NEW YORK (Dagbladet): The American artist Kesha (27) claims in a new lawsuit that she was sexually, physically, verbally and emotionally abused by her producer, Dr. Luke. According to the lawsuit went so far that she almost died, writing website TMZ.
Kesha began their musical collaboration with producer when she was 18, and Dr. Luke should have made sexual courting her, according to the lawsuit. She also claims that he forced her to use alcohol and drugs to get her to do less resistance.
– Developed eating disorders
In the lawsuit, she writes, among other things, a case where she should have been forced to snort a substance on board an aircraft before Dr. Luke tried to push himself on her while she was intoxicated.
Kesha also believe that the alleged mistreatment led to her developed eating disorders.
– This lawsuit one’s wholehearted attempt by Kesha to regain control over his music career and her personal freedom after suffering for ten years as a victim of mental manipulation, emotional abuse and a case of sexual harassment Dr. Luke says Kesha attorney, Mark Geragos, to TMZ.
– Extortion
Within hours Kesha lawsuit said Dr. Luke, or Lukasz Sebastian Gottwald as his real name, with a counter . He thinks Kesha is a liar who invents stories to come out of a legally binding contract. He also claims that she has been using to make up stories from her mother and her new management.
Dr. Luke also writes in the lawsuit, which TMZ has obtained access to that Kesha first attempted extortion. According to music producer she should first have tried on extortion by threatening the spread lies about him a blogger unless she was released from his current record deal.
– Kesha lawsuit is a campaign for publishing scandalous and untrue allegations, says Lukes lawyer, Christine Leper to TMZ.
After two participants should have postponed a third participant of sexual harassment, the Swedish police launched an investigation.
The event took place during a party in the “Big Brother” -house Thursday night.
Chief Information Officer in Västerortspolisen, Mats Eriksson, told the Swedish news agency TT that it is unclear whether it committed an offense.
– We’re going to talk to those involved and gather evidence, says Eriksson TT, courtesy of Aftonbladet.
The two participants were immediately eliminated from competition and thrown out of the house.
– At a party last night listed two participants themselves harassing. The behavior is not acceptable, and they are therefore eliminated from the competition and must leave the house, confirmed the Media Manager, TVNorge, Hanne McBride, to VG when the incident became known.
The event, which was live streamed online night to Friday, was cut along the way, and the media manager confirmed that the episode will broadcast on TV or some other platforms.
The three participants will be included monitoring of the production team and a psychologist.
The three participants who have had to leave the “Big Brother” -house year. Last month, Ståle Vollan leave the program after he let a prescription preparation of the cup to the participant Felicia Moberg.
“Hangover” star Zach Galifianakis showed a much lighter side of himself when he appeared at the premiere party in New York.
SEOGHØR.NO: Zach Galifianakis (45) is best known for his role as the chubby Stag-entrant Alan in the popular “Hangover” films.
But now the comedian slimmed away so many pounds that he resembles little of his famous character.
When Zach Saturday appeared at the premiere of his new film “Birdman” in New York, he showed that he has been straight as a line.
– He is not going to recognize, writes Los Angeles Times comments.
A part of the transformation happened after Zach in 2013 joined drinking alcohol.
– I ended up in a lot of trouble because I was drinking, so I stopped. Then began the pounds disappear, he has previously said in an interview with talk show host Conan O ‘Brien.
POPULAR MOVIES: Zach Galifianakis has appeared in all three “Hangover” films. Here he is in a scene from the second film.
Zach turns rarely on the red carpet outside the terms of their own films.
he explains that he just wants to be an actor, but not famous.
– I’d rather do it I will also go home and watch Lifetime (TV channel, editor’s note). Being famous is a man-made things. There is nothing natural in us, he tells Us Weekly.
The family says the accident may have legal consequences.
After the Swedish model Anna Maria Moström (29) was hit by a bus in New York she kept artificially alive. Doctors who treat model also told the family that she is brain dead, according to Aftonbladet.
