Sunday, May 31, 2015

CONFIRMED: Now reality television star (34) pregnant again – TV 2

It’s no secret that Kim Kardashian West (34) and Kanye West (37) has long attempted to obtain a sister or brother of North West (2).

But now awaits super couple finally her second child. The news was released in the program “Keeping Up with The Kardashians.” Reality asterisk announced this yourself in a teaser for the second part of the season, type a number of American media.

– I just got answers to the blood sample, and I’m pregnant, says Kim sister Khloe in the clip.

– not as easy as the first time

Earlier Kardashian told it has proven to be difficult to get pregnant with number two.

– The second time has proven to not be as easy as the first time but we work with the issue, she said the program Lorraine in February.

In January she told that she has put on seven kilograms – but that was due to disappointing enough not a pregnancy.

The first child in 2013

The couple had their first child, daughter Northwest, in June 2013. Little North participated in many events, and the little fashionista has already had modeling jobs.

The couple married in May last year.


- Rotmo is on track – Nettavisen

Reisetips med annonselenker

Nå har Fatima Almanea fått støtte fra en av Rotmos bandmedlemmer.

I et portrettintervju i Trønder-Avisa hevder Hans Rotmo at muslimene er en miljøforurensning i Europa.  Vømmøl-musikeren mener at Islam og europeisk kultur ikke lar seg forene.

Fatima Almaneas er på lik linje med Rotmo verdaling, men der stopper kanskje likhetene. I et blogginlegg svarer hun på artistens uttalelser.

– Jeg er en norsk muslim. Jeg er loppa du snakker om, jeg er lusa. Jeg er forurensingen du advarer mot, jeg er avviket. Jeg er nasjonen innen nasjonen, jeg er byllen du ønsker å fjerne, skriver ungdomspolitikeren.

Får støtte fra Sverige

Til Nettavisen forteller Fatima Almaneas om en overveldede støtte etter at hun la ut blogginnlegget.

– Reaksjonene har strømmet på, og jeg er veldig glad for støtten. Til nå er innlegget lest av over 35.000 stykker, forteller hun. 

Hun har til og med fått støtte fra Sverige.

– Han var veldig glad for at jeg sto fram og brukte min stemme til å si ifra, sier hun.

Rotmo har gjort mye fint

Og som ikke det var nok. Til og med en av Rotmos egne har støttet bloggeren og ungdomspolitikeren.

– Jeg fikk en telefon fra en som jobber i bandet. Han mener det Rotmo er sagt er galt, sier Almaneas.

Hun ønsker ikke å fortelle hvem som ringte fra bandet til Rotmo.

– Hva synes du om Rotmo?

– Han er en fanatisk person som kanskje trenger å reformere seg litt granne. Han har gjort mye fint med Vømmøl Spellmannslag, men akkurat nå er han på ville veier, sier Fatima Almaneas.

Det har ikke lykkes Nettavisen å få kommentar fra Hans Rotmo.

Les også: – Effektiv medisin mot folk som Hans Rotmo

Lik Nettavisen her og få flere ferske nyheter og friske meninger!


How do we meet “her” – Seoghø

Bruce Jenner poses as woman on leaf cover.

SEOGHØR.NO: Former Olympic champion Bruce Jenner (65) his sex change has made headlines around the world in recent months.

It was last month he revealed in an hour-long interview with Diane Sawyer (69) that he has always fought an inner battle.

– I am a woman. My brain is much more feminine than masculine. God gave me a woman’s soul, he confessed to Sawyer.

Earlier this week, also wrote the website Radar Online that he has completed a comprehensive sex change.

Now reports celebrity website People that Kim Kardashians stepfather will show themselves for the first time as a woman on the cover of the magazine Vanity Fair.

The case continues below

Kim Kardashian Helps Bruce Jenner style his new female wardrobe while ex wife Kris Jenner breaks down in tears over his transition on Keeping Up With The Kardashians special

supporter: – Kim has been the most supportive, says Bruce Jenner about her stepdaughter Kim Kardashian. Xposure

Celebrity Photographer

The magazine comes out in the summer, and will be scheduled to be on store shelves at the same time as the premiere of Bruce’s upcoming reality series, which will show the process he goes through.

