Saturday, February 28, 2015

- As long as the other celebrated with champagne, it should only fair that I do not … –

Under “My dance crew” Final on TV2 Friday night, went Lisa Tønne in deck with a durabelig bang.

– Come out of the census

The accident happened in a so-called dance battle against Finger ‘ n and dance crew “absences.” Barrel and her dancers, “Juice”, was dressed as a horse. Barrel put on the back, but fell off when “horse” stood up.

– It was my fault, I came out of the census, said barrel and continues:

– I should jump off the horse after tent for four. But I was too slow in the census, and went straight to the floor with the knee first. It made hideous pain.

Morphine, not champagne

While Thomas ‘two fingers’ Gullstad (34) who won the victory and took the rest of the champagne party was Lisa Tønne (37) driven to the Emergency Department by ambulance.

– As long as the other celebrated with champagne, so it would only many that I got morphine.

Lisa Tønne says that she still has severe pain, and getting tougher stuff than Tylenol to keep the pain at bay. She hopes the best but fear the worst.

Fears for ligament

– It’s been some ligaments and the knee is filled with liquid. I must add the ice packs all the time. What I fear is that ligament is ruptured and then it becomes operational, said barrel.

Next week she take MRI of the knee, and only then she gets an answer.

– I should have performance «Tusvik and Barrel” on Laugh Tuesday, and then I must be picked by Sigrid says Tonne, who do not know the outcome and how long she must hobble around on crutches.

Can be struggling sofa

It’s really annoying, now that I was in such good shape. I do not want to become a couch struggling.

– Lisa and “Juice” has done a formidable job in “My Dance Crew.”

– Despite intense pain and that she felt unwell after the accident in the final, she held out on stage to marquee went after sending. It commands respect, says press contact in TV2.


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