Thursday, June 30, 2016

So they believe that NRK will be financed in the future: Do you have a home, you must pay –

(Dagbladet): – Before knocking NRK on the door and asked if people had television, but with the funding we now recommend keeping it that you disposes of a dwelling, says head of Rimmereid Committee and CEO of E-CO Energi, Tore Olaf Rimmereid, to Dagbladet.

since October

On behalf of the Ministry of Culture has Rimmereid since last October led expert group that has studied how Norwegian people will pay to use NRK in coming years . He has a background as CFO of state channel.

The remaining members of the committee is professor of economics at the Norwegian School of Economics (NHH), Sissel Jensen, professor of journalism at Volda, Johan Roppen and CEO of ESV Digital, Bente Sollid Storehaug.

Friday at ten o’clock deliver the report “Financing @NRK” to Culture Minister Linda Hofstad Helleland (H ), and the expert Panel has considered six different models for financing. During the year, the politicians decide on one of them.

The current arrangement with the license fee is one of them, but the overall signal range transmitter is however crystal clear.

– not suitable

Rimmereid Committee concludes that “the current basis for the collection of the license fee is not suitable for the future.”

– collection of license money works itself good. Most pay, few complaints about the scheme and people are happy, but it is not progressive. Share with a television receiver is falling, and it is flowing that is the way forward, continue Rimmereid.

NRK contributions

For inspiration, the Committee analyzed various financing schemes in other countries with state broadcasters . They have mainly addressed the Denmark, Sweden, England, Finland, the Netherlands and Germany.

However, it is the system the Germans and the Danes Rimmereid committee found most interesting, and thus bases its recommended proposals on.

the major difference from the current license fee is that both payment models are based on Norwegians who disposes of own home , not the tV signal that is connected to your household.

the proposal that three out of four members of the committee recommends the Ministry of Culture has been named “NRK contributions” (German model) and can be summarized as follows: Owner or disposes of a housing, you pay NRK.

This Commission recommends:

  • Payment for NRK will be about the same, or lower . Today’s license fee is in 2016 at 2834.70 per year.
  • But instead of that payment obligation linked to whether the household has a TV receiver, the linked to you owning a home. It should only be paid one entry per residential unit.
  • “NRK contribution” does not take a position on whether there are appliances in the home that is suitable for consumption by NRK contents. Read: game consoles, tablet computers, mobile phones or TV sets.
  • Lise Department says that now even for the collection and NRK receives income.
  • Since all predisposing own home pay “NRK contributions” exempted companies and institutions. That’s because private payments also include the use in the workplace, says the committee.

Should be easy

The last member of the committee, Johan vanguard, wants a solution called “NRK tax “(Danish model). The main features are the same but the payment obligation is defined by whether one owns appliances that enables streaming its content.

– Some might argue that it may be unreasonable to have to pay as long as you disposes of a dwelling, and without at all is using NRK’s ​​services, but it will apply very few households, says Rimmereid continues:

– it is also very complicated to define flow equipment all have, and a login system, we believe will break with the requirement that it should be easy to use NRK.

Can be NRK tax

the remaining proposals for financing NRK baker contribution from the Norwegian population into a separate tax scheme. The proposals are as follows:

  • NRK tax on ordinary income (Finnish model).
  • NRK tax on personal income (Finnish model without undertaking).
  • General tax financing (Dutch model).

– We believe that it is not desirable to add for NRK under the state budget as an income tax. It will be able to go beyond NRK independence. In the Netherlands, so you pretty quickly that politicians began to cut budgets, says Rimmereid.

– A good solution

NRK supreme leader, broadcasting chief Thor Gjermund Eriksen, believes that a household charge is a good solution.

– I can not say anything other than that I would be happy with it, but for us there is no crisis. The current licensing system allows us never had more paying, but it will face major challenges in a few years, Eriksen says to Dagbladet.

Broadcasting the say they are worried about a possible arrangement where the financing is done through tax and budget.

– It has one bad experience with other countries, and I want to emphasize that we want to safeguard our independence. Nonetheless, we believe that the solution should be legitimate and fair to the public, says Eriksen.

BROADCASTING HEAD: Thor Gjermund Eriksen. Photo: Bjørn Langsem / Dagbladet more

– Lite difference

– you mean to demand payment of all Norwegians who disposes of a property’s fair?

– Yes, that’s it. In practice, there will be little difference, but it is not a discussion I want to go into before I’ve seen the report. Now I look forward to seeing solutions to the range, and then you have to find a model that has legitimacy.

politician Ib Thomsen’s Progress Party’s representative on the Standing Committee on family and cultural Affairs. He is critical of the recommended household tax.

– This solution is not a notch better than the current arrangement. The only difference is that they go further. “NRK contribution” makes it easier for those who require the money, but offers less choice, says Thomsen told Dagbladet.

– Think brand new

Media Attorney Jon Wessel-Aas supports the proposal if a household fee, but thinks that Norway must rethink completely.