He will therefore join in the popular reality series “Keeping Up With The Kardashians,” to pursue their own series.

The cover picture is none other than photographer Annie Leibovitz (65) to snap. She has photographed stars such as John Lennon, Angelina Jolie (39) and Johnny Depp (51).

Bruce has asked the media to mention him “he” until further notice, but calls its female personality ” her “.

READ ALSO: – I can get along with a woman

31 May 2015 – 21:00


Tinashe gjorde som Tone – Seher

Tinashe wedding dress similar to the trouser suit Tone Damli was wearing last year’s celebrity gala.

SEOGHØR.NO: Saturday was the day when comedian Odd-Magnus Williamson (34) got his beautiful Tinashe Bakas Roll (29).

The couple gave apart their “yes” on Anxiety bar in downtown Oslo, and fastened upon the club Stratos next.

The bride uses a sleek pantsuit from the Norwegian designer TSH (Tina Steffenakk Hermansen) and made headlines with the beautiful white sandy blonde suit.

On the blog of Vanessa Rudjord,, she revealed that she wanted to dress up a little differently on the big day.

– I’ll wear my TSH. Tina is extremely skilled, efficient and warm. We wanted to be a little different, ballsy and with a little taste of summer and went for this. Then made Tina and her team it to me.

Celebrity Favorite

The designer has proven to be a starry favorite among many Norwegian celebrities and Tone Damli (27) resorted frequently to Hermansen design when she really want to impress.

When her sister Tale (28) got married last year stood Tone and daughter Billie (1) up with matching sequin dress from TSH.

Another occasion was under View and HORSHOLM celebrity gala in 2014, where Tone bar a beautiful pantsuit, quite similar suit Tinashe wore during the wedding.

– I feel me a little transparent, lo Tone to Look and Listen when Jan Thomas boasted of her outfit.

Blond: Tone Damli wore a trouser suit from TSH under View and HORSHOLM celebrity gala last year. Andreas Fadum

ALSO READ: Now Odd- Magnus and Tina married

31 May 2015 – 11:57


Chili trick you should be! –

Your page We admit it gladly – we have a little reverence for chili. A few seeds for much in the pot, and presto strainers sweat to the beat of heart bank.

At chili we buy in the store comes with a warning that it is very hot , make cooking all the more exciting .

And there are few things that turn a cup of cocoa with a little pinch of chili, or chili con carne receiving blood and endorphins to fizz.

Now does not consist of all chili powder strong, for there are loads of different types that vary in strength.

But it comes to knowing what you do.

– Take chili in a teabag

Chili can be used in a variety of dishes, desserts and beverages. But when you’re standing there with your fiery little red and green peppers on the chopping board, it is easy to become uncertain.

What do we do to prevent the tongue burning? According to Danish Klaus Pilgaard, who is better known as Chili Klaus, it is a little trick you can resort to.

– Chili’s about to dose properly. Many chili is incredibly aromatic and gives lots of flavor to food. A great way to dose is to take chili Oppi a teabag into the pot, said Pilgaard to DinSide.

In this way the chili flavor to the court, while having control how strong the food gets. You can try your hand forward and touch around a bit, and when the food is suitably strong, take the bag out again.

Use either an empty tea bag you can buy in various tea shops, or empty a teabag you already have in your closet.

See also our Guide to pepper

Know how strong it is

There are over 200 various chili fruits in the world, but for most of us it goes happily most in green and red chili, and Jalapenos, Serrano and Habanero.

How strong chili is, varies widely, and with how much of the substance capsaicin it contains. Chili is also measured by the Scoville scale, which is a device for determining the flavor strength of peppers.

Naga Jolokia is considered one of the world’s strongest chilli, and goes by the nickname ghost pepper, since the fiery experience comes creeping.

So it is perhaps good to know that chili also will protect you, for example against accidents.

In the vegetable department at the convenience store should be a lot for this emerging, but even here there is much vial to obtain.

But you can not look at chili how strong it is, either by color, shape or size. Is it packaged, is the part often marked with a strength scale.

– Read the instructions, and if it’s not there, so taste the fruit. Swift to determine whether it is strong or not. The strongest chillies comes from family Chinense said Pilgaard.