According to the newspaper turns doctors of breathing machine that keeps Moström alive in the evening, local time. The family has sought help from the model’s friends so that the case may have legal consequences.
– Now we are in the middle of the grieving process. It is a discussion that has been going on and what we can do is talk to her friends, we call it the richer your friends, so they are involved in the case. There are those who can help us with this, says the model’s fiancé, Michael, according to Aftonbladet.
The newspaper also writes that more people live on the island Roosevelt, where Moström was hit, is concerned about the safety of bus traffic. They also believe that the accident could have been prevented.
– I agree with that. It had could have been avoided. It happened at a stupid and dangerous transition. The driver must have driven right out. I do not think he saw her even though she had light, says fiance.
– Strange process
The family said many people have visited the woman in the hospital.
– She had so many friends here, who have shown their love and given their support, and we have said that they now have a day to see her. We have talked to the doctors about organ donation to take place. This is a very strange process to be in, says the model’s father Ron Moström said.
The bus that drove the model will be coming in the opposite direction of the Moström rode, and she must have collided with the front of the bus and thus been knocked to the ground when the bus driver turned to the left. Moström was taken to hospital with serious head injuries.
According to the Swedish newspaper is not arrested in connection with the accident. Police would not comment on whether the bus driver suspected of a crime above the newspaper.
(Page2): Former lead singer of “Turbonegro”, Hans-Erik Husby Dyvik confirms the Here and Now that he and his wife separated after five years of marriage.
The magazine writes that the couple married in 2009 and separated as friends.
The two have daughter Else Victoria (5).
Hans-Erik Husby has Dyvik recent years been relevant in countries such as the musical “Jesus Christ Superstar” and the movie about Cornelis Vreeswijk.
Gro Skau Stein has worked as a model and participated in several campaigns.
Monica had to go home from the farm, but says she is better off now than before.
SEOGHØR.NO: Monday to farmer Knut Erik Ulltveit- (36) send home one of her three suitors in TV 2 program “The search for love “.
chose Monica Bakke Lund, who had to travel home from Gjerstad municipality in Aust-Agder.
– It may sound a bit strange, but I’m actually become happier after I was with the “Quest for Love”, even though it went as it went. I have blown up some boundaries and dared more than I have previously done. So I regret nothing that I was in the program, she says to Seoghø
She was not surprised that she had to go home from the farm, and was not too disappointed Knut Erik’s decision.
– It is clear that I would probably want to be in anymore. I went into wholehearted pursuit of the greatest there is, and was very open. But I felt like I was standing a little sidelined in the courtyard week. So in a way it was quite okay that I had to go home.
TO CONTINUE: While Monica Bakke Lund (left) had home made Siri Bjellerås and Tove Michelle Vøllestad be on the farm to Knut Erik Ulltveit-. TV 2
Ground Lund says she is not bitter about Knut Erik and have great respect for the choice he had to make.
– I certainly wish him luck and hope he finds love.
Although the suitor has remained quiet after she had to return home from the farm, and says she is still single.
– I have kept me sheltered and not made so much out of me after the program. And then there’s a little scary to jump into something like that for a few years as single, she tells Seoghø
“Quest for Love” shipped Mondays at 20:00 on TV 2
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GAVMILD: Jo Nesbø har donert 27 millioner kroner til gode formål. Nå har han i tillegg gitt bort rettighetene til sine neste to bøker. Foto: Bjørn Langsem
- Det er helt storartet hva han har gjort.
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At den norske forfatteren Jo Nesbø (54) gjør enorm boksuksess, er det ikke bare hans egen lommebok som nyter godt av.
Nesbø er nemlig en sjenerøs mann, og i 2008 ga han bort rettighetene til romanen «Hodejegeren» til Harry Hole-stiftelsen.
Stiftelsen ble opprettet for å forbedre lese- og skriveferdighetene blant barn i u-land.
Til nå er 27 millioner kroner kommet inn, noe leder i stiftelsen, Erik Holst, naturlig nok er storfornøyd med.
