Hollywood actor Shia LaBeouf is known for its special manners and many stunts. Last year he appeared among others on a film festival with a paper bag over his head.
This week he started a special art project: In a movie theater in New York should LaBeof see all their films during the three days, and anyone can get the viewing space.
He will be sitting in the audience 24 hours a day, and movies are displayed in reverse chronological order. The first film, “Man Down” from 2015, was shown Tuesday morning, and the last movie shown Thursday afternoon.
The whole live-streamed on LaBeofs own website.
Hijacked seat next movie star
When Tina Rekdal (26) from Lillehammer got wind of the special screening, she decided to go. She works as a photographer and is currently on inspiration journey in New York.
– It sounded strange, but I am a fan of him and know that he does a lot of things. I wound down to the cinema, and after 45 minutes in line, I let them in, said Tina to TV2.
FILM INTERESTED: Photographer Tina Rekdal (26) has long been a fan of Shia LaBeouf. Tuesday, she will meet her idol in New York. PHOTO: JOHN ERIK REKDAL / PRIVATE
After Tina had seen a half film, there were many who left the cinema. Then she saw his chance and seized the seat right next to the Hollywood star.
– I thought that when I’m here, I’ll do it properly. It was sooo much fun. I will never experience this again – to sit next to a Hollywood actor who see their own films, she says.
CAUGHT ON CAMERA: Tina was visible several times during the live stream. Photo: Screen Capture / newhive
SHARED candy: Tina bought me candy at the movie star LaBeouf during the ten hours long screening. Photo: Screenshot
EMBARRASSED: Shia LaBeouf showed clearly with his body language that he did not appreciate “Transformers” films. It is this film series which has made him Hollywood star. Photo: Screen Capture / newhive.com
ten hours of film
Lillehammer girl were seated in less than ten hours, and she saw six and a half film with LaBeouf as a sideman.
– I think he had decided to be silent during the movie, so when someone came up to him to say that they thought the project was cool, he replied simply” thanks “or” cool, “says Tina.
Although the movie star was not very talkative, got Tina exchanged a few words with LaBeouf.
– Since I sat next to Shia quite long and was hysterical, so he relaxed his. I had me a few boxes of candy Milkbuds, and I asked if he wanted. I think we had three calls about Milkbuds, she says.
– I said to him that this is probably one of the coolest I’ve been involved in, and then he laughed at it, she adds.
– He was really all right
LaBeof has previously been behind several scandals that have gotten him arrested. He has ended up in the pub fight and had an open twitter war with Jim Carrey.
– Although he has a reputation sucks, so he seemed very alright. He was incredibly polite to all the others in the audience, says Tina.
She says that security around the movie star was quite relaxed.
– We had to show identification before we went into the hall, but it was because they show the film Nymphomaniac, which has 18 year limit. All were checked with metal detector, but after that one could sit anywhere in the audience. I think it is incredibly tough for him to invite anyone to come, says Tina.
Would not see “Transformers”
In theory, the movie star sitting through three days of his own films, but when the bell tilted noon Tuesday, he needed a break.
– When the third” Transformers “movie went on, he not hidden that he disliked the film. He had his face in his hands 90 percent of the time, and he laughed. It was clear that he thought the film was pathetic. After a while he went back in cinema and lay down to sleep for 30 minutes, says Tina.
After 13 hours in the cinema thanks Tina for themselves, but she plans to go back later in the week with the his favorite film “Disturbia.”
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