And remember that the smaller the chili, the stronger it is. But remove the seeds and the white seeds stuck on before using it in food disappears lot of heat.

Been a little too eager with chili in the food? Here are the tricks that save dinner – and saves your taste buds

Rampete kitchen favorite

With a fistful of chili you can amp up the most. It can be used either dried or fresh.

– I tend to divide it into thick skin and low-skin. Those with thick shells are good to pickle while those with thin skins are good to dry, said Pilgaard.

In the kitchen to restaurants Sheds 33 and Baltazar in Oslo, chef Dag Tjersland particularly excited to use it in maritime dishes.

– I love using chili in cooking, and it is for me a mischievous spices. I often dried and crushed chili to shellfish, such as Pasta Vongole or Pasta Scoglio, says he DinSide.

And with oil and lime, is the lovely having to scampi and other seafood.

But being good at using chili is an art, according to the chef.

– Chili takes many years to master well in cooking, as it is extremely important to build up the balance around Chili strength and flavor.

Chili is also, albeit in small amounts, when we make the world’s best tomato sauce.

One thing you have to remember

Have you heard that it is advisable to wear gloves when cutting up chili? Well, it’s actually a really good advice.

Do not wear gloves, it is wise to wash your hands thoroughly with soap after chili cutting. And by all means – do not rub, for chances are high that you have the strong substance capsaicin to the skin.

Also, be sure to remove all the seeds in chillies before throwing her in the pot for these can kick on from here.

And it burns in the mouth, a piece of bread alleviate more than water.

The case was originally published at DinSide Read here.


This picture of Khloe Kardashian arouses resentment –

Denne uka har Khloé Kardashian (30) – kjent fra TV-serien «Keeping Up With The Kardashians» – vært på luksusferie i Dubai.

Tirsdag delte hun en «selfie» på Instagram-profilen sin fra besøket, som neppe førte til reaksjonene hun håpet på.

Ifølge nettsiden RadarOnline har bildet, der reality-stjerna er iført en tradisjonell niqab (hodeplagg som brukes av noen muslimske kvinner, journ.anm.), skapt kontrovers blant flere av Khloés Instagram-følgere.

«Habibi love»

Flere kritikere beskylder den glamorøse TV-stjernen for å iføre seg plagget som et slags kostyme, fremfor i kraft av dets religiøse betydning.

Under «selfien», der kun Khloés sminkede øyne er synlige, skriver hun «Habibi Love». Habibi er et arabisk ord som kan bety «min elskede» eller «kjære».

The Independent skriver at niqab-selfien har utløst debatt på Twitter, der folk mener at Khloés bruk av plagget er respektløs overfor islam.

MTV legger til at det er delte meninger om det omdiskuterte bildet.

Reagerte på indiansk hodepryd

Mens noen mener at niqab ikke et plagg man kan iføre seg «bare fordi det får øynene dine til å se kule ut», forsvarer andre Khloé. De forelsår at hun kanskje trodde hun respekterte den lokale kulturen ved å kle seg i tråd med gjeldende skikker, skriver MTV på nett. 

At det nye bildet til 30-åringen vekker harme, er kanskje ikke helt uventet. Da hun iførte seg indiansk hodepryd i anledning niesen North Wests ettårsdag i fjor sommer, var det også flere som reagerte, ifølge MTV.

Khloé Kardashian har foreløpig ikke kommentert den nyeste kritikken offentlig.



Saturday, May 30, 2015

Calls Muslims “environmental pollution” –

The beloved musician has also a past in Vømmøl Grammy stroke and was in the 70s one of the prominent figures of Norwegian venstereside.

In recent years, he has made several attacks on immigration in their songs, such as immigrants’ smells of hashish and onion “and that” asylum seekers crawling as fleas and lice. “

In the current issue of Trønder newspaper lørrdagsmagasin, getting Muslims their passports stated on them.

– Muslims are an environmental pollution in Europe. They pollute the same way as we Norwegians did when we immigrated USA and stole Native American countries, says Rotmo Trønder-Avisa.

The Norwegian journalist Øyvind Strømmen, who specializes in extreme right-wing and anti-Muslim communities on the Internet , told Adresseavisen that Rotmo places himself in a similar landscape including the Dutch politician Geert Wilders.

