Under “My dance crew” Final on TV2 Friday night, went Lisa Tønne in deck with a durabelig bang.
– Come out of the census
The accident happened in a so-called dance battle against Finger ‘ n and dance crew “absences.” Barrel and her dancers, “Juice”, was dressed as a horse. Barrel put on the back, but fell off when “horse” stood up.
– It was my fault, I came out of the census, said barrel and continues:
– I should jump off the horse after tent for four. But I was too slow in the census, and went straight to the floor with the knee first. It made hideous pain.
Morphine, not champagne
While Thomas ‘two fingers’ Gullstad (34) who won the victory and took the rest of the champagne party was Lisa Tønne (37) driven to the Emergency Department by ambulance.
– As long as the other celebrated with champagne, so it would only many that I got morphine.
Lisa Tønne says that she still has severe pain, and getting tougher stuff than Tylenol to keep the pain at bay. She hopes the best but fear the worst.
Fears for ligament
– It’s been some ligaments and the knee is filled with liquid. I must add the ice packs all the time. What I fear is that ligament is ruptured and then it becomes operational, said barrel.
Next week she take MRI of the knee, and only then she gets an answer.
– I should have performance «Tusvik and Barrel” on Laugh Tuesday, and then I must be picked by Sigrid says Tonne, who do not know the outcome and how long she must hobble around on crutches.
Can be struggling sofa
It’s really annoying, now that I was in such good shape. I do not want to become a couch struggling.
– Lisa and “Juice” has done a formidable job in “My Dance Crew.”
– Despite intense pain and that she felt unwell after the accident in the final, she held out on stage to marquee went after sending. It commands respect, says press contact in TV2.
The two get into a tough job when they meet the former kick boxer Mette Solli, who has pro world champion title, World Championship gold, EM gold, nordic gold and NM- gold on merit list.
In the semifinals of the Masters champion, where strength and will to win was in focus, drew the buff moldenseren the longest straw.
She is thus the first female participant in Masters champion history who wins a semifinal.
Hetland in his first nattest
ROK OUT: Harald Brattbakk as how it was to break out of the Masters Champion – right before the final.
ROK OUT: Harald Brattbakk as how it was to break out of the Masters Champion – right before the final.
She was the best in two of the exercises in the semifinals: In one she kept furthest holding two scales with straight arms out from body, while in the other she managed to carry heavy weights around his neck longer than the others.
Thus she meets Aleksander Hetland and Frode Andresen in the final.
Aleksander Hetland was in last place after the three exercises in the semifinals, and had for the first time into the night stone.
There he picked out – and defeated – the former big scorer Harald Brattbakk, who won the night stone against Marit Mikkelsplass last week.
Andresen took to tears
The citation that Bratbakk were chosen night stone, said Hetland that he would be in a severest possible finale. He would meet Frode Andresen, which he believes has been the smoothest and best so far in the popular contest on NRK.
This commends was too much for Andresen, who took to tears.
– Aleksander is world champion in swimming and then you get it commends. That he sees me as a big competitor, it’s too much, says Andresen.
case continues below video.
VIDEO: Frode Andresen took to tears.
VIDEO: Frode Andresen took to tears.
Looked forward since day one
Eliminated Brattbak, who received the title “Norway’s toughest celebrity 2010″ after winning celebrity version of 71 ° North of the same year, believes that Andresens reaction testify greatness.
– This suggests that this competition is something you have gone into the heart, he said.
Frode Andresen says that he looked forward to meeting his roommate Aleksander Hetland in a final.
– It would be an honor. He is world champion in fight sport swimming, and a giant type. It could not be better, says Andresen.
Aleksander Hetland reply:
– This is something I’ve been looking forward to from day one. Now it happens, and I’m looking forward, he said.
Friday it became clear that TV2 profile and “My dance crew» -deltageren Susanne Furøy Wergeland (29) has become engaged to VG journalist Atle Jorstad.
Courting happened in Thailand. Susanne and her boyfriend went, after she busted TV 2 program “My dance crew” earlier this year.
