The same evening as the pastor’s son, Daniel Godø, told farm-participants that he is homosexual, he had forlate Li Farm.
In kveldens episode av ‘farm’ did not force Daniel Godø, and he had forlate Li Farm.
The same day avslørte Godø its very largest hemmelighet to the other ‘farm’ -deltagerne: That he is homosexual . Well, he ute av growing competition.
In previous uke slo Daniel ut Bjørn Egil Mogenstad in single combat, but this Uken he had even see seg slått. Kveldens duel sto-operation between Daniel Godø and Magnus Melkeraaen as certain that Saging diaper kveldens konkurranse. Wallpaper led to Godø diaper the other who had forlate Li Properties, and ‘farm’.
– I am storfornøyd I is sykt cult y ha host with. It is selføgelig bitterly y tape, but it’s delightful stream vite I do not go tomhendt from the farm – I used the a duel, he says to VG.
Minster possible bank
Toeff MATCH: Daniel Godø selected Magnus Melkeraaen (depicted) as andrekjempe but saw seg slått when Melkeraaen was quicker to stream sage.
Photo: Alex Iversen TV 2
Godø was elected as førstekjempe from the great peasant Frank Tore Aniksdal, and he chose Magnus Melkeraaen as andrekjempe.
– I chose Magnus because I tenkte that it was he, I came to get y LEAST bank av, he says before he continued banquets:
– I like to think that I am not a typical førstekjempevalg; I am the physical svakeste, and not a big threat. Given that I was in single combat first uten so tenkte I that it was difficult river ports as førstekjempe.
Diaper Riser
Godø think it’s Too bad y had forlate yard, and the other participants. The he comes into streams miss most is Charlotte Thøgersen, ettersom both attracted good contact inne on the farm.
– I’m going to miss y Charlotte most. And so I come to the river miss the atmosphere at the farm, and the stream live uten bell and stress you have in your everyday life. I diaper indeed a riser av o not ha bell, he says.
It was opposite Thoegersen to Godø opened the opp and told that he was homosexual.
– I and Charlotte came in good agreement, and it came a point where I tenkte: “I faller not for Charlotte.” I would continue onset the mystery min. Well, I’m 22, and it felt ut like it could be riktig time stream fort onset it. It skjedde noe inne on ‘farm’. Perhaps, to I learned y akseptere it while I was on the farm, he said to VG.
Back home is accustomed participants å ta seg a good meal, and it also did Godø.
– The first thing I did when I came ut was å eat havregrøt. The diaper indeed a luxury that inne, and we ate it just once in the first ukene. So when I came home to Aalesund I ate it both kveldsmat and lunch, he laughs.
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