– This is an anti-Muslim and right radical landscape that has emerged since the 90s, says Stream. He says he is not surprised that Rotmo are saying.

– traitors

Dagbladet elaborates Rotmo what he means by the text:

– I believe that Islam and the West is not going together. Asylum industry is becoming traitors. They pull into the European people who do not like Europe. It has been massively this flykningeindustrien. Sitting here in the north with compassion culture and misplaced kindness are probably not sustainable in the long run, says Rotmo Dagbladet.

– I see I am being accused of having a meaningful trap Gert Wilders. I would rather draw attention Mona Sahlin, Janne Haaland Matlary, Mimir Christ Anson and Hallgrim Berg. All these have spoken out in the same manner. There is a broad political spectrum, says Rotmo.

– You have repeatedly landed in the spotlight for what many believe is xenophobic texts. Are you comfortable with that?

– I have no special interest in this, but the attention is the target the texts dealing with immigration, says Rotmo.

– Think you encounter people from you with these lyrics?

– I believe I have the support of the people, but my 40-year career is behind me, what’s going to come anyway has little significance.

– Right Radical clown

Head of Anti-Racist Center, Rune Berglund Steen, believes Rotmo statements are stalling:

– He describes his Muslims as “pollution”. He tries not even have to hide what he means by talking about ‘Islam’, as many do. He talks about the people.

– It’s just over rhetoric, this. Rotmo moves within typical right-wing and right-wing parlance, where other people are reduced to pests, diseases, pollution, something perverse, pernicious and harmful. This is not an attempt public debate. It is an attempt to create images of the enemy, says Steen.

He knows himself nor again in the image of a segregated Oslo.

– As someone who lives in the heart of the Rotmo calls it “segregated” Oslo, I must say that I simply am incredibly tired of people who obviously do not know the city and that comes with so superficial and scandalized statements. He emerges as a right-wing clown, says Steen.

Hashish and onions

statements to Trønder-Avisa is the latest in a series of controversial statements on immigration and immigrants Rotmo has made in recent years. In 2012 created Rotmo bruduljer after he song “We from others’ song:

” We are from far away / but we are not visiting / although we smell marijuana and onions. “

The once said Rotmo Dagbladet that he “goes into its time, and seeking the essence of contemporary conflicts”, including immigration.

-We precedes a large work with a large immigrant population. We are in the beginning of a process now, and it is certainly much to say about the future, he told Dagbladet that time.

– It is important that someone says many think. NRK and Dagbladet and Anti-Racist Center have their views on the matter, but there are many who have not dared to tell the meaning say. I throw in a warm potato and hope that the debate can be fed at the grassroots level.

Fleas and lice

In 2014 had Rotmo another hot potato to share:

On the song “Black tent ‘ he sang:

“Asylsøkeran swarming like flea and lice
and cage in the hall
Where va dance music and would fan
there is prayer five gong fer dag`n “.

– It’s straight from the liver. We will not have, said Hans Rotmo Dagbladet that time.


Espen Lind in wedding with “The Voice” -deltager – VG

Kom sammen i regnet til kjendisbryllup.

I dag giftet Odd Magnus Williamson seg med Tinashe Bakasa Roll på baren Angst i Oslo sentrum, og det var en kjendistett begivenhet.

Blant gjestene var popveteran Espen Lind (44), for tiden TV-aktuell med «The Voice» på TV 2.

Følget hans har også hatt med TV-konkurransen å gjøre. Lind kom nemlig sammen med Lisa Tatjana Frimanslund (28), som var med i «The Voice» 2013.

I den sesongen var Lind i utgangspunktet ikke Frimanslunds mentor. Men som en følge av nye regler det året fikk han «stjålet» henne underveis.

Les også: «The Voice»-Lisa kuttet ut alkohol – gikk ned 10 kilo

<p>TIDLIGERE ELEV: Lisa Tatjana Frimanslund ble tatt under Espen Linds beskyttende mentorvinger i «The Voice» 2013. Foto: TV2<br/></p>

TIDLIGERE ELEV: Lisa Tatjana Frimanslund ble tatt under Espen Linds beskyttende mentorvinger i «The Voice» 2013. Foto: TV2

De to var ordknappe da de passerte fotografene.