– There is no guarantee that we will have a mast dont named NRK that gets the whole pot. The funds can be distributed to other media players so that people get content democracy need. For example, support for journalistic projects. One must be bold enough to think completely different, says Wessel-Aas told Dagbladet.

Culture Linda Hofstad Helleland (H) told Dagbladet that the government does not decide on a solution until the autumn. Therefore, she did not want to comment on the report at this time.

GET REPORT: Culture Linda Hofstad Helleland (H). Siv Johanne Seglem / Dagbladet more

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Here are Bettan back on stage after her husband’s death –

(Dagbladet): Elisabeth “Bettan” Andreassen’s husband, Tor Andreassen, died suddenly of a heart attack on Monday 13 June.

Tuesday 21 June, he buried in Ullern Church. After the heavy loss to Bettan and daughters, it was uncertain whether she would carry out the planned shows she would play in Oseberg Culture in Tønsberg.

ON STAGE TOGETHER: Hanne Krogh and Elisabeth Andreassen stood tonight together under “Let it swinge “-show in Tønsberg. Photo: Christian Roth Christensen / Dagbladet more

“Let it swinge – with a little help from my friends” did, however, take place today. This is the first time Andreassen has been on stage since her husband’s death.


– Thank you, it warms. It’s good to be here, ‘said a touched Bettan from the scene.

Dagbladet Anders Grønneberg present during the premiere tonight. He says that it was hard to see the artist on the stage tonight.

– It was hard to see Bettan. She received excellent acclaim for her interpretation of “Danse against our” recalls Grønneberg.

standing ovation: Elisabeth Andreassen received a standing ovation during tonight’s show. Photo: Christian Roth Christensen / Dagbladet more

Bettan was not alone on the stage tonight. Hanne Krogh and Marianne Antonsen was some of the artists before the swinge Tonsberg.

In Thu memory

When the news of Thu deaths came it was uncertain whether Bettan would conduct shows.

Manufacturer Trygve Sundbø stressed, however, that the shows should be played. There in her husband’s memory.

During the funeral came Bettan and daughters with strong words for the man in her life.

– You were the world’s best husband. You were the best friend. Had he seen how many people were here now, he had been happy. We will take care of each other in his spirit. Every day with you has been fantastic. We had respect for each other, said Bettan the church.

Dattera Nora (19) said that her father always asking up for her.

– in 19 years I have sat on your lap. The serenity I got with you, I found nowhere else. You’re gone now, and it’s not going to understand. It hurts the whole body, she said to the participants.

– Important to praise

Elisabeth and Tor Andreassen were together for 24 years and married in 1994. The proposal took place on restaurant Burger King. They have daughters Anna (21) and Nora (19).

Tor Andreassen previously worked in the food industry, but quit to work in Bettan AS. He was also at home with the kids for a few years when they were small.

When Dagbladet met Tor and Bettan on summer cottage on Brønnøya in 2013, joked the artist that her husband was going to start driving a limousine.

the pair also talked about the love they have for each other (requires logged in).

– love is like a bird that was out flying a little bit, and then it comes back. It is important with humor, praise and a lot of love, she said at the time.

The couple were also known to mess with each other. During the interview turned Bettan against her husband and asked the consort;

– You get some praise also of your wife?

– Sure, and shut up when I deserve it. Looks mention Beyoncé come to Oslo. Maybe she needs a limo driver ?, said Tor in the interview.

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MGP Agnete showed girlfriend voted for fans –

(Dagbladet): 21 year old Agnete Johnsen has made himself known through a series of competitions in prime time.

Recently it enough, however, her participation in the Eurovision Song Contest and Eurovision we remember her best. Song “Icebreaker” came top in Norway, reaching up to a 13th place during one of the dolphin alone.

Since it has been quiet around the artist. After the photos on social media to judge, the artist spent much time at home in the north. There with her chosen one, possibly.

Wednesday shared namely Johnsen a picture of his girlfriend to his over 23,000 followers on Instagram. The chosen one is 20 years old Goran Harila Vadsø.

It was VG who first publicized case.

the photo shows the couple smiling into the camera. “Happy birthday to my best friend, my love,” she wrote. Below boyfriend commented that he loves her, followed by several hearts.

The singer has previously hinted a flame facing iFinnmark, which she described him as a boy from Finnmark her age.

We have not succeeded Dagbladet to obtain comment from the artist’s management Wednesday night.

Johnsen became known as the frontman in Eurovision Jr. group the BlackSheeps. They won both the Norwegian and the national finals with the big hit “Oro Jaska” in 2008.

She also made himself known as an artist in a number of talent competitions through the years. When she in 2014 won the “Shall We Dance”, she became the youngest winner.

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Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Bruce passes right at the intersection at Ullevaal –

KONSERT: Bruce Springsteen, altså. Han er 66 år og ser ut som en tenåring der oppe på den store scenen. Det har akkurat regnet en liten elv (ja, veldig liten, da), men rett før han plugger inn gitaren er det tørt og fint.

