Saturday, July 16, 2016

TV 2 Sumo: Wigan – Man. United – TV 2

“,” Creator “: {” Id “: 46088904,” Name “:” Synnøve Gjerstad (TV 2)”,”Avatar”:””},”Editor”:{“Id”:46936956,”Name”:”Ingvil Teige Stiegler”,”Avatar”:””},”Type”:”HTML”,”Created”:”/Date(1468651681973+0000)/”,”LastModified”:”/Date(1468653181373+0000)/”,”IsComment”:0,”IsStuck”:0,”IsDeleted”:0,”IsApproved”:1,”Source”:””,”EventId”:2226378,”Icons”:[{"Id":2253,"Folder":903,"Client":1372,"IsDeleted":false,"Name":"vis-i-tidslinje","URL":"//","Thumbnail":"//","Color":"#FFFFFF","TextColor":"#000000","Link":"","LastModifiedDate":"/Date(1439856000000+0000)/","IsCacheValid":true}],”PostMeta”:{“CreationDate”:1468651682,”ShowEditedBy”:”true̶ 1;},”isImportant”:true,”alwaysInTimeline”:false,”mTime”:”2016-07-16T06:48:01.973Z”,”fromNow”:”for 6 hours ago “,” formattedTimeOfDay “:” 8:48 “}, {” Id “: 298724074,” content “:” SAS has set two departures to Turkey today, one from Oslo and Copenhagen. The company is now working with to find out what happens to the passengers who were traveling home from Turkey today with these aircraft.

the company says TV 2 that the during the night has been difficult to accept that they have come motsridende messages about the situation

Also, Apollo and Star Tour suspends flights. “,” Creator “: {” Id “: 46936956,” Name “:” Ingvil Teige Stiegler”,”Avatar”:””},”Type”:”TEXT”,”Created”:”/Date(1468649027460+0000)/”,”LastModified”:”/Date(1468653154463+0000)/”,”IsComment”:0,”IsStuck”:0,”IsDeleted”:0,”IsApproved”:1,”Location”:{“Lat”:59.9096858,”Long”:10.7468889},”Source”:””,”EventId”:2226378,”Icons”:[{"Id":2253,"Folder":903,"Client":1372,"IsDeleted":false,"Name":"vis-i-tidslinje","URL":"//","Thumbnail":"//","Color":"#FFFFFF","TextColor":"#000000","Link":"","LastModifiedDate":"/Date(1439856000000+0000)/","IsCacheValid":true}],”PostMeta” ;:{“CreationDate”:1468649027,”ShowEditedBy”:”true”},”isImportant”:true,”alwaysInTimeline”:false,”mTime”:”2016-07-16T06:03:47.460Z”,”fromNow”:”for 7 hours ago “,” formattedTimeOfDay “:” 8:03 “}, {” Id “: 298608250,” Content “,” Ministry of Foreign Affairs advises against all travel to Turkey that are not strictly necessary. “,” Creator “: {” Id ” : 48327890, “Name”: “Margrethe Miljeteig”,”Avatar”:””},”Type”:”TEXT”,”Created”:”/Date(1468621285020+0000)/”,”LastModified”:”/Date(1468621285020+0000)/”,”IsComment”:0,”IsStuck”:0,”IsDeleted”:0,”IsApproved”:1,”Location”:{“Lat”:59.9096858,”Long”:10.7468889},”Source”:””,”EventId”:2226378,”Icons”:[{"Id":2252,"Folder":903,"Client":1372,"IsDeleted":false,"Name":"vis-alltid-i-tidslinje","URL":"//","Thumbnail":"//","Color":"#000000","TextColor":"#FFFFFF","Link":"","LastModifiedDate":"/Date(1439856000000+0000)/","IsCacheValid":true}],”PostMe ta”:{“CreationDate”:1468621285},”isImportant”:true,”alwaysInTimeline”:true,”mTime”:”2016-07-15T22:21:25.020Z”,”fromNow”:”for 15 hours ago “,” formattedTimeOfDay “:” 0:21 “}, {” Id “: 298607127,” content “:” The streets of Ankara and Istanbul is filled with people, and protesters flock to airports and public places. This is the challenge that President Erdogan came with a short time ago on nationwide TV: – Go into the streets and give them their answer, he said. “,” Creator “: {” Id “: 48327890,” Name “:” Margrethe Miljeteig”,”Avatar”:””},”Type”:”TEXT”,”Created”:”/Date(1468621136420+0000)/”,”LastModified”:”/Date(1468621136420+0000)/”,”IsComment”:0,”IsStuck”:0,”IsDeleted”:0,”IsApproved”:1,”Location”:{“Lat”:59.9096858,”Long”:10.7468889},”Source”:””,”EventId”:2226378,”Icons”:[{"Id":2253,"Folder":903,"Client":1372,"IsDeleted":false,"Name":"vis-i-tidslinje","URL":"//","Thumbnail":"//","Color":"#FFFFFF","TextColor":"#000000","Link":"","LastModifiedDate":"/Date(1439856000000+0000)/","IsCacheValid":true}],”PostMeta̶ 1;:{“CreationDate”:1468621135},”isImportant”:true,”alwaysInTimeline”:false,”mTime”:”2016-07-15T22:18:56.420Z”,”fromNow”:”for 15 hours ago “,” formattedTimeOfDay “:” 0:18 “}, {” Id “: 298595808,” content “:” Carl Fredrik Tjeransen is one of many Norwegians to be found in Istanbul. He experiences the situation as dramatic.