- Det er helt storartet hva Jo Nesbø har gjort. Han har gitt bort 27 millioner kroner til gode formål, og mer skal det bli. Det er stort, flott og imponerende, forteller Holst til bladet Kapital.
Nesbø har nemlig også gitt bort rettighetene til sine neste bøker, «Blood on Snow» og «Blood on Snow 2», til stiftelsen.
Filmrettighetene til den første romanen er solgt til Warner Bros, og Leonardo DiCaprio skal spille hovedrollen. DiCaprio er også en av filmens produsenter.
Dermed tyder alt på at Erik Holst og Harry Hole-stiftelsen har stor grunn til å smile, også i fremtiden.
Sun-Maja Otterstadstølen feel incredibly misunderstood by the other “The Farm” -deltagerne, and the television audience.
SEOGHØR.NO: Sunday night was the Sun-Maja Otterstadstølen (20) who had to leave the farm in “The Farm” on TV 2, Wednesday after she was elected to the first fight of her friend Charlotte Thøgersen (25).
In the past week at “The Farm” has been a lot of tears between Sol and Charlotte, but having broken out of the reality competition says Sol to Seoghør. no she does not hold grudges for weekly farmer.
– There is absolutely no bad feelings between us now, and in retrospect I see that she was under a lot of pressure. It’s very strange to have seen this drama on TV now, but TV2 has received with all the puzzle pieces, it’s nice to see that it has been properly prepared, says Sol to Seoghø today.
But the 20-year-old reveals that she however was shocked when she saw the week’s second drama on the TV screen, as she was not aware that there was some intrigue.
misunderstood: 20-year-old feels that the other participants have misunderstood her attitude, and she says she does not know the way back on TV. Tor Lindseth
Shocked and hurt
This week, one namely see more participants regret greatly that Sun would only work in the potato fields rather than contribute to other tasks.
Opposite Seoghø emphasizes Sun that she only did that farmer Charlotte would.
– I was shocked when I saw it on TV, it was very hurtful. The situation is sick misunderstood among participants, no one mentioned anything to me. Charlotte asked me to do it, and I worked myself to death for several days in the potato field. I chose to work for Charlotte, in spite of what she had done to me, explaining Sol fervently.
The cute 20-year-old says it’s really sucks when Norwegian TV viewers sit online and says she “do not do a shit.”
She thinks it’s silly that the elderly “The Farm” -gården, which she believes manipulated Charlotte to choose her as the first fight, whispering and giggling behind her back.
– They could also have confronted me with it. And the TV does not my version at all, it’s a shame because I had a completely different view of the situation, says Sol facing Seoghø
She says she would like to told the other participants their version today, because she finds it uncomfortable that they have got the impression from her that she did not recognize.
– Also, it is completely pointless, “The Farm” is after all just a TV show, commenting Sol humorous.
– Did Stine was easier than she was
In the end it was not the potato harvest, but the tug of war, who sent Sol-Maja Otterstadstølen out of “The Farm”.
TOUGH OPPONENT: Stine Sørum gave Sol more resistance than she had thought ahead in tug of war, and other giant had to be left at “The Farm” -gården when Sun traveled. Tor Lindseth
For Seoghø she says that she chose Stine Sørum (30) to the second fight because she knew that the opponent came to choosing tug of war.
– I thought we were about as heavy and just as strong, but she really was several pounds heavier than me. I think we were actually quite smooth in strength, since I managed to hold out so long. But when she entered all its weight, I realized that I did not stand a chance.
Sun admits it was miserable to lose there and then, since she is a very competitive person. In retrospect, she slightly regretted that she did not choose Malin (21) or Alina Vassnes (24), although the two sisters have a separate alliance.
– At the same time, I wanted the tug of war, it is so cool !, states Sol facing Seoghø
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Det eneste forholdet Anita Skorgan hadde til hiphop før hun ble med i Stjernekamp, var den mest kommersielle delen som har blitt spilt på radio. Men etter å ha utforsket sjangeren mer, har hun fått øynene opp for de ulike retningene.
