Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Had to sell her daughter’s birthday present – Seoghø

– It was a horrible moment that mother says Luxury Trap-participant Monika Kvamme to Seoghø

SEOGHØR.NO: In Wednesday’s episode of TV3 program “Luxury Trap” is the Nordfjordeid-woman Monika Kvamme who get experts to visit.

Kvamme has struggled with debt for over 20 years, and owes more than 400,000 dollars. Among people who had lent her money, were friends and family, and even Monikas daughter.

Had sell her daughter’s birthday gift

So it was especially bad when Kvamme was forced to sell her daughter’s trampoline, which she had received in combined Christmas and birthday present.

See the dramatic moment in the video at the top of the article!

Luxury Trap

GOT EKSPERTHJELP: Monika Kvamme was visited by Luxury Trap experts Magne Gundersen and Cecilie Lynum. TV3

– Just what was the worst moment at To be included in the program. It was a horrible moment as a mother, and the last thing I would do. Buying trampoline was unfortunately a very bad choice I had taken, and then it hurts compromising her, says Monika to Seoghø

The daughter was clearly disappointed when she got the sad modest but gets praised by mom Monika.

– She’s amazing. We figured that it could go towards a sale, but she took it very nice. So all honor to her.

Luxury Trap

BRIGHT OUTLOOK: After Luxury Trap-participation looks Monika bright future. TV3

Monika, who runs a Nille store, there was a large Steps to enroll in “Luxury Trap”.

– I had worn long fight, and repeatedly gone on economic slams. So it was a “must” -Instant for me. I thought, “Now I must have help.” But it is clear that it was a big step for me to take, she says to Seoghø

Looks brighter future

Now she looks like on the economic his future.

– I look like it, yes. I’m working on debt repayments, while I’m saving money. In addition, I am much more critical of what I spend my money on. I feel it is a whole new life I live.

See the dramatic moment where her daughter is notified that the trampoline must be sold at the top of the case.

“Luxury Trap” sent Wednesday clock 20.30 on TV3. Tonight you can also watch the episode on here.

ALSO READ: – This is one of the worst I’ve seen

4. March 2015 – 6:30


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