– I was visiting a friend, when we realized that something was going on. I was told by my Turkish friends that I had to get to safety, so it was organized quickly, he said.

Tjeransen located in the European part of Istanbul.

– I have not seen as much here where I am now, but people around us take the necessary precautions. people stockpiling food and money. in Additionally, the long queues outside the ATMs, he said. “,” Creator “: {” Id “: 57204739,” Name “:” Kenneth Fossheim”,”Avatar”:””},”Type”:”TEXT”,”Created”:”/Date(1468620926380+0000)/”,”LastModified”:”/Date(1468620926380+0000)/”,”IsComment”:0,”IsStuck”:0,”IsDeleted”:0,”IsApproved”:1,”Location”:{“Lat”:62,”Long”:10},”Source”:””,”EventId”:2226378,”Icons”:[{"Id":2253,"Folder":903,"Client":1372,"IsDeleted":false,"Name":"vis-i-tidslinje","URL":"//","Thumbnail":"//","Color":"#FFFFFF","TextColor":"#000000","Link":"","LastModifiedDate":"/Date(1439856000000+0000)/","IsCacheValid":true}],”PostMeta”:{“CreationDate”:1468 619609,”ShowEditedBy”:”true”},”isImportant”:true,”alwaysInTimeline”:false,”mTime”:”2016-07-15T22:15:26.380Z”,”fromNow”:”for 15 hours ago “,” formattedTimeOfDay “:” 0:15 “}, {” Id “: 298586460,” content “:” Foreign Ministry asks Norwegians residing in Turkey to keep abreast of developments and to monitor the media.

– the situation is very complex, says pressevakt Astrid Sehl of the Foreign Ministry told NTB Friday night.

Many Norwegians vacationing in Turkey. Sehl asks Norwegian citizens who are in the country to remain briefed on how the situation evolves and to follow with the media.