– Min eneste bakgrunn er at jeg har sett den Eminem-filmen («8 Mile», journ.anm.), og den synes jeg var veldig fin. Men nå i forbindelse med dette, så har jeg jo forsket litt og sett at det er flere retninger her. Og mitt hjerte går mot Karpe Diem, Gatas Parlament og den delen av hiphopen som vil noe med musikken sin, sier Skorgan til
Når hun velger ut låter til Stjernekamp, er tekstene svært viktige. Det er en av grunnene til at hun endte med Karpe Diems hit «Stjerner».
– Jeg prøvde først å finne en Don Martin-sang, for han har mange fine tekster, men jeg ville ha en låt med musikalsk refreng på. Så det var der «Stjerner» pekte seg ut. Både med et sangbart refreng, men også tekstmessig, og det er helt avgjørende for meg. Jeg kan ikke stå å bare synge noe vas, sier hun.
Går sine egne veier
Skorgan oppdaget rapduoen Karpe Diem i forbindelse med opptredenen de gjorde etter 22. juli. Det gjorde inntrykk.
– Det var da jeg plutselig fikk øynene opp for dem. Det slo meg hvor oppriktig og sant det de gjorde virket, og det er det veldig sjelden jeg opplever. Det er sjelden jeg blir slått av at noe er sant, og det er jeg alltid på jakt etter, sier hun.
Og at de lager låter som har en mening tiltaler henne, og hun har blitt en «Karpe»–fan.
– Jeg har ikke hørt så mange sanger av dem, men de jeg har hørt liker jeg veldig godt. Det virker som om det går sine egne veier, og har et eget ståsted med det de mener. Og det digger jeg, sier hun.
– Tar mye tid og krefter
I den aller første episoden av Stjernekamp var Skorgan blant de tre som fikk færrest stemmer, og hun var overbevist om at hun kom til å bli slått ut først.
– Det var forventet, jeg har innstilt meg på at jeg blir bombesikkert slått ut i første runde. Jeg har en følelse av det, og er innstilt på det. Men neste gang blir det lettere, da vet jeg mer hva jeg går til, sa hun til da.
Siden har hun klamret seg fast, og gått rett videre i konkurransen hver gang.
– Det er en stor overraskelse at jeg har kommet så langt. Men det er veldig hyggelig, sier hun.
Men å være med på Stjernekamp har vært mer intenst og krevende enn den erfarne artisten først hadde forestilt seg.
– Jeg var forberedt på at det skulle ta mye tid og krefter, men ikke at det skulle ta så mye tid og krefter! Jeg snakker og tenker på det hele tiden, man vil jo gjerne gjøre en så grundig og god jobb som mulig. Det er ikke dagligdags å være på beste sendetid hver lørdag, sier hun.
Sårbar situasjon
Selv med lang fartstid i bransjen og utallige opptredener bak seg, føler Skorgan seg i en sårbar situasjon når hun hver lørdag skal overbevise publikum i Stjernekamp.
– Det er live, du har ingen fallskjerm, og du fremfører en sang for aller første gang for publikum. Det er en veldig sårbar situasjon, for du vet ikke om det sitter og om du husker alt. Det er intenst, og jeg tror man må oppleve det selv for å forstå hvor intenst det er, sier hun.
Hun har deltatt i både Melodi Grand Prix og Eurovision Song Contest flere ganger, som også er store musikkonkurranser som går i beste sendetid.
– Stjernekamp kan sammenlignes med MGP. Det er like intenst, og man blir så gira! Jeg er ikke nervøs eller redd, men kroppen girer seg veldig opp.
Nå er hun igjen klar for en ny utfordring, hiphop. I motsetning til Lars Erik Blokhus, som røk ut forrige uke, gruer hun seg ikke mer til denne sjangeren enn noen av de andre.