Hitparade igjen – med The River i bunnen.


Ullevaal Stadion, Oslo


30.000 (utsolgt)

«Hei, Oslo. Det er fint hos dere», sier han og drar i gang «Prove It All Night» fra en 38 år gammel plate («Darkness On The Edge Of Town»).

«The River»
Lever han opp til låttittelen i kveld? Ja! Det går riktignok noen låter før lyden sitter sånn noenlunde og Bruce er varm i trøya, men samtidig som han ruller i gang første låt fra «The River», dobbeltalbumet fra 1980 som er utgangspunktet for denne turneen, løsner det aller meste. «The Ties That Bind» er bare starten. På «Sherry Darling» beveger Bruce seg fra scenen og ned til publikum, Little Steven og saksofonist Jake Clemons korer og publikum synger

«Kjæler litt»

Det er kaldere i lufta, men varmen stiger innenfor stadionveggene på Ullevaal. Bruce og Steven kjæler litt med hverandre, og det er EM i feelgood blant stående og sittende. Bruce løper rundt, og de som har betalt mest for billettene får det lille ekstra.

Lurte alle
Og – det viser seg at Bruce lurer alle. Etter at turneen forflyttet seg fra USA til Europa, har han og hans trofaste E. Street Band gått vekk fra konseptet med å spille hele «The River». I Sverige spilte han noen få, i Oslo bestemmer han seg for å spille nesten hele side én kronologisk, før han kommer tilbake til albumet seinere.

Dessuten har han snudd opp ned på settlista, så det slår aldri feil: Du vet ikke hva som kommer på en Bruce-konsert – bortsett fra at deler av konserten alltid er en «greatest hits» med hovedvekt på gamle låter.

ROCKENS KNOLL OG TOTT: Bruce Springsteen og Little Steven på Ullevaal Stadion i kveld.Foto: Hans Arne Vedlog / Dagbladet Vis mer

«Independence Day» er første gåsehudøyeblikk. Bruce forteller at det var den første sangen han skrev om forholdet mellom far og sønn. Han var 25 år. Med begrenset komp er lyden bedre også. Med «Hungry Heart» har han oss. Fra scenen skriker han: «Oslo, I got a crush on you».

Låten heter selvfølgelig «Crush On You». Vi er fortsatt på «The River», dobbeltalbumet som virkelig gjorde ham til allemannseie i 1980, og det første der han for alvor endrer fokus fra biler og jenter til arbeiderklassens kår, «blåsnippene».

Sang med Bruce

Det kommer noen regndråper igjen, men jeg tror ikke publikum enser det nå. Bruce og Little Stevemn synger sammen og smiler. Det er ekte kjærlighet mellom menn her.

På en Bruce-konsert er det vanlig med store plakater med ønskelåter. Kveldens mest sjarmerende var den lille jenta som fikk synge «Waiting On A Sunny Day» med Bruce – og fikk med seg munnspillet hans som takk. «Norway’s got talent», sier Bruce og ler.


«Born In The U.S.A» og «Born To Run» er selvskrevne, og nå er flomlyset på også. Og det er én som skinner ekstra mye.

Etter Isley Brothers-coveren «Shout», prøver Bruce å slutte med ordene «Oslo, vi elsker dere», men blitt stående for en avsluttende låt helt aleine, «For You» fra debutalbumet «Greetings From Asbury Park, N.J.» (1973). Og tida? Tre timer og 20 minutter. Det holder, det.

Så – hvorfor får vi aldri nok av Bruce?

Det er ikke bare musikken og tekstene, det er ikke bare energien og utholdenheten, det er nok også det faktum at han er «en av oss». Han virker som en kar du kan slå av en prat med over en øl.

Men det får bli en annen gang.

Det er 70.000 til som får sjansen til oppleve Bruce & Co. i denne runden. 26. juli spiller han i Granåsen i Trondheim og to dager seinere i Frognerparken i Oslo. Konsertene er utsolgt. Selvfølgelig – og det på noen minutter.

FULL PINNE: Bruce Springsteen & The E. Street Band gledet 30.000 mennesker på Ullevaal stadion i kveld.  Foto Hans Arne Vedlog / Dagbladet Vis mer

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The new “Shame” -hovedrollen is revealed –

(Dagbladet): It has long been associated with tension to who is the main character in the third season of NRK’s ​​smash “Shame.”

NRK has today released the first taster of the upcoming season, and all indications are that it is Isaac story should be about to fall.

in the trailer we see Isaac sitting in male locker room at Hartvig Nissen school, while grades Jonas, William and boys’ Chris has water war in boxes shorts.

in the final frame of the trailer throws Jonas a milk carton in the wall so that it squirts milk into the face of Isaac. The clip is titled “Isaac” and end with “Autumn 2016″.