the official travel advice for Turkey lies on government Web sites. It is not changed in connection with the notification of the coup attempt in the country “,” Creator “: { “Id”: 57204739, “Name”: “Kenneth Fossheim”,”Avatar”:””},”Editor”:{“Id”:48327890,”Name”:”Margrethe Miljeteig”,”Avatar”:””},”Type”:”TEXT”,”Created”:”/Date(1468618317963+0000)/”,”LastModified”:”/Date(1468619248593+0000)/”,”IsComment”:0,”IsStuck”:0,”IsDeleted”:0,”IsApproved”:1,”Location”:{“Lat”:62,”Long”:10},”Source”:””,”EventId”:2226378,”Icons”:[{"Id":2252,"Folder":903,"Client":1372,"IsDeleted":false,"Name":"vis-alltid-i-tidslinje","URL":"//","Thumbnail":"//","Color":"#000000","TextColor":"#FFFFFF","Link":"","LastModifiedDate":"/Date(1439856000000+0000)/","IsCacheValid":true}],”PostMeta”:{̶ 0;CreationDate”:1468618317,”ShowEditedBy”:”true”},”isImportant”:true,”alwaysInTimeline”:true,”mTime”:”2016-07-15T21:31:57.963Z”,”fromNow”:”for 16 hours ago “,” formattedTimeOfDay “:” 15. July 11:31 p.m. “}, {” Id “: 298581714,” content “:” It is introduced curfew throughout the country, reports the Turkish broadcaster TRT, according to Reuters. The airports in the country is also closed. All the flights from Istanbul’s main Ataturk is set, according to Reuters. “,” Creator “: {” Id “: 48327890,” Name “:” Margrethe Miljeteig”,”Avatar”:””},”Type”:”TEXT”,”Created”:”/Date(1468617675480+0000)/”,”LastModified”:”/Date(1468619239363+0000)/”,”IsComment”:0,”IsStuck”:0,”IsDeleted”:0,”IsApproved”:1,”Location”:{“Lat”:59.9096858,”Long”:10.7468889},”Source”:””,”EventId”:2226378,”Icons”:[{"Id":2252,"Folder":903,"Client":1372,"IsDeleted":false,"Name":"vis-alltid-i-tidslinje","URL":"//","Thumbnail":"//","Color":"#000000","TextColor":"#FFFFFF","Link":"","LastModifiedDate":"/Date(1439856000000+0000)/","IsCacheValid":true}],”PostMe ta”:{“CreationDate”:1468617675,”ShowEditedBy”:”true”},”isImportant”:true,”alwaysInTimeline”:true,”mTime”:”2016-07-15T21:21:15.480Z”,”fromNow”:”for 16 hours ago “,” formattedTimeOfDay “:” 15. July 23:21″}],”PromotionalStart”:””,”Start”:”/Date(1468616758000+0000)/”,”End”:”/Date(1468685361900+0000)/”,”Pages”:3,”NumPosts”:94,”NumComments”:19,”Language”:”en”,”Created”:”/Date(1468616758000+0000)/”,”LastModified”:”/Date(1468674561900+0000)/”,”Meta”:{“LastImagePostId”:”298791271″,”InStreamAdsDefaultOn”:”0″,”LastImage”:””,”InStreamAdFrequency”:”0″,”InStreamHasOverrideCode”:”0″,”PrivatePolling”:”0″,”SyndicatedTopHtml”:””},”IsSyndicated”:0,”IsSyndicatable”:0,”SyndicatedComments”:0,”CreatorName”:R 21;TV2no – admin”,”Thumbnail”:””},”query”:{“__id”:”module-breaking-news-timeline-1″,”__page”:”/statskupp-i-tyrkia”,”__section”:”left”,”eventId”:”2226378″,”title”:”Viktige hendelser”,”token”:”C93GrHxu”,”clientId”:”1372″,”include”:”iconposts”,”innlegg”:”298806960″,”__moduleUrl”:””,”__pageQuery”:{“innlegg”:”298806960″}}}), document.getElementById ( “module-breaking-news-time line-1″))} catch (e) {console.log (e)}}, 100); }; window.addEventListener ( “DOMContentLoaded” onInitmodulebreakingnewstimeline1); (Window.LiveGrid & amp; & amp; LiveGrid.once ( “ModuleInjected_module-breaking-news-time line-1″, onInitmodulebreakingnewstimeline1));

  • All soldiers who were involved in the military coup in Turkey on Thursday, is now arrested. It reports the state news agency Anadolu.

    According to news agency shall police counterterrorism forces perform Detail at military headquarters in Ankara.
    Several of the detained coup makers should have explained in interviews that they thought they were part of a military exercise, the newspaper Hurriyet.

    Prime Minister Binali Yildirim said that nearly 3,000 military is arrested for having taken part in the attempted coup. (© NTB)

  • Some of the soldiers who are now arrested shall have thought that coup was only an exercise , officials said.

    According to the Turkish newspaper Hurriyet, they shall have explained that they were not aware that they were involved in a coup attempt. Some have told that they realized that there was a coup attempt when they saw civilians who climbed on the tanks.

  • Turkish authorities have allocated 2745 judges after the attempted coup.

    There are TV channel NTV reporting that the High Council for Judges and prosecutors have deposited judges, according to Reuters. Five members of the Council itself is also deposited.

    – This is very dramatic, says Turkey expert Joakim Parslow said.

    Many of the Turkish state apparatus, not least in the legal system, is supporters of the religious leader Fetullah Gulen, who lives in exile in the United States. Erdogan accuses Gulen of being behind the coup, although he denies it. (NTB)

  • A Turkish military helicopter has landed in northern Greece, and eight people on board have sought asylum. Seven of them were on board, had military uniform, and Greek police think all eight were involved in the attempted coup against Erdogan government. All were arrested for illegally taking into Greece. Blackhawk helicopter landed after sending a distress signal to the tower at the airport in Alexandropoulos in northern Greece. Turkish authorities have alerted all border posts and airports to stop people trying to flee.

