(Page2): Anything can happen in Wonderland.
Naked Vida Lill
This week we have been “Alice in Wonderland” theme on “Paradise Hotel” and on Monday checked Valeria into the hotel.
In the evening, guests will receive a visit from the former “Paradise” -vinneren Vida Lill who suddenly comes running into the hotel – which feel to total laughing for several of reality participants.
During this year’s season of “Paradise Hotel” working Vida Lill as web reporter, which obviously offers a whole range of different tasks.
Vida Lill went all the way in “Paradise” Final in 2012 where she left the bullet and secured themselves NOK 300,000. The former hotel guest was the same year known for its “Northug» -håndjobb, as she looked fine called a “Petter Northug.”
Tactic plans
EI MUST HOME: Tonight is the boys who will be sending home one of the girls.
TV 3 Screenshot
In Tonight is also parseremoni on “Paradise Hotel” and one of the girls must travel to Norway. Not surprisingly, it made plans for which one of the participants who need to leave the hotel, but not everyone gets what they want.
It is noticeable that the approaching “Paradise” Final and both boys and girls are working extra hard to fight for his place at the hotel.
– Anything can happen. I have no idea what happens tonight, says Martine in tonight parseremoni.
The presenter Triana ask Audun he now has begun to play.
– I feel the game so far gone my way and that thing is as it should be, responds lord.
See “Paradise Hotel” on TV 3 tonight at 10:30 p.m..
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