(page2) – Here are three exercises with progression to train core muscles, focusing on the oblique abdominal muscles, says Lene Puntervold.
She is Side2s training blogs, personal trainer at Optimal training and training supervisor at Olympiatoppen. In addition she has a background as a professional dancer.
Monday it was also known that Lene will work as PT at the new fitness center for handball star Kristian Kjelling.
We are incredibly motivated by Lene blog so who’s better to ask about some good and different exercises now that summer is approaching?
In summer opens Kristian Kjelling new training concept Tjuvholmen. Lene Puntervold becomes one of PT-one at the center.
We’ve been through the seat and torso. Now it’s the core muscles and mobility exercises again ..
Pallofpress with twisting 3 x 10-15
– Do this exercise with elastic or with cable.
This is a stabilization exercise that strengthens the core to resist movement, among others.
Focus on keeping a straight vertical line through the body, and squeeze your shoulder blades together.
Still feet hip width (the narrower, the harder the exercise) with a slight bend in the knees. Start with your arms across your chest, stretch them straight forward and hold for 2 seconds. Then turn to page using the abdomen, hips and take the movement. Turn back and bend your elbows to the starting position.
Page Reka in sling 3 x 10
This exercise is fairly advanced, and exercising a good Part shoulder stabilization in addition to the core muscles.
Attach thrown around knee and leg bones inside. The longer up knees sling is placed, the easier the exercise.
Strap yourself into a side plank, so pressure hips up to the ceiling while you break in the hip and leads the free arm under belly. Turn back to page plank.
Dumbell Lateral Raisen m / u weight plate 3 x 10-15
Place the elbow on the floor, push your hips up toward the ceiling and strap yourself up in a side plank.
Keep your hips straight and lower them down until they are just above the floor, before pushing them up again.
View previous training videos with Lene:
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