HAR TROA: Strømmemarkedet er et åpent felt utenfor Norden, mener medieforsker Arnt Maasø.
Foto: UiO
KREATIV KONTROLL: Signalet om større kontroll fra artistenes side er interessant, men det er fortsatt for tidlig å si hva det innebærer, sier tidligere Wimp-topp Kjartan Slette.
Foto: Unacast
– Tidal har en god tjeneste, og har vist at de er stabile, har god lydkvalitet og et ok grensesnitt. De har det som skal til teknisk sett, nå gjenstår det å se om de klarer å overbevise brukerne, sier Arnt Maasø, førsteamanuensis ved Institutt for medier og kommunikasjon ved Universitetet i Oslo.
Han har forsket på bruk av strømmetjenester i Norge, og fulgte den internasjonale lanseringen av «nye Wimp» mandag kveld norsk tid.
– Fortsatt et åpent felt
Fortsatt er lite kjent om hvordan den tidligere norske strømmetjenesten skal erobre verden, men Maasø mener Tidal kan ha gode sjanser ettersom musikkstrømming fortsatt er lite utbredt utenfor Norden.
– Strømming er fremdeles et veldig åpent marked, og selv om mange av dem som er mest musikkinteresserte vet om strømming og bruker det, er det nok mulig å «ta» det store markedet, mener medieforskeren.
Maasø tror selskapet går inn på det globale markedet på rett tid.
– Det antas at Apple kommer til å relansere strømmetjenesten sin innen kort tid, så det kommer trolig til å bli mye oppmerksomhet rundt strømming. Og da er Tidal godt posisjonert for å delta i løpet.
– Har aldri hatt større sjanse for å lykkes
– Det er helt umulig å si noe konkret om hva fremtida bringer for Tidal. Per nå er det bare Jay Z og hans team som vet hva som skal skje, sier Kjartan Slette, som var sentral i Wimp frem til 2014, og som siden har startet selskapet Unacast sammen med en tidligere Wimp-kollega.
Han understreker at det fortsatt er uklart nøyaktig hva som ligger i artistenes argumenter om å ta musikken tilbake til artistene.
– Signalet om at artisten har kontrollen, er svært interessant. Nøyaktig hva det betyr, vet ingen, men det er potensielt dramatiske endringer industrien står overfor dersom dette ikke bare er et PR-blaff.
(page2): It was definitely Katie Holmes (36) that got the most attention Monday evening. Then it was time for Woman In Gold -premiere in New York City at the Museum Of Modern Art.
Holmes uses a pink, leaking brocade dress, looked great and benevolent posed with actor and lead actress Helen Mirren (69).
Katie Holmes has daughter Suri (8), along with ex-husband Tom Cruise, and has since been linked to the breach among others Jason Segel and Stellan Skarsgard. Now swirling rumors about a romance with actor Jamie Foxx, but none of the actors have commented on this.
Katie Holmes and Helen Mirren had fun at the premiere.
Larry Busacca Getty Images
Woman In Gold tells the story of Maria Altmann, a Jewish refugee, and the film is directed by Simon Curtis. It released in theaters in the US on 1 April.
Katie got together with designer Marc Jacobs, who had chosen gray suit and an orange knit sweater for the occasion.
Katie Holmes along with designer Marc Jacobs.
Larry Busacca Getty Images
British Helen Mirren glittered as always, in a long dress in navy, embellished with crystals, and bright red lips.
Helen Mirren
Astrid Stawiarz Getty Images
Other famous faces was Brooke Shields (49), which uses a black leather dress for the occasion. Also Ivanka Trump (33) and Libby Woodbridge (29) from the series House of Cards Asked on the red carpet.
But as conspicuously absent was the film’s protagonist, Ryan Reynolds. He’s just finished filming superhero movie Deadpool in his hometown Vancouver in Canada.