– I never thought that a metaphor for semen could be so beautiful to look at, says Dagbladet television reviewer, Marie Kleve, after seeing the clip .

BECOMES MAIN PERSON: Isaac (right), played by Tarjei Sandvik Moe, the main person in “Shame” season three. Here with his buddy Jonas, played by Marlon Langeland, in the first season. Photo: NRK more

Who is Isaac?

Isaac’s best friend Jonas, who was the girlfriend of Eva in the first season of television series.

in season one thought Eva Isaac was in love with her, but on Christmas tree lights did Eva and Noora realized that Isaac could be in love with Jonas instead.

Also in season two has Isaac orientation and possible ” hook “ been an issue.

When Isaac and boys’ Chris was spotted together in a car, and later did the” call me “sign to each other in the schoolyard, Eva was sure that the two had something going on.

Isaac played Tarjei Sandvik Moe.

– This will be fun

Dagbladet TV reviewer, Marie Kleve, was confident that season three would be about character Sana, something Dagbladet readers also hoped for. She believes, however, that it will be interesting to Isaac through autumn.

– This is fun! I was fairly certain that the third season would be about Sana, because she was such an important supporting characters in the previous season, and NRK has constantly emphasized that “Shame” is a series for and about teenage girls, she says and continues:

– But Isaac has been a very exciting figure since the beginning, and the second season ended with some big hints about him.

After the second season set Kleve left with several unanswered questions.

– Is he the one who slept in the booth with Noora and Eskild? Has he been having problems at home, perhaps because of their sexuality? Here there is so much to grasp, and I guess “” Shame “-kommentatorene will have enough to do, also this fall.

– Will not be disappointed

Editorial Director in NRK P3, Hakon Moslet, is tight-lipped when Dagbladet talks with him Wednesday morning.

Moslet will not go into details or say anything about the rationale behind the new protagonist, but he says that even season three will be made in the same “Shame” format as season one and two.

– the trailer speaks for itself, he says and continues:

– We think it will be an amazing season, and fans will not be disappointed.

the fans are split

the fans are shared in their reactions to NRK choice of new “Shame” -hovedperson.

lOVE dRAMA: Other season revolved largely about love drama between Noora and William. Photo: NRK more

While some rejoicing to see more of Isaac, expressing his fellow disappointment at the closed “Shame” group on Facebook, which has nearly 47,000 members.

Several wrote that they wish that the choice fell on William or boys’ Chris, while some believe that NRK will lose viewers because of the election.

” I do not know how they do not see themselves that they are going to lose viewers on this. Had been much smarter of them to let the boys have their own series, than to just throw away the girls. Shame was about the girls, not the boys. “Writes a” shame “-fan on the Facebook group.

But it is not all that is equally critical. Comments of Facebook characterized by pink hearts, and comments like “Happiness,” “So insanely happy” and “I love it.”

Some also writes that it looks forward to “a different perspective” in series, and that it is “good with variations.”

– Sexy trailer

gANG ALLIANCE: During the first and second season of “Shame” has viewers come close to this girl gang at Hartvig Nissen high school. In the third season, it may seem that the focus of the series revolves around more toward boys in the series. Photo: NRK more

Marie Kleve believes that the trailer can be a bit like the trailer for season two.

– The sexy trailer reminiscent of the trailer for the second season, only it’s about a – seemingly – gay boy rather than a heterosexual girl. It’s cool and current and very time, for a Norwegian youth series, she says and adds:

– If you can not stand several articles and commentaries about Shame, you should take an extra-long summer holiday.

Director Ingvild Endestad in Mon, association of gender and sexuality diversity, it seems the choice of Isaac as a protagonist is exciting.

– “Shame” has already been voted a very good example to show strong characters with different backgrounds, and they have themed gender and sexuality. That we think has been important. In a series that has a role model position it is exciting that they now choose a young gay assumed as principal, says Endestad Dagbladet.

– Do you think that a larger promotion of Isaac in the series may have ripple effects in any way?

I think that it is important to have role models within the whole spectrum of gender and sexuality in series, and that also allowed to be the main roles and not just bikarakterer. There is at least some to mirror itself in young people, says Fri leader.

Kid Chris + Isaac?

Ingeborg Heldal’s blog editor at Aller Media and avowed “Shame “-fan. But unlike many others, is not Heldal surprised the new lead role.

– I think it’s so exciting that they have chosen Isaac as a new starring role, but I feel yah the thread was put clear through entire season two and in the ending. I also think it will be great fun to see things from the boys’ perspective this time, says Heldal adding:

– We have to also remember that although this season will be about Isaac, so was the William in almost equal measure a starring role as the Noora was in season 2

Heldal seem especially relationship between Isaac and Chris will be interesting to follow.

