Friday, September 30, 2016

Russebuss pray with Sandra Lyng to “roll” and “hook” – Page2

(PAGE2):- I think it is touching and sad that she has not experienced the “roll” and “hook”, says Philip Wennersten (18) to Page2.

He is bussjef on a russebuss on Nordstrand, and have contacted Sandra Heather (29), in the hope that she will be with them on a russefest. The reason is that the artist and blogger from Mosjøen on Thursday put out a blog post where she writes that she thinks it is a pity she missed the russefeiringen:

Philip Wennersten is bussjef on a russebuss from Nordstrand. They will be happy to have Sandra Lyng on scrolling.


“When I started in high school challenged me also on the Idol. I was 16 and didn’t think anything more should happen than that I should get experience with the audition and maybe a nice trip to Trondheim, norway – the place where the Idol audition was held. But then it went the my way! I came not only on, but was in addition in the competition for almost a half a year.

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Sandra Lyng dropped the school – focused on the music

Sandra Lyng came in fourth place in Idol in 2004, the year when Margaret Berger was a participant, and Kjartan Salvesen won sangkonkurransen. This was the start of a 29-åringens artistkarriere. It also led to that the school was replaced with turnèlivet, and thus, it was not russefeiring.

“because of the Idol, and everything that came with it in the form of the later album and toured I dropped halfway out of the school. I read on my own, but was unfortunately never experienced it to be russ”, write Sandra on the blog.

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Philip and 26 comrades are ready for russefeiringen 2017.


- We are an energetic guttegjeng

Philip got tips on sandra’s blog post through a mate, and think it would be cool if she was with them on the “scrolling” – that is to say to attach the russebussen while running around.

the Word was really known through NRK tv-series “Shame”, where one of the main characters, William, russ.

Friday release Sandra Lyng partylåta LIQR. But it is not yet known whether she has accepted to stick with the russegutta from Nordstrand.

- I have sent her invitation on Facebook, so I hope she sees it soon. She can bring some friends if she wants, so she gets experienced the scrolling, since she has not done it before, ” says the upcoming russen.

Philip tells you that they are 26 persons on the russebussen on the Nordstrand. How to stick with them yet he does not know.

We are at least a bunch of energetic boys who are well prepared to have fun. The evening with Sandra will be that we start with the vorsch at one of the bussmedlemmene, then retrieves the bus’s and we rolls from like that around at 23. So we hold on until she cannot take it any more.

- Therefore, one should be russ

Philip believes showed, is an important experience since it only happens once in a lifetime.

So then the bus to the Philip and de 26 mates out when they bought it. Now, is it to renovations, and will soon renamed.


- This is something you can’t go back to. You experience it only once, and there are a lot of pranks and fun.

The 26 the friends are already well underway with the preparations for the next year. They have begun to fix the bus, and right now is the at a company for further upgrade.

- Now the bus at a oppussingsfirma as “pimper” the bus as we wish. We have spent a large sum to fix it, ” says Philip, and doubt before he reveals the budget:

- There are probably well over a million.

For their part starts russefeiringen just over a month before 17.may. Then it is the view of the buses, before the “scrolling” begins.

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