Michael Loccisano Getty Images
Larry Busacca Getty Images
Katie Holmes
Larry Busacca Getty Images
Ivanka Trump
Larry Busacca Getty Images
Libby Woodbridge
Larry Busacca Getty Images
Brooke Shields
Larry Busacca Getty Images
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The irony was loose social media last night and today. “Please help These starving artist,” wrote a Twitter user with emneknaggen #TIDALforALL when rapmogulen Jay Z rolled out their formidable all-star on stage in New York to mark the relaunch of the Norwegian-developed music pouring service Tidal, which he recently bought. Twitter comment got predictable result of many, many more.
It is not primarily people like Madonna, Beyonce, Kanye West, Alicia Keys, Usher, Rihanna, Daft Punk, Chris Martin, Calvin Harris, Nicki Minaj Arcade Fire, Deadmau5 and Jack White mind goes to when it discusses how artists to survive in the new economy flowing.
As the domestic debate has shown, it is rather small and midsize artists narrower music genres that are struggling to get financial rewards. They have always done, even in CD age, but they notice the extra well now.
After a somewhat surreal Roadshow where Alicia Keys name dropped Nietszche, signed the participating mega stars a kind of “declaration”. Exactly what they signed, were vague. Maybe it was just the purchase contract. Jay Z has received numerous artists to take an ownership stake in pouring service, something that can remind indeed, stubbornness day United Artists model of film and record industry – except that most artists in this splice made already multimillionaires .
It was, to put it mildly, something slightly Kleint over the session.
A bit silly commercials did not improve matters. It was so far out that the involved artists themselves felt obliged to take distance.
But Jay Z not talking nonsense when he claims that Tidal has a more artist friendly business model. Tidal has not an advertising funded free product such Spotify operates and can therefore pay a somewhat larger contribution per user to artists and rights holders.
An increasingly collected record industry now trying to push Spotify to liquidate free model. It looks simply not to be sustainable. On the other hand, one can argue that just free model has contributed to Spotify is an infinitely greater contributor than Tidal overall, with its 60 million users, of whom 15 million are currently paying.
Tidal has to comparison only somewhere between 500,000 and 600,000 paying users, mark if one takes with those of us who are currently subscribers moderation service Wimp. Tidal as such has only about 17000 subscribers, according to The Verge.
In addition, Tidal a HiFi offers, with sound in full CD quality. It costs $ 19.99, compared with $ 9.99 for the standard version with 320 kbpsmp3 sound, which for some reason called “premium”. One HiFi user creates twice as much money for distribution among rettighethavere and artists every month as a ordfinær subscriber. It is probably this that makes Jay-Z & amp; co. think they can say that they should pay “twice as much” as Spotify to artists.
It’s easy to drive fun of a gang rich people who bought their own flow service. But can Tidal be music revolution Jay Z talking about?
When it is not enough with some puny little percentage of the total market. Not only the music industry, but also the users must embrace Tidal. It should normally happen in competition not only just Spotify, but also with rapkollega Dr. Dre Beats service that will soon be a part of Apple’s music offerings, and with a legion other actors.
Personally, I believe Tidal – well to note as we know moderation service Wimp in Norway, with a strong focus on local music and editorial curating – the market’s best service flow per today.
But when some of the world’s richest and most decadent artists stand out as owners and encourage regular music consumers to scroll up twice for flow better sounding music to your smartphone or to start paying for something they now have free, because the service they offer is “artist owned,” there may well be that you have something of a PR problem.
“We will change the history,” said Jay Z during the live press conference before he drank with friends in champagne. Everything is, as known, relatively. Champagne cost for all I know more per bottle than the average artist can hope to earn on an album release.
Otherwise to be allowed be allowed to both the strong editorial profile and the fine people that have built up service at the headquarters in Oslo will be further when Wimp gets Tidal.
Local music profile, active curating done by music connoisseurs and focus on high quality sound enough in length a better selling point than that Madonna is an owner.
It would be hard to get streaming giant Spotify to look like a cool underdog. But it has Jay Z and his business partners clearly now.
Swedish Spotify became the first player of significance in streaming market. Daniel Ek and his people realized that the only thing that can compete with the cost of illegal downloading, crowns zero, was NOK zero.