Must plan weddings
For Seoghør.no she says that the couple takes a little stand a chance by betrothed.
– We have not even lived together, so we take the one a small chance by betroth us. But now we are so happy as when we do it just says a crush Susanne.
She says that they were able to plan the wedding of celebrate.
– We had the three days left, so the days went by to the plan. I have already snakekt with ladies who styler me TV2 about wedding dress and makeup, so I hope they can help me. We’ll probably get married next summer or something, but not this summer at least, because I have such a large family, laughing Wergeland.
Preserves passion
29-yearold has been girlfriend with Atle Jorstad since 2013, is not afraid to suffer closet disappear even if they marry.
– It is up to each individual, but we have, as I said not even lived together, so I’m looking forward, smiling sports sank opportunity.
She has previously revealed to Seoghør.no that it was her boyfriend’s enthusiasm that got her to say yes to join in the dance competition.
But even before she started training to “My dance crew” made type that Susanne got swung on dance floor.
– I dance a lot more now that I have a boyfriend. Then insert the out on the dance floor and relax.
(page2): If one searches hashtag NyttpåNytt Twitter seems to be almost exclusively positive feedback for Pernille Sorensen, who Friday took over Ingrid Gjessing Linhave in New New.
The people thus seems to like the new element. Among other printer comedian Zahid Ali:
– I love Pernille! (It is allowed to say that?).
– Pernille! As good as it get’s- Worthy successor, writes another.
– superbra debut Pernille in New New.
– Pernille Sorensen is class! Digger the chick.
READ ONLINE NEWSPAPERS REVIEW: Straight woman in the right place.
Sorensen told the online newspaper when the news became known that this is her “dream job of all dream jobs “.
Linhave thanks after one and a half years in the TV program that has gone on BBC1 every Friday night since 1999.
Pernille Sorensen is well known in the industry. She has several roles behind and was partly one of the creators and actors in the Norwegian humor series “Melonas.” She is also known from other programs on NRK, including as panelist in “Løvebakken” and for the role “Lisbeth” in “Side by Side”.
See how Lisa Tønne knee injuries in the top of the case.
Friday night went the thrilling finale of “My Dance Crew” of stack. First place was between Thomas ‘fingers’ Gullstad (33) and his dance crew Absence and Lisa Tønne (36) and Juice Crew.
finale ended with a crash
After viewing the votes were counted, it became clear that the victory went to fingers and Absence, with delicate margin. They gathered in 50.2 percent of the vote.
Ever since the first week of the program, participants have struggled with various injuries. Bruising, bad clothes and stiff necks. For Lisa Tønne it has been wonderful to escape the damage – until it went very wrong in the final.
The last battle round end with a crash. Comedian damaged namely knee when she fell from a “human horse”. She had to replace finale party and champagne with hospitals and morphine.
– I spoke wrong when I put on “horse.” I should of horse of four, but it was little wrong with the census. I was a little anxious and then back to the horse went down, I landed right on his knee, telling Barrel TV two days after the accident.
– Realized quickly that something was wrong
After the damage was quickly knee iced down, and Lisa brag physios on production up in cloud.
– Luckily I did large swellings, because I got taped ice on the knee once, but it was an excruciating pain, she says.
Lisa unable to stand on his knee after the fall, and quickly realized that something was seriously wrong. On TV she pursed together and keep from screaming in pain, but behind the scenes she could not hold back the tears.
– During the break I started cry of pain. I fainted and threw up, telling Barrel.
Juice Crew won the hearts
She limps now around on crutches, and must be held close up the stairs to the apartment of her husband.
– He must carry two children and me up and down the steep stairs now, she says.
Although Lisa injured himself properly, she keeps spirits up. The accident was more serious than she first believed, and she will take MRI on Monday. When she gets to know if she must operate or not.
If you sick now, then?
– No, I do not get. I does not engage in such things, says the brave comedian.
Are you disappointed by yesterday?