– Kan du bekrefte at dere er kjærester?

– Det var en veldig fin vielse, sier Lind til VG og ler.

I forkant av bryllupet kom Lind sammen med Frimanslund, og prøvde å komme seg unna fotografene. De to forsvant raskt inn på Café Sør like ved siden av.

Alle gjestene ankom før klokken 13, men tok turen til Café Sør for å varme seg i den bitende vinden.

Da gjestene slapp inn på Angst Bar, snek Lind seg forbi fotografene. Etter vielsen gratulerte alle gjestene brudeparet på Youngstorget i Oslo sentrum.

Lind var i ni år sammen med modellen Hanneli Mustaparta. De to gikk hver til sitt sommeren 2014.

<p>GRATULERTE BRUDEPARET: Lisa Frimanslund og Espen Lind sto tett sammen før de gikk for å gratulere brudeparet.<br/></p>

GRATULERTE BRUDEPARET: Lisa Frimanslund og Espen Lind sto tett sammen før de gikk for å gratulere brudeparet.

Foto: Eivind Griffith Brænde, VG


Now they are married! – Side2

(Page2): Today went this year perhaps most spectacular celebrity weddings held. Odd Magnus Williamson finally got his Tinashe Bakas Roll.

It rocked the couple had chosen the club Anxiety as the location for the ceremony and club Lollipop, comprising Marianne Theodorsen and Monica Johansen played.

After the ceremony the couple took with his guests to the club Stratos Young Square, where it is now noon, followed by big party later tonight.

Tinashe looked great in his specially tailored pantsuit from TSH and long veil over the scheduled hair.

Among the many distinguished guests were Espen Lind, Henrik Thodesen, Camilla Pihl and Peter Peters, Sigrid Bonde Tusvik and Else Kåss Furuseth.

Just married ❤


Police are increasing their workforces before the weekend’s Findings Festival –

(Dagbladet): Today, for the second consecutive year, opens its doors to electronica festival Findings Festival at Bislett.

NRK reported last year that the festival got scolded for logistics during the event.

Some festival participants were unhappy with how Findings had tackled køproblematikken, and there were reports of long waiting through the entrance to the toilet and bar.

Lover less line for years

Martin Nielsen in Live Nation, which hosts Findings Festival, assure the public that there will be better this year.

– We have received shut off half the Bislett street to get two separate queuing systems . This year we also have far more toilets than last year, so that the public can go so much do as they please, says Nielsen.

Instead of card terminals and cash, has Findings adopted Cashless in bars – a system where you fill money on a card and put straight on a reader for payment.

Other Norwegian festivals, as Hove, has also used the system.

– The problem last year was not the bars themselves, but rather that it took so long to pay. In addition to introducing this payment this year, the bars have been between 25 and 30 percent larger.

Sets massed

Findings festival Kickstarter summer festivals, and the program got dice four of Dagbladet’s music department.

Nielsen believes to remember that last year there were major concerns about drug use on festival site, but that it was not a problem.

A hot topic during last year’s festival was drug abuse at the festival, but Nielsen recalls not think anyone was taken.

– We’re not allowed to go through the pockets of the people, but we are checking bags and perform body searches, as is done in other events. Staff will also walk around and make sure no one is high, not to mention overberuset on alcohol, he said.

Nielsen says Findings sets massed both security guards and police.

Increased police emergency

According Tore Soldal, station commander at the police in Oslo, there were several reports in the last year from disgruntled policemen due to drug abuse and trouble.

– The feedback we received indicated that it was much more than it should be during last year’s festival, he said.

Because of this, the police have increased their presence with uniformed and civilian servants this year. He also stresses that the organizer sits with responsibility for security, but that the police have imposed a festival minimums.

The festival must pay for a number of policemen themselves, while police have their own people who look for drugs, theft and the like.

– Security this year is considerably better than last year, says he said.

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Friday, May 29, 2015

Michael Jackson’s Neverland is for sale for a staggering 780 million – TV 2

If you have 780 million dollars lying to spare, this could be the right moment to invest in property. Otherwise, the pop king Michael Jackson’s personal paradise, Neverland in California, be yours.