On the plus side: A pleasant lawful and copious platform. On the minus side: They condemned advertising clips.
It is and it is advertising driven Spotify draws people to the service. Music has been available free as long as that for many listeners never existed any other reality.
Many of these are also techno nerds, at least they appear so for us who grew up with one channel on TV ‘ one. And techno nerds may seem puzzling, where they lie in wait queues to get the new Apple gadget and shelves deceased Steve Jobs as if he was an idealistic indie rocker category Steve Albini.
But there is one thing they not like: Hybris. Something Apple and U2 got a taste of, when they pushed the Irish rock band’s latest album into all iTunes account holders machines last fall.
STAR HEAVY TURNOUT: Daft Punk and Beyoncé was also present. Photo: AFP
Rarely has arisen greater distance between intention (to seem generous) and profit (global abuse of greed).
Now Jay Z and his multimillionaire colleagues Tidal in what looks suspiciously like the same trap.
In any case boils online now ridicule of the wealthy stars that gather to talk about how their streaming service is “of the people, for the people”, while they tweet to their several hundred million fans about how we all now can “write history” together – only we choose the platform artists freehold.
It is strange that they do not realize how ridiculous it looks.
I do not think that music lovers most walks around and cuddle in the daily of the Madonna, Rihanna and Daft Punk has lots of money.
TIDAL OWNER: Rihanna. Photo: AFP
But there idea sounds pathetic sanctimonious when a gang prophesied stars takes the idealistic tone, when what they are really doing is protecting their own significant interests.
Spotify on their side wisely kept a low profile in recent days. They are long accustomed to competition, and as pioneers most they must assume that it only gets more of it. And they know very well that the real threat called Apple.
Meanwhile, Spotify enjoy that, compared with the service yesterday launched that a handful of financial tycoons signed a “declaration” – Lord, give me strength – now emerges as a Robin Hood-enterprises designed to serve consumers best.
Spotify can also allow them to laugh over that as of now can not offer Rihanna Tidal-exclusive new single.
Vania Schlogel Jay Zs company Roc Nation, which has been responsible for the acquisition of Wimp and Tidals Norwegian holding company Aspiro introduced them as “owners of Tidal” – in a press conference in New York last night Norwegian time ..
Then came – one by one – Alicia Keys, Win Butler and Regine Chassagne of Arcade Fire, Beyoncé, Calvin Harris and Chris Martin – both on screen, Daft Punk gentlemen, Jack White, Jason Aldean, J. Cole, Jay Z himself, Kanye West , Deadmau5, Madonna, Nicki Minaj, Rihanna and Usher and stood up side by side.
– This feels like an exam shutdown, said Alicia Keys, who brought the word on behalf of the owner group. She believed that they were involved in writing music history: that this is not just focused on commerce and technology, but also to “preserve the music.”
Keys described the new service as “the first artist-owned, global music – and entertainment platform ever, “before she new called forward one and an artist – this time to sign a document.
– Owning oil
In a video that was shown, speaking artists out about why they are with. Kanye West calls it “owning our oil,” Calvin Harris roses sound quality and Daft Punk called owns group “the Avengers of Music.”
launch has not gone free from criticism. Especially that Jay-Z talked the whole thing as a revolution has gained audience to murmur.
– Rich capitalists who replaces rich kapitalser is not revolution. There will be only set a new fat cat in the government, was one of tilbakemedlingene.
For the black the outspoken Deadmau5, which stands as one of the celebrity owners, the following:
– This is not a hostile takeover. It is also not a celebrity fuck fest. There is a streaming service. Do not read too much into it, twittering, he said.
The pathos-filled words in the short, celebrity heavy advertising film, which can be seen in this article, are also criticized. To match that Deadmau5.
– So you sabers down an entire philosophy because of a two minutes long, trashy produced commercials? It’s cool.
Much unclear
According Forbes.com it is considerably is unclear after the launch, as artists stakes in Tidal, if only superstars that will get ownership, they will draw their work away from other services, and what record companies their will allow.