– Den største utfordringen å fremføre låtene så den som tar imot opplever det som ekte. Hver sjanger har sin utfordringer, og i rappen er det det rytmiske. Også er det en utfordring at jeg ikke kjenner til musikkstilen, jeg har ikke de bevegelsene i kroppen, og jeg har ikke kulturen inne. Men jeg prøver så godt jeg kan med denne sangen å leve meg så godt jeg kan inn i den. Så får jeg bare se hvordan det går. Men det føles bra, jeg er faktisk litt overrasket, sier hun.
(Page2): Many people were shocked when it was known that the former angry blogger Linnea Myhre would participate in this year’s “Shall We Dance”, and the first applications could almost seem as if she was as shocked myself.
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Smiled not enough
The judges gave feedback constantly that she was not smiling enough and that she did not give enough of themselves. Despite the fact that it took time for Linnea to open up in front of television cameras, she starts now reaping positive feedback from the judges.
– It looks like you’re smiling all the way in from the heart. It is great to look at, when Trine Dehli Cleve after Saturday’s dance performance.
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Will not go home
Linnea Myhre is very clear that she not want to go home just yet. In fact, she has been afraid of being sent home since the first dance training.
– I’m starting to feel at home in the dance studio. I’m with Alex between five and six hours a day. Then it is clear we are interdependent, says Myhre to Page2.
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And even if the feedback from the judges constantly getting better, she knows that there is much left that she can work with.
– I have probably been better to express feelings and open me up, but I have not been real good at dancing yet, she says.
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Genuine smile
Life has not always been easy for the former blogger, and a book called “Eternal Sun” she tells us about their past experiences with both eating disorders, depression and anxiety.
LINNEA MYHRE achieved its highest score in Saturday’s Shall We Dance.
Thomas Reisæter, TV 2
Now, however, she crossed several of the boundaries she previously set for themselves, and partly become better at getting in touch with their feelings.
When I dance, it is very much emotion in motion. makes me happy of it, but at the same time I become very sad or frustrated if there is anything I can do. There are some sessions where I just lie on the floor and cry because I do not get it, she says.
It was going to pretend if she is happy and cheerful for the program’s part, however, is something she never could have done.
– It comes naturally to me to smile now. I do not smile just to smile, but when I actually mean it, says Myhre.
Idar Vollvik to travel home from “Shall We Dance” by the evening show in Nydalen. He was beaten by Linnea Myhre dance failed.
There was Idar Vollvik and a sick André Villa who got the lowest points score by the judging panel for the dance show tonight. André ended last, perhaps not surprisingly after the last week’s absence.
But the audience wanted him on, and voted him out. Idar Vollvik was beaten by Linnéa Myhre evening dance duel, and thus to thank individually.
He was not a beaten man when VG met him after the broadcast.
GOOD FRIENDS: Anette Stokke will learn Idar Vollvik even more dancing, even if he is knocked out of “Shall We Dance”
Photo: Thomas Reisæter TV 2
-Now we have completed seven dances and it is exceptional. I had a blast and Anette has been a tremendous inspiration.
How has the last year been?
– It has been wonderful to me. When we are in training or broadcast is only room for thinking exercise, dance and attitude. This has been achieved usable!
You’ve also lost weight?
– I have taken nine kilos in three months! I’m super happy with
Will you continue to dance?
Oh yes! Both my wife and I and a couple of friends coming to visit Anette few hours a week ahead. We live in Bergen everyone, so it will be fun.
And Vollvik biggest dance desire to come: Learning tango!
Christer Tornell said Idar Vollvik exit was absolutely correct:
– This was just right. Idar is very precise movements, but it is completely stone face. Stone statues on Easter Island look more happy out. Gets a little too angry for me. But Idar is extremely on the motion, said VG dance expert Christer Tornell.
Here you can read Tornell dansedom.
DANCE DUEL FOR SECOND TIME: Linnea Myhre had to duel with Idar Vollvik , who was sent home after the audience had their say.