– We have received many foreshadowed Isaac and Chris may have had something to do with each, but this is currently only speculation. But what happens with Eskild in all this, and who have actually stayed in the booth? There are so many exciting things I hope we will answer during this season, says Heldal and continues:

– Now, they might create new sweaters with Chris + Isaac too, it is the finery for me who have already secured me Noora + Wilhelm sweater, laughing Heldal.

Sana was favorite

NOT HOME PERSON YET: character Sana, played by Iman Meskini, was voted by Dagbladet readers as the character most wanted to get to know in the next season. Photo: NRK more

The series has been acclaimed by young and old through its two seasons. This autumn it is done for season three.

It has since Preseason been speculated who would be starring in the third season of shame.

Dagbladet readers voted the Sana as the hottest candidate. When it is thus clear that the first boy, then Isaac to carry the popular series next season.

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The new SHAME-starring is revealed –

(Dagbladet): It has long been associated with tension to who would play the lead role in NRK smash. Now it is clear that it is Isaac who should bear season 3.

The clip, which was released today clearly shows Isaac will play the lead role in the next season starting in the autumn.

The clip now located outside on NRK’s ​​website is one minute and 46 seconds long.

In the trailer we see Isaac sitting in male locker room at Harv Claus school, while characters Jonas, William and boys’ Chris has water war in boxes shorts.

in the final frame of the trailer throws Jonas a milk carton in the wall so that it squirts milk into the face of Isaac.

BECOMES MAIN PERSON: Isaac (right), played by Tarjei Sandvik Moe, the protagonist in “Shame” season three. Here with his buddy Jonas, played by Marlon Langeland, in the first season. Photo: NRK more


Isaac’s best friend to Jonas who was the girlfriend of Eva in season 1 of the TV series.

season 1 thought Eva Isaac was in love with her, but on Christmas tree lights did Eva and Noora realized that Isaac could be in love with Jonas instead.

Also in season 2 have Isaac orientation and possible hook been an issue.

When Isaac and boys’ Chris was spotted together in a car, and later did “call me” sign to each other in the schoolyard, Eva was sure that the two had something going on.

Isaac played Tarjei Sandvik Moe.

– This will be fun

Dagbladet TV reviewer, Marie Kleve, was confident that season three would be about character Sana. She believes, however, that it will be interesting to Isaac through fall.

– This is fun! I was fairly certain that the third season would be about Sana, because she was such an important supporting characters in the previous season, and NRK has constantly emphasized that “Shame” is a series for and about teenage girls, she says and continues:

– But Isaac has been a very exciting figure since the beginning, and the second season ended with some big hints about him.

After the second season set Kleve left with several unanswered questions.

– Is he the one who slept in the booth with Noora and Eskild? Has he been having problems at home, perhaps because of their sexuality? Here there is so much to grasp, and I guess Shame commentators will have enough to do, also this fall.

– Will not be disappointed

Håkon Moslet NRK is taciturn when Dagbladet talks with him Wednesday morning.

Moslet will not go into details or say anything about the rationale behind the new protagonist, but he says that even season three will be made in the same , good “SHAME” format.

– The trailer speaks for itself, he says and continues:

– We think it will be an amazing season, and fans will not be disappointed.

the fans shared

LOVE DRAMA: Other season revolved in largely about love drama between Noora and William. Photo: NRK more

The fans are split in their reactions to NRK choice of new “Shame” -hovedperson.

While some rejoicing to see more of Isaac , expressing his fellow disappointment at the closed “Shame” group on Facebook, which has nearly 47,000 members.

Several wrote that they wish that the choice fell on William or boys’ Chris, while some believe that NRK will lose viewers because of the election.

“I do not know how they do not see themselves that they going to lose viewers on this. had been much smarter of them to let the boys have their own series, than to just throw away the girls. shame was about the girls, not the boys. “to” Shame “-fan on the Facebook group.

But it is not all that is equally critical. Comments of Facebook are writing heavily by pink hearts, and comments like “Happiness,” “So insanely happy” and “I love it.”

Some also writes that it looks forward to “get a different perspective “in the series, and that it is” good with variations “.


Kleve believes that the trailer can be a bit like the trailer for season two.

GANG ALLIANSE : During the first and second season of “Shame” has viewers come close to this girl gang at Hartvig Nissen high school. In the third season, it may seem that the focus of the series revolves around more toward boys in the series. Photo: NRK more

– The sexy trailer reminiscent of the trailer for the second season, only that it’s about a – seemingly – gay boy rather than a heterosexual girl. It’s cool and current and very time, for a Norwegian youth series, she says and adds:

– If you can not stand several articles and commentaries about Shame, you should take an extra-long summer vacation.

Eskil + Isaac

Ingeborg Heldal’s blog editor Allers and otherwise ihugga Skamfan. But unlike many others seem not Heldal that it is so big surprise that it is now Isaac we shall follow further Shame season 3.