Currently there at least Rihanna’s latest single “Bitch Better Have My Money» just Tidal and Norwegian users can exclusively hear Todd Rundgren, Emil Nikolaisen and Lindstrøm new collaboration single.
Tidal is available in 31 countries and launched soon in six new. So far, one according to a press release upstairs in 25 million songs, in addition to 75,000 music videos and other content, including artist interviews – and with two differently priced lydkvalitetsvalg.
Norwegian Wimp users will be able to continue using the service as before, according to a press statement from the Norwegian company. Later this week will Wimp customers could also use their username and password to log into the Tidal. Registration of new customers will also be on Tidal, according to a press release from the Norwegian service thus now has a row new celebrity owners.
In June last year guested Queen Elizabeth II (88) set of the popular television series “Game of Thrones” in Northern Ireland.
Many had enough hoped to get a glimpse of the Queen sitting in the proverbial throne used in series . It did not happen.
Now explains the series creators David Benioff and Dan Weiss, why.
The queen was namely stopped by an old law!
– The Queen has reportedly not allowed to sit on a foreign throne. There is an obscure rule that we did not know about at the time, said TV makers when they guested “Late Night with Seth Myers.”
Benioff and Weiss also talked about the actors panics whenever they are called by them. In the series, it has happened many times that the main people die, so think actors that the characters will die when they receive a phone call.
– Sometimes we call just to ask if they will join a dinner. But when they see that it is one of us think they always our calling to say, “You’re dead.”
The series’ fifth season has television premiere in April.
• Also read: “Game of Thrones” star tells Dagbladet why they are terrified of lunch with the producers.
(page2): Over a million people saw Angelina Jordan (8) win “Norwegian Talents” in May last year. 8-year-old was a world star for competition and performances her went worldwide. Since then she has both participated in talk shows worldwide and debuted as an actor in a guest role in the TV series Lilyhammer.
Two days ago was Angelina hailed by actor Ashton Kutcher, reports TV2. Kutcher posted Angelina final appearance on his Facebook page, where she sings Nancy Sinatra’s “Bang Bang (My Baby Shot Me Down).
” This is not normal. In a good way, “ wrote Kutcher.
Angelina answered his own Facebook page: “Thanks to Ashton Kutcher for your nice words !! #ydmyk”
– You can make her famous, Lil Wayne
But as if that were not enough: Yesterday rapper Lil Wayne out the same clip on his Facebook page, then with the text: “You will not believe the voice that comes out of this little girl” , reports TV2.
Now, post received over 26,000 likes and over 4,600 shares.
“You can make her famous Lil Wayne,” is the one who writes. Others think she has one of the world’s finest voices, and that we are going to see more of her in the future.
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Several members of the Broadcasting Council is critical to Fredrik Skavlan interview with Sweden Democrats leader Jimmie Åkesson.
On Monday evening had 3174 Norwegians appealed interview from Friday’s broadcast to the Broadcasting Council. There is a new record, according to the Council secretary Erik Berg-Hansen.
– There is a tremendous number. We have never been near such a commitment, he says to VG.
The criticism against Skavlan goes that Åkesson was treated in a bad way, and several thinks wording the questions were too negative against a man who was still sick.
Not applicable to grumble
For Sveriges Television says Skavlan that it is unacceptable to apologize to Åkesson.
– I understand not what we should give an apology for. We asked perfectly legitimate questions about both his health and that he now will reprise his role as party leader, said Skavlan.
He stressed that it was Åkesson who contacted and the initiative to be a guest in the program, after Skavlan editors had previously requested an interview with him when he was ready to embark on the policy again after sick leave.
Not only kos
Skavlan says he understands that some react, but emphasizes that Skavlan not only be a “snuggle program,” but also a journalistic program to accommodate the slightly more difficult questions.
– We have done earlier also with guests Håkan Juholt, Carl Bildt and Stefan Löfven says Skavlan.
Skavlan: – Not our intention to harass
VG was Monday evening in contact with several of Broadcasting Council, which will consider the case against Skavlan editorial on April 23.