  • It sirkuelerer pictures of police officers who stood watching civilians beating up soldiers. Many of the soldiers are young conscripts who have not understood what they were involved in, says Morten Myksvoll who is editor of He had just arrived in Istanbul when the attempted coup began.

    Myksvoll explains what coup could lead to both positive and negative changes in the country.

  • 161 people killed during the coup, said the Prime Minister Benali Yildirim at a news conference outside his office, with the justice minister, interior minister and army chief at its page.

    Thus, the death toll has risen to 265, when he expects the 104 coup makers who are killed.
    1,400 people were injured in the chaos, and more than 2,800 arrested.

    – The death penalty is not part of the Constitution, but we will consider introducing it again to make sure something like this does not happen again, he said.

    – I would like to say thanks to all those who fought heroically against the coup makers. The martyrs who died last night, will never be forgotten, he said according to CNN Turk. He promised also that coup makers will be severely punished.

    He calls the incident a dark stain on Turkish democracy and blame the religious grouping to Fethullah Gül.

    – They will get the punishment they deserve, he said.

    Yildirim also stated that the situation in the country is under full control after the night’s coup attempt.

According to news agency shall police counterterrorism forces perform Detail at military headquarters in Ankara.
Several of the detained coup makers should have explained in interviews that they believed they were a part of a military exercise, the newspaper Hurriyet.

Prime Minister Binali Yildirim said that nearly 3,000 military is arrested for having taken part in the attempted coup. (© NTB) “,” Creator “: {” Id “: 46088904,” Name “:” Synnøve Gjerstad (TV 2)”,”Avatar”:””},”Type”:”TEXT”,”Created”:”/Date(1468674513980+0000)/”,”LastModified”:”/Date(1468674513980+0000)/”,”IsComment”:0,”IsStuck”:0,”IsDeleted”:0,”IsApproved”:1,”Location”:{“Lat”:60.4027302,”Long”:5.3565548000000005},”Source”:””,”EventId”:2226378,”PostMeta”:{“CreationDate”:1468674514},”mTime”:”2016-07-16T13:08:33.980Z”,”fromNow”:”for 7 minutes ago “,” formattedTimeOfDay “:” 3:08 p.m. “}, {” Id “: 298807680,” Creator “: {” Id “: 60135147,” Name “:” TV 2″,”Avatar”:””},”Type”:”VIDEO”,”Created”:”/Date(1468673212520+0000)/”,”LastModified”:”/Date(1468673212520+0000)/”,”IsComment”:0,”IsStuck”:0,”IsDeleted”:0,”IsApproved”:1,”Location”:{“Lat”:62,”Long”:10},”Source”:””,”EventId”:2226378,”PostMeta”:{“CreationDate”:1468673212},”Data”:{“image”:””,”title”:”Dette happened: The chaos in Turkey in 80 seconds “,” assetId “:” 1056823 “,” time “: 84},” mtime “:” 2016-07-16T12: 46: 52.520Z “,” fromNow “:” 29 minutes ago “,” formattedTimeOfDay “:” 2:46 p.m. “}, {” Id “: 298806960,” content “:” Some of the soldiers who are now arrested shall have thought that coup was just an exercise, officials said.

According to the Turkish newspaper Hurriyet, they shall have explained that they were not aware that they were involved in a coup attempt. Some have told that they realized that there was a coup attempt when they saw civilians who climbed onto tanks . “,” Creator “: {” Id “: 46936956,” Name “:” Ingvil Teige Stiegler”,”Avatar”:””},”Type”:”TEXT”,”Created”:”/Date(1468673062600+0000)/”,”LastModified”:”/Date(1468674561900+0000)/”,”IsComment”:0,”IsStuck”:0,”IsDeleted”:0,”IsApproved”:1,”Location”:{“Lat”:59.9096858,”Long”:10.7468889},”Source”:””,”EventId”:2226378,”PostMeta”:{“CreationDate”:1468673062,”ShowEditedBy”:”true”},”mTime”:”2016-07-16T12:44:22.600Z”,”fromNow”:”for 31 minutes ago “,” formattedTimeOfDay “:” 2:44 p.m. “}, {” Id “: 298804082,” content “:” Turkish authorities have allocated 2745 judges after the attempted coup.

it is the TV channel NTV reporting that the high Council for judges and prosecutors have deposited judges, according to Reuters. Five members of the Council itself is also deposited.