– I think it’s so exciting that they have chosen Isaac as new starring role, but I feel yah the thread was put so clearly both throughout the season 2 and in the ending. And I also think it will be great fun to see things from the boys’ perspective this time here, says Heldal adding:

– We have to also remember that although this season will be about Isaac, so was the William in almost equal measure a starring role as the Noora was in season 2

Heldal seem especially the relationship between Isaac and Chris will be interesting to follow.

– We have gotten many foreshadowed Isaac and Chris may have had something to do with each, but this is currently only speculation from everyone page. And what happens with Eskild in all this, and who have actually stayed in the booth? There are so many exciting things I hope we will answer during this season, says Heldal and continues:

– Now they must perhaps make new sweaters with Eskild + Isaac also, it’s finery for me who have already secured me Noora + Wilhelm sweater, laughing Heldal.

Sana was favorite

the series has been acclaimed by young and old through its two seasons. This autumn it is done for season three.

NOT HOME PERSON YET: character Sana, played by Iman Meskini, was voted by Dagbladet readers as the character most wanted to get to know in the next season. Photo: NRK more

It has since Preseason been speculated who would be starring in the third season of shame. Dagbladet readers voted the Sana as the hottest candidate. When it is clear that it is Isaac who will bear the popular series next season.

Dagbladet comes with more.

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Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Mia Gundersen separated –

Mia Gundersen og ektefellen gjennom nesten 14 år, fotografen Leliënhof går fra hverandre, melder Se og Hør. De giftet seg i Stavanger Domkirke i oktober 2002, der 2000 mennesker hadde møtt fram for å hylle brudeparet.

Gundersen ønsker ikke å kommentere årsaken til skilsmissen overfor Se og Hør. Gundersens manager Elly Joys Røang sier til Dagbladet at Gundersen er på ferie, og at hun ikke er tilgjengelig for kommentar.

Gundersen har de siste årene vært dommer i TV2-serien «Norske Talenter», og har tidligere vært skuespiller i tv-serier og på teater. Gundersen er bosatt i Oslo. 



Mia Gundersen and Marcel Leliënhof separated –

(Dagbladet): I See and Hear says Gundersen that she be separated from photographer husband through almost 14 years.

– going through a break after so many years, with family and all, is of course demanding. To put it that way; I would not recommend anyone to do it until they have tried absolutely everything, says artist to Look and Listen.

GIFT iN 13 YEARS: Mia Gundersen and Marcel Leliënhof married in Stavanger Cathedral in October 2002. Photo: Erling Hægeland / Dagbladet more

She would not comment on the reason for the divorce against the blade.

Gundersen and Leliënhof have sons Daniel (12) and Amente (20) together.

Furthermore, says 53-year-old that she has not given up the love, but that it would be difficult for her to release a new man in her life.

– There must be a very special person. I have no doubt that he exists, but it is nevertheless too early, says Gundersen to Look and Listen.

Dagbladet has tried to get in touch with Mia Gundersen and Marcel Leliënhof, yet unsuccessfully.

Gundersen manager Elly Joys Røang told Dagbladet that Gundersen is on vacation, and that she was not available for comment.

DISCERNED: In today’s print edition of Look and Listen tells Mia Gundersen that she and Marcel Leliënhof shall separated. Here is the artist depicted on Elles summer party last year. Photo: Tor Gunnar Berland / Stella Pictures Show more

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Gunhild Stordalen: – No longer afraid to die –

(Dagbladet): In March came the news that Stordalen had a serious relapse of the disease diffuse cutaneous systemic sclerosis.

Then we had 37-year-old has already undergone harsh treatments for the rare connective tissue disease, which attacks many organs and provides pronounced connective tissue formation.

– it looks like the effect that I had chemotherapy and stem cell treatment was short-lived, and that the disease is back, said Stordalen in an interview with Good Morning Norway in spring.

Gunhild Stordalen

* Born on January 15, 1979.

* Norwegian doctor and self-proclaimed environmentalist.

* Married to Petter Stordalen in 2010.

* Standing behind Eat, initiated by Stordalen Foundation, Gunhild and Petter Great valley Foundation.

* Are diagnosed with connective tissue disease systemic scleroderma. Receiving treatment in Utrecht in the Netherlands.


Today is Stordalen host in the Swedish radio program “Sommar in P1.”

Radio chat with health environmentalist was captured when she was in Sweden in mid-June, in conjunction with the third edition of Eat Stockholm Food Forum, which Stordalen is initiated, took place.

in the program, broadcast on Swedish P1 at 13 today, it is a very outspoken 37-year-old who talks about both heart baby Eat, dream about saving the world and meeting with her husband, hotel king Petter Stordalen.

But recurrence, chemotherapy and relationship to death is the subject during the half hour program lasts.

– Today, when you listen to this, is the chemo again trying to destroy the bone marrow min. No one can know what the results are. But it will be my biggest personal struggle to reach. It will be a battle of life and death, says Stordalen to Swedish P1 about the treatment at the University Hospital in Utrecht in the Netherlands.