PRIVATE NATURE PARK: Michael Jackson lived in Neverland for 15 years. Here is a picture of the entrance gate, as it looked in 2004. (AP Photo / Mark J. Terrill, File)

The 2700 acre estate is actually for sale for $ 100 million, writes Wall Street Journal.

faded amusement park

The large property was purchased by Jackson in 1987 for $ 19.5 million, and he stayed there for over 15 years. The large area was made into Jackson’s private amusement park with rides, great parks and a private zoo.

One year before his death in 2009, the pop king will have to leave the ranch and put away all those exotic animals when he could no longer pay to operate it. The animals were scattered to the four winds, rides were closed and goods overdue.

All the employees were dismissed, and the goods were handed over to himself.

The property was then sold to an investment company that invested millions in renovation with plans to sell it on.

MAIN HOUSE: This was Michael Jackson’s home in Neverland for 15 years. The picture was taken in 2009. (AP Photo / Chris Carlson)

The train station is left

Although the rides and zoo are gone, still stands Jacksons train station and rail services in the property.

Train Station STANDS STILL: Jackson had their own rail services on the ranch. These and train station is still standing. (AP Photo / Chris Carlson)

The main house is 12 000 square meters and has six bedrooms, plus a separate wing for the staff and it is located between the ranch two rivers.

There are also two large guesthouses close the main house, a large swimming pool, a large barbecue area, basketball court and tennis court.

A separate screening room with 50 seats and a private balcony, also comes with at purchase.

HALL: Brown interior and large chandeliers characterized Neverland-ranch when Jackson left it in 2009. The investment company that owns it now, will have spent many millions on renovations. (AP Photo / Carolyn Kaster)

Difficult to get the view

If you are considering purchasing the goods, you need to through a rigorous process before getting getting on display. It is not so that anyone can come and see.

– The seller will not hold many views. We’re not going to hold tours, says Suzanne Perkins in the real estate company Sotheby’s.


Reacts after Jay Zs Norway visits – Side2

According to TMZ due to reactions that “the only black present in the picture is the owners themselves,” which according to celebrity website has meant that “the Internet has sharpened blades.”

The reason is that Jay Z two weeks ago called for more support from the African-American community to Tidal, as he believes they are skeptical because it is owned by one of their own – while passing supports Apple , Nike and Spotify.

“You bought nine iPhones and Steve Jobs is rich,” said Jay Z in freestyler monkey during a Tidal-streamed concert in New York earlier in May.

It’s not the audience forgotten, according to TMZ, citing a critical voice that says:

“Jay Z tried to make us feel guilty, while his own employees only white. “

TMZ trying to balance the picture by pointing out that Tidal office is located in Norway, where the site thinks” the black population counts around two percent, “writes NTB.

There was otherwise the wildest chaos when it became known that Beyoncé and Jay Z was in Norway.

The fans went crazy, like video and pictures in this issue attest.

Travel with ad links

Promotion with ad links


How should Widwey get Movie Norway on an even keel – NRK

Today la Culture Thorhild Widvey forward it for many long-awaited White Paper on film. Here outlines the government the main features of its film policy.

In advance it was known that the government will introduce a form of incentive scheme for film production in Norway, and they wanted to strengthen the film communities outside Oslo.

Read The government creates incentive scheme for film

To summarize Widwey even the main features of Movie message when she Friday took the podium at the film’s house in Oslo

  • New film policy goals
  • Easier, more flexible subsidy system
  • Strengthening of regional filmmaking
  • Holistic film administration policy

Film Producers can get your money back

In Film White Paper Friday morning were posted on the Ministry of Culture’s website, states that the government will work to put in place an incentive scheme to take effect from 2016.

– With its stunning scenery and architecture, Norway should be a natural countries for international film productions, stated Widvey.

She believed it primarily has been high prices and lack of incentive schemes that until now have stood in the way of productions as “Viking” to Norway.

These are the main features of the government’s proposed model for an incentive scheme to film the high cost Norway by offering direct reimbursement of part of production costs.