– No, absolutely not. I can not say enough about the dance crew mine. Absence won money but Juice Crew won the hearts. We got turned it into that 0.2 percent separated us, and it is very impressive.
Comedian girlfriend Cecilie NEESS, supported Lisa Tønne the hospital Friday night:
Claus Dalvang (47), which has now changed its name to Fibiger, is disappointed to have to leave “Anno” on BBC1 on Friday evening.
– It is clear it is bitter, especially when I’m sitting in the living room and watching television, saying “Anno Claus» Dagbladet after sending tonight.
It is not just social media and Twitter it boils reactions on competition between Enoch Groven (30) and Claus Dalvang, which many believe did not go right for him.
Judge wrong?
– It comes sms on my phone all the time. Endorsements. 90 percent of them are from people I do not know. They believe that Selda Ekiz judge wrong, says Claus.
The two men had to hold fire buckets in each arm perpendicular from the body.
– It was hard to see his arms under coat. Ironically, it was a jacket he borrowed from me. Enoch is vigorous, so it is not entirely unlikely that the arms were outstretched, says Claus.
But both he and viewers in doubt.
A neat trick
– But it is allowed to use all the tricks, and if it works, then it works. Otherwise arms Enoch was right, then worked the trick, at least, says Claus.
He thinks it matter was small margins that ensured the outcome.
– The is not that easy verifiable this. Done is done. I would love to be longer and shown what I can do, says Claus Fibiger.
Dagbladet did not succeed to obtain Enoch Groven Friday night.
TOMMEL OPP: Lisa Tønne ble fraktet til sykehus etter finalen av TV 2-programmet Mitt Dansecrew. Dagbladet får opplyst at det skyldes en kneskade. Foto: Med tillatelse fra Lisa Tønne/Instagram
Tapte finalen i «Mitt Dansecrew».
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(Dagbladet): Lisa Tønne (37) tapte finalen i «Mitt Dansecrew» på TV 2 fredag kveld og det var Thomas «Finger’n» Gullestad (34) som stakk av med seieren.
Etter den TV 2-sendte finalen oppsto det et lite drama for Tønne. På sin Instagram-profil publiserte hun et bilde av seg selv på vei i sykebil.
- På vei til sykehuset, The Juice Crew (dansegruppa) feirer seieren. De vant ikke penger, men de knuser alle når det gjelder kunst og det å danse med hjertet er de overlegne seierherrer. Jeg feirer med morfin, skriver Tønne.
Dagbladet har ikke fått kontakt med Tønne fredag kveld, men TV 2 bekrefter at profilen er til behandling.
- Jeg kan bekrefte at Lisa er bragt til sykehus med sykebil og blir nå undersøkt av lege. Hun har sterke smerter i kneet. Utover det avventer vi næremre beskjed, sier TV 2s pressekontakt Unn Grethe Berge til Dagbladet.
Dagbladet får opplyst at uhellet skjedde i dansebattle mot Finger’n og dansecrewet Absens. Tønne og hennes dansere – Juice – hadde et nummer der danserne var utkledd som en hest. Tønne satt på ryggen, men skled av og slo seg i kneet.
Smertene ble intense og Tønne følte et ubehag. Derfor ble sykebil tilkalt etter at finalen var avgjort.
Thomas Gullestad og hans dansekamereter gikk av med seieren.
- Det føles helt sykt deilig og jeg vet crewet kommer til å bruke pengene bra, sa Gullestad etterpå.
(Side2 In tonight’s “My dance crew” Final was the balloon boobs, leopard underwear, magic arts and glitter. And an injury.
Finally, it was DJ Thomas ‘two fingers’ Gullstad and his “Absence” who walked away with the victory.
– There is what is called a thriller, he said when victory was clear.
He won by 50, 2 percent of the vote. Celebrity competition gets glory, dance crew gets NOK 500,000 to develop as dancers.
– Indulging they worth penny of the money, and I know they’re going to use them in a properly, said Thomas.
In the finals danced DJ against comedian Lisa Tønne and her dance crew “Juice.”