The treatment she is now undergoing, high-dose chemotherapy with stem cell support, is the same as she did in November 2014 .

SUPPORTS GUNHILD: the husband Petter Stordalen traveled earlier this month to the Netherlands with his wife to support her through the tough treatment. Photo: Nina Hansen / Dagbladet more

– have an army

Furthermore, in the radio program tells Eat-founder that she is no longer afraid to die.

– If I die now there is no emergency. Target the little girl in front of the demonstration train on Muggerud sat about saving the world might not be reached. But the little girl no longer has only three to four neighbor kids in the back. She – I – have an army. An army composed of some of the most important and largest enterprises in the world. Some of the brightest minds and the most senior politicians, in addition to a special squad of over 20 wonderful colleagues, ready to take my place, not to mention the world’s second largest philanthropic foundation that will help secure the match continues. Also, without the little girl in front, says Stordalen quiet.

Meanwhile, 37-year-old evident that she is hungry for life as never before. Great Valley last words in “Summer in P1″ sounds namely as follows:

– I might no longer afraid to die, but I’ve never had more desire to live.

defied LEGENE: When Gunhild Stordalen opened the third Eat conference in Stockholm earlier this month was it against doctors’ advice. Photo: Nina Hansen / Dagbladet more

In Utrecht

Dagbladet has been in contact with Erik Aasheim, who is communications director of Eat. Aasheim do not want to make any comment beyond this:

– My only comment is that I have nothing to add. This is Gunhilds history to be sent today, says communications director.

Together with her husband Petter Stordalen (53) traveled Gunhild Stordalen straight from Eat Stockholm Food Forum to University Hospital in Utrecht, where she now has embarked on a new round of the harsh chemotherapy treatment.

Dagbladet wrote earlier this month that the treatment will last for five weeks.

– This round here is going to be tough, but we’re prepared. From Wednesday, we focus only on that Gunhild should be healthy, said Petter Stordalen Dagbladet before leaving.

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Monday, June 27, 2016

Bud Spencer is dead – Adresseavisen

– He did not suffer. He had us all with him, and his last words were “thank you”, said Spencer’s son, Giuseppe Pedersoli, the Italian news agency Ansa.

Spencer was born in Naples in 1929 and baptized Carlo Pedersoli. First in 1967 he took the name Bud Spencer, allegedly after his favorite beer Budweiser and favorite actor Spencer Tracy.

Besides being western movie star, he was a very competent swimmer in his younger days. Spencer, then Pedersoli, was the first Italian who swam 100m Freestyle in under a minute, and he represented the homeland in the Olympics both in Helsinki (1952) and Melbourne (1956).

Among Spencer’s most famous films are “They Call Me Trinity” “Trinity Is Still My Name,” “Ace High” and “All the Way, Boys.” He played most of the films with Terence Hill, whom he met in 1959.


Princes yellow guitar and Bowie tress sold at auction – NRK

The sales price for Prince guitar corresponds scant 1.2 million Norwegian kroner, and the buyer is Jim Irsay, owner of the American football team the Indianapolis Colts. Bowie tress was sold for $ 18,750, about 160,000 crowns.

Took care of Bowie’s hair

tress was originally taken care of by a wig maker who participated in the work of creating a wax figure of Bowie at Madame Tussauds in London.

the yellow Prince guitar was made in the 1980s by Minneapolis-producer Knut-Koupee Enterprises and was used on a number of concerts until the mid-1990s , reports BBC.

the guitar, called “the Yellow Cloud” was also used in studio and music videos. It was used in front of the audience the last time in 1994 when the guitar neck broke during a French TV broadcast.

Eager gathers

Since the guitar repaired and then used only in the studio, and paved the way for Princes new guitar “Symbol.”

Irsay is known to collect musical instruments and own or have owned instruments that belonged to the likes of Bob Dylan, John Lennon and of Grateful Dead Jerry Garcia.

in December he will have acquired one of Beatles drummer Ringo Starr’s drum set for $ 2.1 million.

Prince died in his home in Minnesota in April this year, 57 years old.

ÅRGANGSHÅR David Bowie tress originates from 1983 and was cared for by a wig maker who worked with a wax figure of the artist. Lokken was sold for around 160,000 Norwegian kroner.

Photo: TOMMASO Boddie / AFP


To explain Kanye West the notorious nude video – Page2

Saturday shocked Kanye West with the new music video “Famous”.

The video shows 12 celebrities, hence George W. Bush. Donald Trump. Anna Wintour. Rihanna. Chris Brown. Taylor Swift. Kanye West. Kim Kardashian West. Ray J. Amber Rose. Caitlyn Jenner. Bill Cosby.

Taylor Swift allegedly furious with Kanye West.

President: – Is in much better shape

Such comments, however, Kanye West range of celebrities.

Maybe in an alternate universe could I and George Bush have been friends. I could have been his O.J. Simpson responded golf buddy.

George W. Bush is also the only one who has commented on the video.

