Saturday, December 27, 2014

Hareide and his wife lost an unborn child Pending child again in the spring. –

This Christmas should the couple’s daughter Sara Margrete really have been a big sister, but the child as the little family waited, died in the mother’s womb when she was four months pregnant, says Hareide told VG.

The news that the child was dead, the couple had the same day as one of the most important political victories KrF accomplishments reservation solution for physicians, was presented to the media.

While the Conservatives Bent Høie presented the case at the press conference, put Hareide and his wife at the hospital.

Only a scanty month in advance had Hareide announced that they were expecting their second child.

– I blame myself that I had already told the world that we were expecting a baby again, but we both thought it was safe after three months. It has made many people have asked for the child we were expecting.

– It has been painful to say that we lost the baby, yet we have known a lot of care and support, said Hareide, now go out and tell the public about the event.

The couple waiting in children in the spring. Also in this pregnancy, problems arose in the beginning, which again coincided with an important political event, the new government’s budget and supporting parties budget negotiations.

– The year has been challenging overall. But now we feel fortunate. In the spring, we expect a child and it has gone well, despite complications. We are grateful for, says Hareide said.



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