(Page2:) – I do not know how many credit cards I had. I get calls from different creditors that I have to pay, says Jone Skartveit (23) in the “Luxury Trap”.
MBA Hall Geir Kvaldsheim is clearly stated in the season premiere of TV3 series.
– I’m not sure how many credit cards I have, says Jone.
But you can count? Wondering when an irritated Hall Geir.
– I have three or four. But I’m not sure.
Later in the program, it appears that 23-year-old has had up to nine credit cards.
Hall Geir Kvadsheim Luxury trap.
– You have no control!
In Wednesday’s program is all about Jone residing outside Stavanger., he has a son, and live every second weekend in a house next to her parents, and the rest of the week with his girlfriend in the apartment., he has a steady job as a security guard and a net income of 22,000 dollars a month.
After this he has a debt of nearly 400,000 dollars, the bank, friends and family.
– You have laid up a debt of nearly 200,000 million with credit card. You have no control whatsoever You have had up to nine credit cards. You think we are talking about four or five. I have to get the credit cards you are still using, says Hall Geir continues:
– And you must stop blaming others. There are no explanations, there are excuses. You need to stop blaming others.
Hiding bills
Jone has no control of how much he owes, and when he gets the mail so he put them in a plastic bag and leave all the bills with their parents . He can not have them in their own homes.
Opposite Page2 Jone says that the use of credit cards was a vicious circle, and the financial mess started when it was completed with the previous girlfriend.
– When my ex-boyfriend and I broke up, I had a sudden clear everything financially self. We had a joint loan, and she ran from everything. My parents bailed for a loan then I would begin to pay everything alone. Also, I had to suddenly pay contributions for six years. The piling simply up with bills, and then I started with credit cards again. It was a vicious circle.
Jone was surprised at how bad it was for the economy. Hall Geir and economist Christian Vennerød Jone gives an overview of the situation, and in what areas he needs to shape up.
– You need to stop blaming others, says Hall Geir up several times in the program.
– I was aware that I had debt, but it surprised me that it was more than I thought. Also I was very surprised at how expensive it was to small loans I had taken.
What do you think about that you had so Many credit card?
– I knew that I had spent many credit card eventually, but many of those were deleted when I got refinanced loan, but then I managed to end up back again. This was a some reasons why I managed to end up back again, and then I started to take up new credit card. But of course I was shocked that I had spent so many since I was 18 years until they came and cleaned up.
In what ways have you changed you?
– I always “Luxury Trap” in mind when I’m in the store. I am more observant, especially when it comes to small purchases. I have learned that small purchases is very expensive. Also I lubricate packed lunch to work. No more small purchases, and I do not take up more loans or credit cards. In addition, I save first if there is anything I need, I buy it afterwards.
– Plan ahead now to become debt free. I’ll get rid of all the crap debts and start over. Also, should I enter the housing market. Do I have a good plan, and it should be fine to follow it.
Manages versions to follow “Luxury Trap” -ekspertenes plan? Hall Geir is certainly very exasperated 23-year-old several times. See the program on TV3 Wednesday at 8:30 p.m..
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