– This is very dramatic, says Tyrkia- expert Joakim Parslow said.

Many of the Turkish state apparatus, not least in the legal system, are followers of the religious leader Fetullah Gulen, who lives in exile in the United States. Erdogan accuses Gulen of being behind the coup, even if he rejects it. (NTB) “,” Creator “: {” Id “: 46936956,” Name “:” Ingvil Teige Stiegler”,”Avatar”:””},”Type”:”TEXT”,”Created”:”/Date(1468672365290+0000)/”,”LastModified”:”/Date(1468672365290+0000)/”,”IsComment”:0,”IsStuck”:0,”IsDeleted”:0,”IsApproved”:1,”Location”:{“Lat”:59.9096858,”Long”:10.7468889},”Source”:””,”EventId”:2226378,”PostMeta”:{“CreationDate”:1468672365},”mTime”:”2016-07-16T12:32:45.290Z”,”fromNow”:”for 43 minutes ago “,” formattedTimeOfDay “:” 2:32 p.m. “}, {” Id “: 298792695,” content “:” 32 Saniye içinde Gozde Yas nasıl akar? N nİzle, Izlet ..

“,” Creator “: {” Id “: 48227501,” Name “:” Anonymous Zet”,”Avatar”:””},”Type”:”TWITTER”,”Created”:”/Date(1468669761273+0000)/”,”LastModified”:”/Date(1468669761273+0000)/”,”IsComment”:1,”IsStuck”:0,”IsDeleted”:0,”IsApproved”:1,”Source”:”twitter”,”EventId”:2226378,”PostMeta”:{“source”:”twitter”,”id”:”754254875479908352″,”created_at”:”Sat July 16 10:02:30 0000 2016″,”screen_name”:”Zetgel24″,”CreationDate”:1468669761},”Data”:”

n”,”mTime”:”2016-07-16T11:49:21.273Z”,”fromNow”:”for about an hour ago “,” formattedTimeOfDay “:” 1:49 p.m. “}, {” Id “: 298791271,” content “:” A Turkish military helicopter has landed in northern Greece, and eight people on board have sought asylum. Seven of those who were on board, had military uniform, and Greek police think all eight were involved in the attempted coup against Erdogan government. all were arrested for illegally taking into Greece. Blackhawk helicopter landed after sending a distress signal to the tower at the airport in Alexandropoulos in northern Greece. Turkish authorities have alerted all border posts and airports to stop people trying to escape. “,” Creator “: {” Id “: 46088904,” Name “:” Synnøve Gjerstad (TV 2)”,”Avatar”:””},”Type”:”IMAGE”,”Created”:”/Date(1468669393630+0000)/”,”LastModified”:”/Date(1468669452803+0000)/”,”IsComment”:0,”IsStuck”:0,”IsDeleted”:0,”IsApproved”:1,”Media”:[{"Type":"IMAGE","Url":""}],”Location”:{“Lat”:60.4027302,”Long”:5.3565548000000005},”Source”:””,”EventId”:2226378,”PostMeta”:{“Images”:”[{"filename":"","width":500,"height":281},{"filename":"","width": 800,"height":450},{"filename":"","width":600,"height":338},{"filename":"","width":1000,"height":563},{"filename":"","width":300,"height":169},{"filename":"","width":400,"height":225}]“,”CreationDate”:1468669393,”ShowEditedBy”:”true”},”mTime”:”2016-07-16T11:43:13.630Z”,”fromNow”:”for 2 hours ago “,” formattedTimeOfDay “:” 1:43 p.m. “}, {” Id “: 298789915,” Creator “: {” Id “: 60133744,” Name “:” TV 2″,”Avatar”:””},”Type”:”VIDEO”,”Created”:”/Date(1468668989893+0000)/”,”LastModified”:”/Date(1468668989893+0000)/”,”IsComment”:0,”IsStuck”:0,”IsDeleted”:0,”IsApproved”:1,”Location”:{“Lat”:62,”Long”:10},”Source”:””,”EventId”:2226378,”PostMeta”:{“CreationDate”:1468668989},”Data”:{“image”:””,”title”:”– Civilian banks soldiers while police are watching, “” assetId “:” 1056820 “,” time “: 462},” mtime “:” 2016-07-16T11: 36: 29.893Z “,” fromNow “:” 2 hours ago “” formattedTimeOfDay “:” 1:36 p.m. “}, {” Id “: 298789750,” content “:” It sirkuelerer pictures of police officers who stood watching civilians beating up soldiers. Many of the soldiers are young conscripts who have not though what they were involved in, says Morten Myksvoll who is editor of He had just arrived in Istanbul when the attempted coup started.