– In case anyone is wondering, this is not President Bush in the video. He is in much better shape, says his representative to

– What to include Bill Cosby. Is it a form of recognition of him? Ask Vanity Fair, which is the only magazine that has been interviewed Kanye West about nude video.

Kanye West twiret BILL COSBY innocent !!!!! then moral accusations against him became known.

– I’m not for or against any of the people in the video. This is a comment about fame, says West magazine. He compares video with art.

Under the covers we are equally

And adds:

– Under the covers we are celebrities alike all other

It is nonetheless not to denying that the video seems like a kick to Taylor Swift, whose feud again flared up when he launched the song “Famous” with the text;

I feel like me and Taylor might still have sex . Why? I made That bitch famous .

Kanye West says it was important for him to bring his wife Kim Kardashian West’s approval. Her ex-boyfriend, Ray J., the man who was with the sex video that made Kim Kardashian famous, is the man lying beside Kim K on the image.

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- Taylor Swift is furious at Kanye – Seher

The pop star will want to take revenge on the rapper after his highly controversial music video.

SEOGHØR.NO: Rapper Kanye West (39) made headlines at the weekend when he released the music video for the song “Famous”. In the video characters namely a number of figures who should imagine naked celebrities.

In a huge bed, on either side of Kanye West and his wife Kim Kardashian, is both Taylor Swift, Donald Trump, Rihanna, Chris Brown, Caitlyn Jenner and Bill Cosby.

Also Kims ex Ray J, Wests ex-girlfriend Amber Rose, former President George W. Bush and fashion editor Anna Wintour in bed.

They stripped celebrities are reportedly waxworks, and representatives of both Bush and Trump has confirmed that it definitely is not those who lie naked in the music video.

case continues below.

12 naked  celebrities in Kanye West & amp; amp; amp; amp;  amp; amp; amp; amp; amp; amp; quot; Famous & amp;  amp; amp; amp; amp; amp; amp; amp; amp; amp; quot;  video

WAX DOLLS ?: George W. Bush, Anna Wintour, Donald Trump, Rihanna, Chris Brown, Taylor Swift, Kim Kardashian, Ray J, Amber Rose, Caitlyn Jenner and Bill Cosby sharing the bed with Kanye West in his latest music video. Xposure

Want to revenge

Although Taylor Swift has not commented Wests video, she, however, have reacted strongly on his controversial project.

– Taylor is furious after set Kanyes video. She knew that he is unpredictable, but she never thought that he would go so far. She is talking to his men to find out what her next step might be. To make a song about him would not be enough, a source told

“Bad Blood” singer and Kanye have had an ongoing conflict since 2009, when Kanye coup Swifts acceptance speech at the MTV Video Music Awards.

The case continues below.

Kanye West,  Taylor Swift

STOLE THE SHOW: Kanye West created a strong reaction when he stormed the stage during Taylor Swift’s acceptance speech at the MTV Video Music Awards in 2009. AP

In the song “Famous” he sings the following: “I feel like me and Taylor might still have sex. Why? I made That bitch famous “ that is allegedly a reference to the 2009 scandal.

– She’s frustrated that he never gives up. She’s sure to write a song about this, but she shall ensure that Kanye will receive a vengeance, says another source to your website.

The case continues below.

12 naked  celebrities in Kanye West & amp; amp; amp; amp;  amp; amp; amp; amp; amp; quot; Famous & amp; amp;  amp; amp; amp; amp; amp; amp; amp; quot; video

RAGING: Taylor Swift should have reacted with anger when she discovered that Kanye takes a topless wax figure to be her in his latest music video. Xposure

– Kanye is GAL

According to Rolling Stone, who also calls the music video for West’s most controversial project ever, the scene is inspired by artist Vincent Desiderio painting “Sleep.”

It has not yet been confirmed whether any of the naked celebrities are real or whether all are waxworks.

to date there are only singer Chris Brown (27), which also participates in the West’s song “Waves” on his new album, which has expressed its opinion about the video without being offended.

“Why did I get a plumber crack? Kanye is GAL, talented but crazy “, wrote Brown on his Instagram profile followed by more smiley.

For website Vanity Fair says Kanye that music video his is an interpretation of fame, but it is currently unknown why he has chosen just the 11 selected celebrities.

Recording  artist Chris Brown and Kanye West laugh with  Rihanna during a Video Music Awards nomination  special & amp; amp; amp; amp; amp; amp; amp; amp;  amp; amp ; quot; TRL & amp; amp; amp; amp; amp;  amp; amp; amp; amp; amp; quot; show at the MTV  studios in New York

CLOSE FRIENDSHIP: Both Chris Brown and Rihanna is reportedly good friends of Kanye (middle). Both are part of each song on Kanye latest album “The Life of Pablo.” REUTERS

READ ALSO: Kanye shocks with celebrity orgy and nude Taylor Swift

27 June 2016 – 9:27