CRITICAL: Frank Rossavik. Photo: Cornelius Poppe , NTB scanpix
Commentator and journalist in Bergens Tidende, Frank Rossavik is one of these. He believes Skavlan editors should have considered the health situation to Åkesson better before they interviewed him.
– Primarily I critical that he was invited to this program in a situation where his sick leave was not completed. There is another topic that will be discussed in the Broadcasting Council.
READ ALSO: Members flock to Sweden Democrats
– There was also a rather unmusical transition from cooing to revolver interview. But the interview was interesting and Åkesson got questions that he is not accustomed to in Sweden, says Rossavik.
Rossavik Council colleague, Elin Ørjasæter, writes email VG that Friday “Skavlan” breaks sharply with what one is used to when the party leader interviews in this program.
– Fredrik Skavlan interviewed a number of party leaders and then in a typical friendly talk-setting . Program concept is “mys television” as the Swedes say. Friday program breaks sharply with Skavlan own “mys tv» concept. Thus, taking Skavlan political stance in an unpleasant way.
NRK Petter Wallace argues that Skavlan interviewed Åkesson about Sweden Democrat politics. It is a mistake, according Ørjasæter.
– Åkesson got head not talk about the Ministry of Transport policy, but had to defend themselves against statements from representatives at low level as far back as 2002. Thus repeat Skavlan Swedish forced massive repetitive attacks on the Sweden Democrats, based on what already excluded members have said. When Skavlan repeat this is neither good journalism or good public education.
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She will still not shed any final judgment of the program.
– Skavlan program must be weighed against the NRK, which states that NRK should bring “balance over time.” To assess the program must therefore I consider it over time. I will await a final decision I’ve gone through all Skavlan recordings by other party leaders, Swedish and Norwegian, to compare with this. If other party leaders have undergone the same kind of revolver interview, body language and stillngstagen from Skavlan, I will curb my critique.
Broadcasting Council Member May Helen Molvaer Grimstad so even Skavlan on Friday. She thinks the first part of the interview seemed very smoothly. But when talk show host changed theme and ran Åkesson Sweden Democrats Erna politics, she believes it all became embarrassing.
– Then I thought; “When will you stop?” One thing is to ask a critical question or two, but as usual viewer I see a man who is back after a long sick leave. Then I wonder if it goes well with him as he sits and gets these questions, says Molvær Grimstad.
She is not at all surprised by the violent crowd complaints council she sits in has received.
– No, I said it then and there, “Now it’s going to get a lot of complaints.” Not because he raises critical questions, but because the amount is so great.
PER SANDBERG: – My visit with hateful Skavlan
She says that gut feeling her had been the same no matter what the guest account for purely political.
– Precisely because it is one that has just returned after having met the wall. Skavlan’s not a political debate program. It is a different concept, says Molvær Grimstad, who do not believe the case was no better that Skavlan on Dagsrevyen Sunday defended element.
– I was surprised that he did not see the reactions, and it is strange that he not taking more self-criticism.
POSITIVE: Mette Gundersen. Photo: Jan Petter Lynau , VG
– Balanced and well
Council Member Mette Gundersen so full interview online in the wake of Friday’s broadcast. She is surprised that it has come so many complaints.
– Basically I think it was a balanced and good interview, but it’s nice that people choose to engage.
Acting Kjersti Thorbjørnsrud do not want to say what she thinks about the interview.
– I take at the meeting, what I can say now is that it is worth discussing the terms for the interview and whether it is appropriate to mix a confidential conversation about illness with critical ongoing interrogation.
(page2): Wednesday has “Fast & amp; Furious 7 »Norwegian premiere, and we have met several of the actors in the film.
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Nathalie Emmanuel is the newest member of the gang. She plays hacker Ramsey, and in one of the scenes she must jump from a bus to a car.
In the video above tells Emmanuel how impressive stunt was recorded. “Game of Thrones’ actress also reveals what they do outside shooting on the set of the popular television series.
Watch the interview in the video at the top of the article.
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