Myksvoll explains what coup could lead to both positive and negative changes in the country . “,” Creator “: {” Id “: 46088904,” Name “:” Synnøve Gjerstad (TV 2)”,”Avatar”:””},”Type”:”TEXT”,”Created”:”/Date(1468668940000+0000)/”,”LastModified”:”/Date(1468670567180+0000)/”,”IsComment”:0,”IsStuck”:0,”IsDeleted”:0,”IsApproved”:1,”Location”:{“Lat”:60.4027302,”Long”:5.3565548000000005},”Source”:””,”EventId”:2226378,”PostMeta”:{“CreationDate”:1468668941,”ShowEditedBy”:”true”},”mTime”:”2016-07-16T11:35:40.000Z”,”fromNow”:”for 2 hours ago “,” formattedTimeOfDay “:” 1:35 p.m. “}, {” Id “: 298767452,” content “:” 161 people killed during the coup, said the Prime Minister Benali Yildirim at a news conference outside his office, with the justice minister, interior minister and army chief at his side.

Thus, the death toll has risen to 265, when he expects the 104 coup makers who are killed.
1,400 people were injured in the chaos, and more than 2,800 arrested.

– the death penalty is not part of the Constitution, but we will consider introducing it again to make sure something like this does not happen again, he said.

– I would like to say thank you to all those who fought heroically against the coup makers. the martyrs who died last night, will never be forgotten, he said according to CNN Turk. he promised also that coup makers will be severely punished.

he calls the incident a dark stain on Turkish democracy and blame the religious grouping to Fethullah Gül.

– they will get the punishment they deserve, he said.

Yildirim also stated that the situation in the country is under full control after the night’s coup attempt. “,” Creator “: {” Id “: 46088904,” Name “:” Synnøve Gjerstad (TV 2)”,”Avatar”:””},”Editor”:{“Id”:46936956,”Name”:”Ingvil Teige Stiegler”,”Avatar”:””},”Type”:”TEXT”,”Created”:”/Date(1468667972343+0000)/”,”LastModified”:”/Date(1468673995730+0000)/”,”IsComment”:0,”IsStuck”:0,”IsDeleted”:0,”IsApproved”:1,”Location”:{“Lat”:60.4027302,”Long”:5.3565548000000005},”Source”:””,”EventId”:2226378,”PostMeta”:{“CreationDate”:1468662778,”ShowEditedBy”:”true”},”mTime”:”2016-07-16T11:19:32.343Z”,”fromNow”:”for 2 hours siden”,”formattedTimeOfDay”:”13:19″}],”PromotionalStart”:””,”Start”:”/Date(1468616758000+0000)/”,”End”:”/Date(1468685361900+0000)/”,”Pages”:3,”NumPosts”:94,”NumComments”:19,”Language”:”en”,”Created”:”/Date(1468616758000+0000)/”,”LastModified”:”/Date(1468674561900+0000)/”,”Meta”:{“LastImagePostId”:”298791271″,”InStreamAdsDefaultOn”:”0″,”LastImage”:””,”InStreamAdFrequency”:”0″,”InStreamHasOverrideCode”:”0″,”PrivatePolling”:”0″,”SyndicatedTopHtml”:””},”IsSyndicated”:0,”IsSyndicatable”:0,”Syndi catedComments”:0,”CreatorName”:”TV2no – admin”,”Thumbnail”:””},”query”:{“__id”:”module-scribblelive-feed-1″,”__page”:”/statskupp-i-tyrkia”,”__section”:”center”,”eventId”:”2226378″,”title”:”Chat with TV 2 eksperter”,”token”:”C93GrHxu”,”clientId”:”1372″,”postsOnLoad”:”10″,”mode”:”full”,”disableComments”:”true”,”listenForTimelineEvent”:”true”,”innlegg”:”298806960″,”__moduleUrl”:””,”__pageQuery”:{“innlegg”:”298806960″},”includeIds”:”298806960″}}), document.getElementById ( “module-scribblelive Feed-1″))} catch (e) {console.log (e)}}, 100);}; window.addEventListener ( “DOMContentLoaded” onInitmodulescribblelivefeed1); (window.LiveGrid & amp; & amp; LiveGrid.once ( “ModuleInjected_module-scribblelive feed-1″, onInitmodulescribblelivefeed1));


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