Photo: Thomas Reisæter TV 2
Linnea Myhre Thus ended the dance challenge and revealed before the results became clear that this has been very important to her. VG struck a relieved Linnea on stage after the show.
– I do not see what I would do tomorrow if not! I am ready to go again tomorrow morning.
What do you do to not end up in a duel next time?
– I just do my best. I do this every time, but I ended up in a duel again.
GUEST JUDGE: Next week is Omer Bhatti (left) guest judge in ” Shall We Dance “. This week was the Mona Berntsen, who had the job.
Photo: Thomas Reisæter TV 2
Mona Berntsen has worked with several big stars in Hollywood, was a guest judge on tonight’s “Shall We Dance”. She was impressed by the level of the Norwegian celebrities.
– I think it’s super loud! That they dare to plunge into it, especially on a night like this when there is a show, and they have been allowed to choose for themselves. That they dare to take chances they did today was råtøft, and incredibly fun to be a part of.
Are we Norwegians bit more restrained than what you are used to in Hollywood?
– No, you know what, we should not underestimate the Norwegians thus! Norwegians “takes over” they said Berntsen was particularly impressed by Per tonight.
– He really showed their feelings, it can go both good and bad. For me it was very good, I really felt that he conveyed. Impressive to be drawn into.
(Dagbladet): Last week it published a post about Tone Damli (26) at Vålerenga fan club’s website, which featured artist from Sogndal in a very crass ordlag.
The crude post was shared quickly on social media before it was removed, published again, and later removed for good. The author then also let out an apology.
– Have not read the
But even if the post has been read and shared by many, do not tone Damli even much about the incident.
– I have not read it, and I care not so much about it, she says to Dagbladet, and continues:
– It is stupid and pity PSSC is this focus, but I am adult enough to handle it.
It was in connection with the first final broadcast of “Idol” last night at Chateau Neuf in Oslo Dagbladet spoke with the artist. She says it’s fun to be back in the saddle where she has been on ‘Idol’ scenes.
– It is very exciting to be here again. It’s here the exciting things happening, and it feels incredibly good, she says.
There was Tilla Gaasø who was voted out of the competition last night.
– You know where I’d spent the
This year’s “Idol” has a new twist, where the judges once during the season can put your foot down if an entrant they believe should be voted print.
– I like the new dispute, it does give us a little more power. I know where I’d used that power last year in any case, she says, referring to when Atrid Smeplass was unexpectedly voted out in last year’s season.
– Do you feel a responsibility for the finalists?
– Yes, I do it. I’ve grown fond of them all, she says.
Daniel Godø could not believe his eyes when he saw Jan Thomas’s statement of support.
SEOGHØR.NO: When Daniel Godo (22) from “The Farm” stood out as gay in “The Farm”, was Jan Thomas Mørch Husby (47) one of those showed their support on Instagram.
For Seoghø tells Daniel that he has not talked to Jan Thomas, but it was very touching to see.
– I could do not believe it. It was so cool that such a prolific guy showed his support for me. I was touched. It was crazy and incredibly cozy, says Godo.
Sought after
SUPPORTED: Jan Thomas let out a photo of Daniel on Instagram and wrote that he supported his choice.
The offers have not been long in coming after the handsome gentleman opened up about his sexual orientation. And he does not rule out a date for Daniel is in fact single.
– I’m free as a bird! It has happened that someone has hinted a little extra and asked whether we should have a coffee and stuff. But it has only been nice. I might accept a coffee date.
22-year-old says that he thinks it is unusual to be an inspiration to others in the same situation.
messages have interest from people who are in doubt and want advice.
– It has only been positive thereafter. Amazing overwhelming. People of all ages are sending their support. People who are in the same situation, which is in doubt. Then they ask me for advice, saying that I’m an inspiration, says the likeable 22-year-old.
This picture Jan Thomas let out on its own Instagram, along with a supporting text.
– Daniel Godo. Take it from one who knows, it’s fantastic to be themselves. #happy
Daniel Godo. Take it from one who knows, it’s fantastic to be themselves. #happy