Friday, March 6, 2015

Sets the home-made dress – Seoghø

When she did not find anything that matched in Oslo shops, took 1.80 meters tall Dorthe Skappel scissors into their own hands.

SEOGHØR.NO: Saturday evening set 2 TV program “Good Morning Norway” in completely new outfit.

The same presenter Dorthe Skappel ( 52) – and it’s own layer dress.

– The program is more concerned news now than before. We will also be more glamorous, a bit like “Mad Men” -like in home-made dress and all.

Dorthe reveals to Seoghø that one of the reasons she made the dress itself, the height of 180 cm her.

– I made gown itself for they are the not, I’m all too high, laughing the beautiful broadcaster.

CREATIVE: Dorthe Skappel would have a glamorous dress to “Good evening Norway» Saturday. When she took the scissors into his own hands! Morten Eik, Look and Listen

In a moss green dress that reaches her just below the knee, looking morphed classic and sophisticated.

– I used omtrendt three days of the dress, she says.

The same dress has Skappel wearing middle of Karl Johan .

There has TV2 namely hung a huge poster of Dorthe, as nonchalant holding gold shoes in hand.

– I surrounded of people who are good at Snapchat and Instagram.

– I can not do anything about, because I’ve been doing this for 17 years and is 52 years. In addition we will be more glamorous and a little more “Mad Men” -like.

“Good Evening Norway» broadcast on Saturday 2 TV clock 22.15 .

ALSO READ: – She feels pretty bad

6 March 2015 – 5:07 p.m.


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