Friday, August 15, 2014

Låtanmeldelse: Sandra Lyng – ‘Electric City’ – VG

She will, she will, but it does not get far.


Sandra Lyng

“Electric City”


It has always ruled favor of making artist Sandra, despite the obvious artistic limitations.

Not just voted television audience her up to fourth place in the “Idol” 2004 Shortly after she was hired by the then notoriously alternative hip hop collective Pass It to sing in the semi-classical “summer fling” -SINGLE (which also came in a new version this week).

The debut album her from 2005 (which is chemically cleaned away from digital services) was also one of the last Stargate made before they went to America and became Rihanna’s most trusted production team. But one thinks of Sandra as an artist because of that?

Rather she is a celebrity involved in music. And it sounds like her music too – a substance dissolved soundtrack to arrival at the red carpet, background noise in a “Good Evening Norway” -reportasje.

“Electric City” is her third single in a mere year. Like its predecessors, “PRTeY” and “Do not Care” (which never reached the VG-lista) it is like listening to the essence of the relatively new American radiopop for kids, kind of Katy Perry and Ke $ ha – digital sounding with some crackling synths and the obligatory acoustic guitar, with an extensive dansefot to those who want to shake loose.

The text is about fixing the cities.

“Electric City” is not poor workmanship, production is elaborate and jubilation mood of the chorus are believers.

But the song does not give Sandra some kind of artistic character. She sounds like any decent-enough singing girl, which as such are an advance from her early sangkarriére when she sounded horrible flimsy.

When she sang, however, Norwegian, something she should consider doing again. It is hard to imagine that her music will affect anyone but those who are interested in all Celebrity Sandra does and they live primarily around here.

As it is now she makes pop that is almost on par with the second best from abroad.

THOMAS Talseth


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