Tuesday, March 10, 2015

- First impressions of the girls were a little disappointing – Page2

(page2): – I would again make a hell!

– I knew it

Monday this week started the season of “Paradise Hotel” on TV 3. When there were ten boys and five girls who checked into the hotel and already day two had one of the boys leave the other participants.

The girls were tasked to decide whether they wanted to keep the “white” or “black” boy gang, and they chose the white-clad.

This led to Fredrik Fredriksen from the black boy’s team was the first hotel guest who had to check out of “Paradise Hotel”.

(article continues below)

THE BLACK BOYS GANG: (from left) Fredrik, Christian Fredrik, Christopher, Mathias and Knut Eirik.

Silje Bjørnstad Mediehuset Nettavisen

– I knew it came, says Fredrik Side2 about utstemmelsen.

– It had to happen, it was strange if it were five girls and five boys. I was prepared for it to get into a bunch of guys and when we later learned that one had to go out so I knew it would be me, he continued.

Not entirely happy with the Paradise girls

Before Fredrik checked in “Paradise Hotel” said reality participant Side2 that he likes best tomboys who are a mix of “surf babe” and “skate chick.”

Silje Bjørnstad Mediehuset Nettavisen

What was your first impression of this year’s “Paradise” The girl?

– First impressions of the girls were a little disappointing. They are nice to look at, but it is not all that has as much between the ears, says the Voted “Paradise” -participants.

PARADISE- GIRLS: (from left) Martine, Tina, Martine, Sara and Isabell.

Silje Bjørnstad Mediehuset Nettavisen

– Isabell and Martine stand somehow slightly. They are a bit like that as Pompel og Pilt. Going one right so you can swear that the other goes to the right also, laughing Fredrik.

He can tell that, however, he was enthralled with his partner Sarah.

– It seemed like she has bones in her nose and a lot of humor, the others are more vain and I have not quite taste for.

But despite the fact that Fredrik was voted out and are now out of “Paradise Hotel” is he determined to get a revenge.

– I’m far from finished, I will again making a hell!

See “Paradise Hotel” on TV 3 Monday – Thursday at 10:30 p.m..

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