Jubilant two fingers and his dance crew.
Thomas Reisæter TV 2
Started in panties
Participants danced first songs judges had chosen as” Moves Like Jagger “and” Party Rock Anthem. “
– Now it starts to get a little Kleint, said two fingers when he stood in just the net after first appearance.
– I thought the plan was that someone would come with a bathrobe, he laughed further from the stage.
Injured knee
During the final round in battle task was Lisa unfortunate. When she would go down from a ‘horse’ – as were the other dancers, she beat knee sharply.
– Now I luckily lots of adrenaline in the body. Also there are good people here who tapes on ice packs also further said Lisa, who clearly had hurt.
Here damage Lisa Tønne knee. After pains, she continued the show.
Thomas Reisæter TV 2
The judges believe
Judge Thea Bay was impressed Lisas first dance:
– You have surpluses and always adds to the small details. Great, Lisa you are sharp and precise.
Also fingers got many nice words after their first Number:
– You Thomas, has been incredibly well trained in this season. And you are a member of Absence, Marcus said “Dark Marc» Andreassen:
The judges also felt that DJ showed diversity.
– You have been the most athletic of the participants in the competition. It is amazing to watch! said Nasir Khan Siri.
– Empty words
In the second part of the competition acted Lisas dance about what she and the crew have had together. Finale show was a kind of tribute to their journey during the program. Judge Nasir was incredibly touched by the performance, and struggled to find the right words to your feedback:
– Is a bit out of words, feel with you. You are completely insane, show you delivered today is completely in a class of its own. You are one of the dansecrewene working hardest. Lisa, you’ve had an incredible development and looks like a full member.
– A worthy farewell. Lisa, you have an incredible rhythm understanding. You look almost like a jazz dancer, there is an incredible softness. Seeing your progress Lisa, is absolutely fantastic, let Marcus to.
Thea was surprised fingers up and “Absence” that individual athletes, but also pointed out that they are strong together.
– The development you have had Thomas has been very special. It is so nice with you is that you approach tasks with pleasure and profit. You were good before, but now you’re amazing, Thea said.
– This was a kind of hit parade of all the eight weeks. You made a clean home run of an achievement, let Jan Fredrik Karlsen added.
Finally, there was thus Thomas Gullstad who won the whole dance competition.
Participants who have been in my dance crew blogs Sophie Elise Isachsen, artist Sandra Lyng, child- TV presenter Mark Bailey, artist Lise Karlsnes, former AUF leader Eskil Pedersen and presenter Susanne Furøy Wergeland.
Here you can see pictures from Friday’s finale:
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SEOGHØR.NO: Hollywood star Leonard Nimoy went Friday night (Norwegian time). He was 83 years old, reports the New York Times.
The actress announced last year that he fought a battle against COPD. He believed that he had the disease after many years of smoking – even if he quit smoking 30 years ago.
Nimoy was cast as Mr. Spock when television series debuted in 1966 and is the only actor who has appeared in all episodes of the original series.
familiar faces: Nimoy became world famous as Mr. Spock character with the pointy ears, in Star Trek. Here with Grace Lee Whitney and William Shatner. All Over Press
He also played in eight of “Star Trek” films – and was with directing more of them.
In addition to being an actor wrote Nimoy two poems books, two autobiographies and recorded discs.
Last week checked Leonard into UCLA Medical Center after intense chest pain but was later discharged, according to TMZ.com.
Sunday he posted his last Twitter message.
– A life is like a garden. Perfect moments can happen, but not preserved – except in memory.
Nimoy leaves his wife Susan Bay Nimoy and two children.
ALSO READ: Harrison Ford (72) ready for the “Blade Runner” -oppfølger
(Dagbladet): – I saw Kanye in a back stairs on the way out, and he stood there with two bodyguards or tour managers. Also standing Kanye slightly longer Oppi stairs, along with an old man of about 60 years, standing and rapper Kanye for, says Fredrik Skavlan in his podcast.
