Experts have for years said that writing text messages on his phone while driving makes you equally inattentive as if you are driving while drunk.
Still we need constant reminders of how dangerous this activity is. Therefore challenged NAF three young drivers to try to write a text message while driving a car.
See how it went in the video at the bottom of the matter!
The message they were writing was “home about half an hour, Klemzig.”
First they wrote the message without running simultaneously. The fastest spent 23 seconds on the message. On a road 80 km / h equals 23 seconds ie half a mile with eyes elsewhere than on the road.
– Deadliest
– Very much can happen on a stretch of over half a kilometer. It is simply dangerous texting while driving, says lecturer Morten Fransrud in NAF.
– Just like drink driving do not think mobile users that run affected by mobile phone use. The moral is to stay away from texting when driving. Phone will beep, then wait until you are promoting, he continues.
Eirik hit both the one and the second hurdle when he drove while he tried to write a text message.
– Much worse than expected
– This went much worse than expected. I actually thought I was going to have a little more control than I had, he says in the video after the experiment.
Here you can see how the three young drivers fared:
Several other countries have tried to illustrate how wrong it goes if you try to drive and write SMS simultaneously. In this driving school in Belgium tricked students to believe that they must master the “SMS drive” to pass the driving test. It is not good at all:
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