– As the situation has been, so has not been possible to work full time either, because you’ve been so tired occasionally, explains Lynne.
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irresolute: In week “Luxury Trap” episode admits Lynne that he has been too apathetic with regard to clean up its economy. The situation has, however, been hard for him to cope. TV3
Selected stupid solutions
For Seoghør.no says Hallgeir Kvadsheim why he became so irritated in the face of Bjørnars situation.
– I was given because Lynne had chosen the solutions that seemed easiest for him, but that was actually hopeless . Most people think that they need to work more if they need more money, and he also had the opportunity to work more. But one should work a little to get more work; be a little on call duty manager, and so on. But he has not prioritized it. He sat down rather down and played on the net to win their money, says economics expert.
– But Lynne is not a particularly hopeless case, I think it is quite common: We often go for the simplest solutions, although these are not necessarily the best economic, adds Kvadsheim facing Seoghør.no.
GIVES ADVICE: “Luxury Trap” -ekspertene Hallgeir Kvadsheim and Magne Gundersen happy to help people who are struggling with the economy. Rune Bendiksen / TV3
Risky economic cocktail
Since 2011, not Tracey given more credit, and he has rarely paid off their debts. Over the last five years, the debt has grown by 200 000, while he still played online.
– Earlier directly funded his playing cards. Although he did not get credit anymore, he played indirectly for borrowed money also just before we arrived: He spent his money on games rather than its debts, points Kvadsheim.
The profile civil economist warns against the dangerous simple financial “solution” gambling online apparently can offer.
– To finance online gambling with credit cards is the worst cocktail you can create your own private finances. There is a reverse Kinder egg that is absolutely horrible: Firstly use the money on something where the probability is greatest that you lose. You do it with borrowed money, and thirdly there extends an interest rate of 20-30 percent of the money, stressing Hallgeir Kvadsheim facing Seoghør.no.
Other how it goes with Tracey in “Luxury Trap” on TV3 Wednesday at 20.30!
Bjørnar Moen did not even want to comment on the program to the media.
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