On Monday Friday episode of “Skavlan” was recorded in London. The star guestlist contained including rapper Kanye West. West would not be interviewed, but appeared with his new single “Only One”.
The program host, Fredrik Skavlan, met rapper backstage after recording. There was also another who did – and he chose to utilize his full situation.
– He raps awesome
It is Skavlan itself which tells the story in his weekly podcast “Skavlan & amp; Källner. ”
He said that West was very cute, and he got a hug backstage after recording. When, however, he was going up to his own box later in the evening, he noticed something incredible.
A man in his 60′s who rapped West. Skavlan describes man rapping as “awesome.” He reports that the older man held at a number lp records, who he suspects to be man’s own album.
Maria Stangeland NRK confirms that everything that is said in the podcast voices, and even seems incident is hilarious.
– “You hear from me”
West liked what he heard, believe Skavlan. For after rap performance seemed superstar very interested.
– “This is very good. Give your contact information to these guys, also you hear from me. I think maybe we can work together, “should the West have said according Skavlan.
When West and his men had gone, the older man having come over to Skavlan and he thanked for the opportunity. There he understood nothing, but quickly realized that the man worked in the studio where the program is recorded.
The man works as a so-called “usher”, a person who works as a doorman and is responsible for the audience in the auditorium. Skavlan describes the whole thing as a nice moment.
Is the dress white and gold or blue and black? #dressgate wreaking havoc in social media today.
“Guys, help me – this dress is white and gold, or blue and black? I and my friends will not agree and we freak out. “
wrote Scottish Caitlin McNeill on Tumblr since its night to today. Now discuss “whole” internet what color dress features.
On Twitter and Instagram has several thousand engaged under hashtag #dressgate.
Pop star Justin Bieber writes that dress is gold and white , the same mean actress Alyssa Milano.
The singer Taylor Swift thinks on his side that the dress is black and blue, and adds that she is confused and scared.
What do you see? Is the dress white and gold or blue and black?
Why do you different colors?
People interprets the question of color differs. That someone responds based on how they think the dress looks in reality, while others respond by how the dress looks in the picture.
It believes Hardeberg professor color imaging in University College in Gurgaon and Head of Forum color.
– When I interpret the picture, it looks like the model or the dress is in the shade, because it is a bright light in the background, said Hardenberg.
Imagine that you are skiing in the sunset. In the shade is white snow blue, while the sunshine is yellow.
– The snow is white while nobody has peed on it. But someone will answer that we know that snow is white, while I could black that it is blue in shade and yellow in the sun. The blue color of the dress reminiscent of snow that turns blue in the shade, says Hardenberg.
Another reason why different people see different images may be that they see the dress on different monitors. In addition, the camera and the camera’s processing result in different, he said.
– Color is not absolute, color is what one sees. We see all colors slightly differently because we have different eyes and different processing in the brain. The sensor in the eye sees first, then brain interprets what we see. The dog rarely are so disagree in this case, said Hardenberg.
It is not primarily because our eye is made different that some say the dress is gold and white, while others believes it is blue and black, but that we interpret what we see differently.
– I would have guessed that the dress is white and beige, said Hardenberg.
This is the truth
The controversial dress is from British Roman Originals, according Mashable.com. Is the dress blue and black, or is the gold and white, asked website.
– It is open to interpretation, but we like to think that it is blue and black, says creative director Ian Johnson in Roman Originals to Mashable.com.
They are considering creating a version of the dress in white and gold.
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The rapper Kanye West (37) had this week take a break from an interview when emotions took over.
In an interview with BBC Radio 1s Zane Lowe talks Kanye West, who recently launched a special clothing collection for Adidas, the love of fashion.
– People think that I’m too concerned with fashion. I think that the world might be saved through design. Art is to be free. Design is to fix, he says in the interview posted in its entirety on YouTube.
Kanye West Feat. Paul McCartney
(Album) Only One
West ordinarily seems like a pretty tough guy had during the interview take a break, after he broke down when they started talking about Louise Wilson, professor at fashion school Saint Martins in London, who died last year.
