Saturday, July 16, 2016

The new Quartfestival is bankrupt – Aftenposten

Those responsible behind 25th-anniversary version of the famous festival had expected to sell 10,000 tickets to survive financially. They sold 6,000.

So a relatively abrupt end, writes Fædrelandsvennen.

Chairman Morten Johansen said in a statement that the failure of ticket sales is why Quarfestivalen AS, the company behind the festival , crave bankruptcy.

COMMENT: “Festivals are a risk sport”

Third time Quart goes bankrupt

the original festival was held in the years 1991 to 2007, and it was long one of the largest and also most important music festivals.

in 2008, the festival was canceled shortly before it was to kick off. The reason was declining ticket sales, partly as a result of competition from the fledgling Hove Festival Arendal.

The foundation that owned Quartfestival settled into bankruptcy.

An investor group bought the bankrupt estate and tried again festival in 2009. They did not succeed, unde shot was over 30 million. Thus also beat the festival bankruptcy.

This year’s bankruptcy thus becomes the third related to quart-name.

Behind this year’s anniversary festival stood Toffen Gunnufsen, who was chief from its inception in 1991 until he defected in 2006 – and then help to stare competitor Hove. Also this went otherwise bankrupt in 2008, but the name was continued by another company – which organized the festival until 2012.

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Thought the rush

Control Command Morten Johansen Quart festival AS said they believed that a relatively national press coverage and seemingly great interest from the public would lead to a huge ticket sales in the days before the festival this year.

It did not happen.

– We had faith in the market and that this anniversary party really was wanted in Kristiansand, but the market did not respond and ticket sales failed in relation to our budgets, argues Johansen.

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Will not comment

A festival pass giving access to both concert days cost 1500 crowns. A simple estimate suggests that the festival got the order three million kroner in bilettinntekter to go “breakeven”.

The chair would not comment on the matter to Fædrelandsvennen beyond what he has written in the press release. The liquidator appointed Monday.

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