Friday, March 20, 2015

Tina out of Paradise Hotel – Bygdeposten

The garden was in its second week as a participant in the popular reality program on TV3 when she had to check out of luxury hotel in Mexico.

The boys and girls had placed each plan parsermoni, and 25-year-old fellow participants Martine Sjøhaug, Sara Stålesen and Isabel Raad did everything they could to keep the garden.

The boys troublefree however girls plan and chose to send out Hagen favor of Emilie FLEIM Svang.

– I am very sorry and disappointed. It was an experience I had dreamed of long and so clearly will not break after week number two. Mostly because I felt I had not gotten shown viewers and participants completely who I was I felt. One can of course regret a little later on that you did not play even harder, she says to See and Hear.

It was bad mood at the hotel after utstemmingen and there arose loud bickering between several of the participants.

Read more about: Modum


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