– Last time I saw her, we ate dinner and I think she knew that she would die. She would give me an advice: “There are so many students who do not give their all. The problem is that children in two to three years old gets applause when they do something that is a little good, “and then she looked at me said,” Kanye. Not pat. ” I did not know we were going to lose her , says West and crashing, halfway through the interview.
With an interviewee who is not able to talking, gave Lowe West a pat on the back and told me they were going to take a little break.
After a little while got West gathered, and when he admitted something:
– This has never happened to me during an interview before.
SENSITIVE: Kanye West seems it was hard to talk about his friend Louise Wilson, who died suddenly last year. Here with Zane Lowe during the interview in London.
Photo: Facsimile , BBC1 / YouTube
VG +: Straight West (requires login)
Regretted Grammy stunt >
It was a følelsladet and reflected West as Lowe was able to interview and feelings continued even after the interview. Then the rapper to Twitter to apologize to this year’s Grammy winner Beck after he stormed the stage when Beck would accept the award for the year’s best albums.
– I will publicly apologize to Beck. I apologize Beck wrote West and he did not give up there.
SURPRISED: Kanye West did as he under Grammys do best : Storms scene. This year he did it when Beck won statuette get the album “Morning Phase”.
Photo: Lucy Nicholson , Reuters
He also used the opportunity to fling out a second apology on Twitter – and this time it went to “Grenade” Bruno Mars -sangeren. West quivered namely Mars award he won at the MTV Video Music Awards in 2013 during a concert in New York.
– I would also publicly apologize to Bruno Mars. I used to hate him, but I really respect him as an artist.
Friday is world star for the first time to look at Nordic monitors, when he guests Skavlan on NRK.
VG journalist in London was present during the recording, and writes that: “He came, he began to sing – and interrupted and tried again before he sang through” Only One »two times – he stuck. “ 37-year-old gives namely no interviews in connection with any appearance – neither by Fredrik Skavlan itself.
The single he performs Skavlan tonight show also new faces of the West. The song, which is entitled “Only One”, differs from the repertoire of the usually rude and controversial 37-year-old. For there is a rare emotional West as a rapper from the heart.
The song is about his mother Donda West who from heaven looking down at his son. With the ballad, which is the first from the West at eighteen years, Beatles legend Paul McCartney (72) on the piano. He also helped to write the song.
Linn Skåber agree to be a guest in the “News on New” if Jon Almaas and Knut Nærum enroll “Norwegian Talents”.
Although Skåber (44) is delighted that her own very first audition was never filmed, she looks forward to assume the judging panel when TV 2 starts off with a new round of talent competition this fall.
– I know what it means to have an expression needs and stand in front of a jury. It is no secret that I applied five times Drama School before I came in, sparkles Skåber when VG hit her Thursday morning.
She poses with two swollen, bloodshot eyes because of an intense conjunctivitis and therefore take sunglasses when VG photographer retrieves camera. But never so wrong that it is not good for anything. Skåber, which is relevant in critically acclaimed “Pietà” on Centralteatret in Oslo five times a week, think conjunctivitis will give the character an additional tip when she tonight go on stage.
ON STAGE: Linn Skåber in “Pieta”.
– The production is about securing a woman who wakes fyllesyk in a hotel room, so then is the perfect! laughing Linn adds.
– The public will ask oneself: How in the world can she do it?
Should see “New in New “
But it is more than theater and film (she is also relevant in” Staying Alive “on cinema) is on the agenda for newlyweds Skåber. For yes, she is the girlfriend of Babelfish bassist Simon Malm (41), but it will come back to. And then there’s “Norwegian Talents”, then – the program that almost will compete with Skåber earlier Friday job – namely “New on New” on NRK.
– We go right not simultaneously. “New on New» sent while “Norwegian Talents” paused, then when will I get with me, ‘said Skåber.
– You did not consider to search back to “New on New” when it was now clear that Ingrid Gjessing Linhave should stop?
