Toppidrettsutøver Lavrans Solli (24) had a goal to get to finaleuken of the Farm celebrity, for it was namely then the competition began for his part.
It was comedian Mike Petterson (37) put a stop to, when Mike won over Lavrans in the knowledge the day before finaleuken.
Then one might believe that for a konkurransemenneske as Lavrans, it would be difficult to swallow the loss. But the 24-year-old takes it surprisingly well.
I am very good at putting things behind me. You can’t go around and think about everything that has happened, and everything could be done differently. Now is the end. Now I’m looking forward to going home, and is really not so sorry that I have blown out, ” he says to TV 2 right after exiten, and adds:
It is of course sour, but now I really miss home.
– do not Regret on your choice
The other participants have feared Lavrans through the entire stay, and several have appointed him as the clear favorite to win the whole competition.
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– There is competition I do with to normal, so it is kjipt to break before the competition begins. But I’ll take the not so very heavy on it, even if it is kjipt to miss a finaleuke, admits 24-year-old.
According to the andrekjempen Tore he was closest to will have to choose knowledge, for only a mad man would have chosen something physical against Lavrans.
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Had Lavrans selected Petter Pilgaard or Leif Einar Lothe to andrekjempe it would most likely been a physical struggle. But Lavrans don’t regret the choice.
– I do not regret at all. I think Petter and Lothe deserve finaleuke-places, so I had not the heart to take them. And when Tore select knowledge, it is perfectly fine, it don’t get I managed, ” states he.
Have your plan ready
Through the five weeks he has been isolated on the farm, without the ability to contact the outside world, he has thought a lot about her partner and his daughter.
I’m used to travel a lot, and be much away. But when you do not get contacted them through Facetime, it makes it even heavier. But I bet that they know me when I come home, ” he says humorously.
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But before Lavrans can go home to his family, he has an important thing he must do.
I am going to buy a soft ice cream with liquorice, for that is the best I know.
Finaleuken of the Farm celebrity you see on TV 2 from Monday morning. 21.40, as well as Wednesday and Sunday. 20.00.
The grand finale of the Farm celebrity see you Sunday 12. February.
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