Friday, July 22, 2016

Ghostbusters director: – The worst kind of woman hostility I have … – Aftenposten

When director Paul Feig announced he wanted female lead roles in the new version of Ghostbusters it was not long time before people took to the internet to share opinions its:

– the first was the feedback very positive. Some flew off the handle of joy. “Gee,” I thought and looked forward to the continuation. Then a second wave consisting of pure male chauvinism. It was the worst kind of woman hostility I have experienced in my life, told director Paul Feig NTB when they met him in London before Norway premiere Friday.

Your Hatred film started when the first trailer up on YouTube. It was not long before the film set a new record – but not in a positive sense.

The trailer is actually the most disliked trailer on the site ever: At the moment it has over 950,000 thumbs are turned down – against 273.000 Thumbs pointing up.

– Hollywood fails

that fanboy communities resented that he tampered with old hits, you ringrevregissøren from Michigan to live with. The bigger problems he has with kjønnsfascismen which also lingers in the American film industry. Last year, a federal chosen appointed in an attempt to correct the imbalances.

Read our review of “Ghostbusters”: We call with pleasure these ladies

While having Feig contributed more comedies with women in the lead role – with titles like Bridesmaids , The Heat and Spy , all centered around the Ghostbusters star Melissa McCarthy.

– I attracted to working with women and view them from all sides. This is where Hollywood fails, he claims.

– When we see girls on the canvas, it is usually in idealized version or one-dimensional variant of how many men imagine that women are. This applies particularly to the field of comedy, which has been a boy’s club for a long time.

Gendered “Ghostbusters” criticism be avoided

The film premiered in the US last weekend, and a few days later reported the Hollywood Reporter that rating website Rotten Tomatoes has gone through reviews for Ghostbusters.

When they found that while 72 percent of the male reviewers were positive, was at 89 per cent of female reviewers who thought the film was good.

Among the reviewers that the website counts as so-called top critics, 17 in number of large, influential industry and national media, the difference was even greater:

Only 36 percent of the male reviewers thought it was a great movie, while 67 percent of their female counterparts were satisfied.

Yesterday, had Ghostbusters a score of 73 percent on Rotten Tomatoes, while the movie database site IMDB, the film has received 5 2 out of 10 stars.

1984 Good comedy should not come into soup ladles

It was in 1984 that ghost hunters Bill Murray, Dan Aykroyd, Harold Ramis and Ernie Hudson took the film world by storm .

the film was a great success, and in 1989 came the sequel. The popular ghost hunters, like Star Trek and Trekkies, got their own fanbase who dress up as ghost hunters at festivals in the United States.

Also in Norway, the film was a huge cinema success . If it were equally popular among the country’s film reviewers are another matter. Aftenposten reviewer had this to say about the film:

“Points are the fabric to the breaking point sometimes grotesque situations spelled out to toward nauseam. Good comedy should not come into soup ladles, so Americans have the urge. Precisely here lies the explanation for the fact that not all imported success humor turn depends on our continent. “.

For those of you want to refresh your memory on the 1984 version – so you can see the trailer for it here:

PS: According to the Wrap is expected to generate a sequel.

Ghostbusters v Erden alive. I expect that the film will be an important brand and franchise for the studio, said Rory Buer, president at Sony to the website.

He adds that “nothing is confirmed yet, but that he himself is not in doubt that it is going to happen. “


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