  • Incentive scheme will apply for both national and international productions, but grants from the incentive scheme shall not be combined with production support from the Norwegian Film Institute (NFI). The scheme may, however, be combined with pre- and post-care support, and by grants from the regional film funds.
  • The incentive scheme will refund based, with an upper limit on how large outlays production can be refunded.
  • The incentive scheme will be managed from Bergen, but put under NFI.
  • The regional centers must themselves decide how to prioritize, organize and fund efforts to facilitate and attract several film and series productions to their region.

Widwey alerts that the government intends to return the scope of the incentive scheme, ie how much a single production can be refunded.

Will give regions more money and more power

It was also ahead come clear signals that the government wants to strengthen the regional film initiative. Film The message contains the following:

  • The grants for regional film programs for children and young people who currently lies with NFI, shall be transferred to the regional film centers should receive greater responsibility for children and youth and talent.
  • The centers will continue to work to develop local and regional film industry by providing funding for the development and production of short films and documentaries.
  • The current trial involving grants regional film funds should be discontinued and replaced by a new scheme with two or three major regional film fund.
  • The National Film Commission, which is currently under NFI to be wound up, and tasks are moved to the regional filmkommisjonærene . Filmkommisjonene shall facilitate film productions in their region .

“Paradise” -record after sextabbe – Side2

Thursday night was the final of the reality series “Paradise Hotel”, where it was revealed who it was who got the first prize of 300,000 dollars.

The decision was accompanied by a significant proportion of viewers.

– We are very pleased with this year’s ratings. Generally, it is a nice day, says Line Vee Hanum, press officer MTG TV, to online newspaper.

The finale was watched by 264,000 seasonally record, while the average for the year was 180,000. Both are weaker than previous seasons.

– I think they’re ok happy with it, but it’s not as good as previously, says TV expert Ruben Solbakk Lisøy in MEC Nettavisen

In addition, the program has a significant audience share outside of linear TV.

– The digital seing varies from channel to channel, and program program. But this is one of the few programs that has a towering share online, says Solbakk Lisøy.

Pierre Louis Olsson (21) and Martine Sjøhaug (21) won this year’s season.

Katinka Sletten Side2

Older viewers
> Vee Hanum says finale broadcast so far have had 50,000 started flowing and it’s really good to be at noon the following day. The final viewing figures come after seven days.

– We have moved send time an hour later to get more viewers online, and we’ll send it simultaneously both linear and on-line. On average, there have been approximately 110,000 viewers watch the whole play and 36 percent of the total has been online.

On the negative side are the viewers who follow the program growing older, at least in the traditional TV.

– The average age has increased from 39 to 43 years and it is one of the negative things. But it is not untypical. Seer proportion will be higher among younger on digital, but I do not think it defends the entire increase, as they also had a higher percentage play last year, saying Solbakk Lisøy.

Ruben Solbakk Lisøy states that all recovery is good news.

Tommy HS Brakstad

” Sextabbe “
Day Before the finals it was turned up in the media that TV3 had made a censorship mistake when final couple had sex. It used a big butterfly to censor actions that do not lend themselves on TV, but in one episode was the butterfly placed wrong place.

– All of PR ahead of a television viewing affects viewership. Especially if it has to do with sex. It was such viewer record even it was porn in the picture in “The Social Security” says Solbakk Lisøy.

He says this and that it was the last episode makes it quite naturally became the most watched, with a good margin.

– The day before the finals were beaten up the media that you had the wrong censored sex scene – it may have recorded on viewing figures do you think?

– I do not think so. The couple has had sex regardless of whether it is censored or not, and on regular TV monitor there does not seem anyway, says Vee Hanum.

Press Officer Line Vee Hanum do not believe stories about censorship mistake has affected viewership.


Can be completed
Regarding TV3 generally channel now on the rise.

– There is rebounding for TV3 year. The channel does better after many years of decline, says TV expert .

– How important is this program for the channel?

– It is twofold. They take a little trip there they are trying to change the profile, Paradise is another one of the programs that they withhold the old profile, but it is also important for them.

Meanwhile, Pierre Louis Olsson and Martine Sjøhaug prove be the latest winners.

– We are looking for new participants, but can not confirm the new season yet, says Vee Hanum.

– As long as they can not verify it, one can not exclude that it is the last season, I have not talked to them about it, says Solbakk Lisøy.

This year’s Paradise Hotel-season has been full of highlights. Here are a few:

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