Monday, March 30, 2015

Broadcast Council members Skavlan interview: – unmusical … – VG

Several members of the Broadcasting Council is critical to Fredrik Skavlan interview with Sweden Democrats leader Jimmie Åkesson.

On Monday evening had 3174 Norwegians appealed interview from Friday’s broadcast to the Broadcasting Council. There is a new record, according to the Council secretary Erik Berg-Hansen.

– There is a tremendous number. We have never been near such a commitment, he says to VG.

The criticism against Skavlan goes that Åkesson was treated in a bad way, and several thinks wording the questions were too negative against a man who was still sick.

Not applicable to grumble

For Sveriges Television says Skavlan that it is unacceptable to apologize to Åkesson.

– I understand not what we should give an apology for. We asked perfectly legitimate questions about both his health and that he now will reprise his role as party leader, said Skavlan.

He stressed that it was Åkesson who contacted and the initiative to be a guest in the program, after Skavlan editors had previously requested an interview with him when he was ready to embark on the policy again after sick leave.

Not only kos

Skavlan says he understands that some react, but emphasizes that Skavlan not only be a “snuggle program,” but also a journalistic program to accommodate the slightly more difficult questions.

– We have done earlier also with guests Håkan Juholt, Carl Bildt and Stefan Löfven says Skavlan.

Skavlan: – Not our intention to harass

VG was Monday evening in contact with several of Broadcasting Council, which will consider the case against Skavlan editorial on April 23.

 CRITICAL: Frank Rossavik.
CRITICAL: Frank Rossavik. Photo: Cornelius Poppe , NTB scanpix

Commentator and journalist in Bergens Tidende, Frank Rossavik is one of these. He believes Skavlan editors should have considered the health situation to Åkesson better before they interviewed him.

– Primarily I critical that he was invited to this program in a situation where his sick leave was not completed. There is another topic that will be discussed in the Broadcasting Council.

READ ALSO: Members flock to Sweden Democrats

– There was also a rather unmusical transition from cooing to revolver interview. But the interview was interesting and Åkesson got questions that he is not accustomed to in Sweden, says Rossavik.

– Unpleasant

 CRITICAL: Elin & # xD8; rjas & # xE6; utes.
CRITICAL: Elin Ørjasæter. Photo: Marte Vike Arnesen , VG

Rossavik Council colleague, Elin Ørjasæter, writes email VG that Friday “Skavlan” breaks sharply with what one is used to when the party leader interviews in this program.

– Fredrik Skavlan interviewed a number of party leaders and then in a typical friendly talk-setting . Program concept is “mys television” as the Swedes say. Friday program breaks sharply with Skavlan own “mys tv» concept. Thus, taking Skavlan political stance in an unpleasant way.

NRK Petter Wallace argues that Skavlan interviewed Åkesson about Sweden Democrat politics. It is a mistake, according Ørjasæter.

– Åkesson got head not talk about the Ministry of Transport policy, but had to defend themselves against statements from representatives at low level as far back as 2002. Thus repeat Skavlan Swedish forced massive repetitive attacks on the Sweden Democrats, based on what already excluded members have said. When Skavlan repeat this is neither good journalism or good public education.

READ ALSO: Primarily a Norwegian storm

She will still not shed any final judgment of the program.

– Skavlan program must be weighed against the NRK, which states that NRK should bring “balance over time.” To assess the program must therefore I consider it over time. I will await a final decision I’ve gone through all Skavlan recordings by other party leaders, Swedish and Norwegian, to compare with this. If other party leaders have undergone the same kind of revolver interview, body language and stillngstagen from Skavlan, I will curb my critique.

– Embarrassing

 CRITICAL: May-Helen Molv & # xE6; r Grimstad.
CRITICAL: May-Helen Molvær Grimstad. Photo: Erlend Aas , NTB scanpix

Broadcasting Council Member May Helen Molvaer Grimstad so even Skavlan on Friday. She thinks the first part of the interview seemed very smoothly. But when talk show host changed theme and ran Åkesson Sweden Democrats Erna politics, she believes it all became embarrassing.

– Then I thought; “When will you stop?” One thing is to ask a critical question or two, but as usual viewer I see a man who is back after a long sick leave. Then I wonder if it goes well with him as he sits and gets these questions, says Molvær Grimstad.

She is not at all surprised by the violent crowd complaints council she sits in has received.

– No, I said it then and there, “Now it’s going to get a lot of complaints.” Not because he raises critical questions, but because the amount is so great.

PER SANDBERG: – My visit with hateful Skavlan

She says that gut feeling her had been the same no matter what the guest account for purely political.

– Precisely because it is one that has just returned after having met the wall. Skavlan’s not a political debate program. It is a different concept, says Molvær Grimstad, who do not believe the case was no better that Skavlan on Dagsrevyen Sunday defended element.

– I was surprised that he did not see the reactions, and it is strange that he not taking more self-criticism.

 POSITIVE: Mette Gundersen.
POSITIVE: Mette Gundersen. Photo: Jan Petter Lynau , VG

– Balanced and well

Council Member Mette Gundersen so full interview online in the wake of Friday’s broadcast. She is surprised that it has come so many complaints.

– Basically I think it was a balanced and good interview, but it’s nice that people choose to engage.

Acting Kjersti Thorbjørnsrud do not want to say what she thinks about the interview.

– I take at the meeting, what I can say now is that it is worth discussing the terms for the interview and whether it is appropriate to mix a confidential conversation about illness with critical ongoing interrogation.


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