(page2): The last 12 weeks have millions of people downloaded podcast Serial. Today is the last episode posted.
Real murder mystery
Serial is a documentary about the murder of Hae-Min Lee in 1999. During 12 episodes the audience will join journalist Sarah Koenig looking for answers .
18 year old Lee was found dead 9 February 1999, nearly a month after she was reported missing. Ekskjæresten Adnan Syed Masud (17) was arrested for the murder a few weeks after, but denied having killed Lee. 25 February 2000, he was nevertheless convicted and given life imprisonment.
Adnan Masud Syed (left) is convicted of murder. Journalist Sarah Koenig (right) are unsure if the right man is punished.
Credible witnesses?
During the series Koenig and her staff examined the evidence against Syed seen police reports and gone through the witnesses credibility. She has also had many phone conversations with Syed.
One of the police’s main witnesses were drug long shoulder Jay, who claimed that he helped Syed burying Lee. Koenig is not sure if Jay was a credible witness.
It is not known whether Preseason will offer a surprising twist that can acquit or forever judge Syed, or about Koenig will conclude that the case will remain mysterious.
Here you can listen to the podcast and read more about the project .
Look at a news ABC2 News, made after Syed was arrested in 1999:
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