– No, I see it as my happiness in life that I can do many different things. I thank every day I have the opportunity. Either way it is the theater which is my foundation, and I can combine it with working for various TV channels, so I’m happy. I gladly jump back and forth between the channels.
TRAVEL: Linn Skåber, pictured here without conjunctivitis some time back , enjoys having many irons in the fire. – I’m lucky to have a fun job, she says.
Photo: Kyrre Lien , VG
Proposes “bachelors” -Jon
Skåber strongly believe that Pernille Sorensen (37) will make happiness as new coach in “New on New.”
– I am very happy to Pernille and this is completely her size. And then she Comedian Norway finest chin! Just note it says Skåber, who rejoice to see Friday’s first «News on New broadcast of Sørensen.
– But NRK could have driven another disturbance, then. I envision that it had been incredibly cool if Jon Almaas could gymnasts Norway around best ‘bachelors’ style and hand out roses to the female comedians he would carry on – until he finally sat back right. But Pernille had enough won anyway, at least as long as I was with, joking Skåber.
– But Pernille is not blonde, then?
– She’s a little blonde locked inside. Blond and wise, believe Skåber who disregards that she can appear as a guest in the “News on New.”
NEW TEAM: Knut Nærum (53), Pernille Sorensen (37 ) and and Jon Almaas (47).
Photo: Trond Solberg , VG
– I say yes to the invitation if Jon and Knut set in “Norwegian Talents”. Deal! They have many hidden talents, I know. Among other things, both cartwheels.
Hoping for arguing
Skåber intend part that she juror must make some difficult decisions.
– There are some fun if I become Slemme Linn. Slemme Linn strikes again, somehow. I hope it will be arguing. I love discussions and disagreements, she laughs.
– What did you say if your own son in 12 years would enroll in the talent show?
– I refuse not Niels so much … He could happily signed up, only he took the surname of his father chuckles Skåber adding:
– It’s little vulnerable, this friendly, but we are no cruel jury. I think I’m good to give honest feedback, but I have enough practice a little to emit sad eyes. It comes to be constructive and give with both heart and head. But to send someone with a big dream into an everyday, it will not be easy. Participants will console themselves with the fact that it goes several roads lead to Rome – I know everything about yourself.
FILM ACTIVE: Linn Skåber and Agnes Kittelsen In “Staying Alive”.
Photo: MAIPO staying
Fell the audition
Skåber remembers well his first audition at age 20. She worked as a singing waiter in Oslo and comedians Thomas Giertsen and Atle Antonsen was looking for a star.
– So – I know very well what it is to suffer in front of a jury. I had to make a revue number I had written – in my job. They were fucking, and I was willing. I remember that it was broad daylight – and that I was in love with storm Thomas. I thought he was dead handsome. Thank God that there will never be shown on TV! But they took me and we became “Risikompaniet” reminisces Skåber – which was actually the girlfriend of Giertsen shortly after. Off and on relationship lasted four years.
New Boyfriend
Today Skåber who said just fallen in love Simon Malm, who she met through mutual friends. His busy schedule despite – Skåber prioritize romance. Both live in Oslo.
– You always have time to what you want. Love gives more energy, so there is always room for. The only thing that is a pity is that he appeared right now. If I could not signed up for “Quest for Love” and turned two birds with one stone for TV 2!
– What qualities do you value most in girlfriend?
– kind is a good first place, and it is undervalued in our time. Combined with that he is incredibly exciting, it becomes good. And so it is good that he is a musician. Actor do not go, she laughs. Around the same time that “Norwegian Talents” will premiere this fall, dolls Skåber up on the big screen in the new movie “Wendy effect”, where she plays luxury prostitute.
– It will be a good combination – both family friendly and family unkind at once, think Skåber about the two projects.
Note: Mia Gundersen (53) continues as a judge in “Norwegian Talents” but they which other two being with, is not yet entirely clear. TV 2 has not signed a contract with presenter.
DRISTID: Linn Skåber (44) and Nils Jørgen Kaalstad (36 ) while recording movie “Wendy effect” last fall. The film gets påremiere autumn.