Thursday, April 16, 2015

Jenny Skavlan rescues Anne Malins wedding dress – Seoghø

– I am terrified that she will not be satisfied, says TV profile and designer to Seoghø after she agreed to the unusual assignment.

SEOGHØR.NO: For almost a year ago, married Jenny Skavlan (28) with Thomas ‘fingers’ Gullstad (34).

The popular broadcaster, actress and designer stood bride in a unique dress, which she had sewn together with her mother, costume designer and artist Janicke Ebbing.

Jennys original wedding dress, which was made with vintage items, received much attention and praised in the fashion press.

And then “sew on” -forkjemperen guested Bergen swimwear collection’s in May 2014, then married ready Anne Malin Sørland Aase (26) their chance to ask Jenny about kjoleråd.

Anne Malin will marry fiance Anders (26) in a redesigned vintage dress – almost like Jenny Skavlan did – but the dress should be composed of bride dresses mother, grandmother and -law her!

SPECIAL DRESS: When Jenny Skavlan and Thomas Gullstad married in Oslo in April 2014, was the bride wearing a redesigned vintage dress she had made with her mother . Now helps Jenny married ready Anne Malin getting an equally unique wedding dress.

– It all really began with my grandmother and I sat and talked about wedding dresses. She told me that she made her own dress and my mother’s self. Grandma had also used an old dress that starting point, and then got it my mind started.

– I made some sketches, a scrapbook, which Jenny “kicked” on when I met her in Bergen in May Last year, says Anne-Malin to Seoghø

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– Lifesaving to disappoint bride

The meeting between Anne Malin and Jenny Skavlan has been a very special wedding dress project, Jenny tells about in a post on his blog. Both there and on the bride’s own blog,, readers can follow the project forward to the wedding day on August 1.

“Shoppe Top» profile Jenny Skavlan has a long history at the sewing machine, and before Christmas conducted she “sew -about »-stuntet Phulekalenderen.

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IVRIG DISCUSSION: Bride Anne Malin and Jenny Skavlan have collaborated on the draft of the dress, which also shall be composed of three old wedding dresses. Maria Hjelle

The popular “Sew about” authors have sewn about dresses for Crown Princess Mette-Marit (41), won the environmental award “Year green price” on Celebrity Gala, and inspired others to choose reusable – including actress Pia Tjelta (37).

Facing Seoghør. en admits Jenny that she is nervous about the new wedding dress challenge from the prospective bride Anne Malin.

– Of course I’m terrified that she is not happy. It can be difficult to talk about what they like, envisions, and so on. It is not certain that all envisage the same when talking about something. Especially so visual things can be challenging, she points to Seoghø

– Fortunately the Anne Malin involved in the process, she will not only get a finished dress as she MUST marry. But it’s limited opportunities: I have only these three dresses, which I must deal with, adds Jenny Skavlan to.

RELIANCE ON JENNY: Anne Malin says to Seoghø that she trusts Jenny Skavlan skills as a designer and seamstress. Maria Hjelle

The bride, who will marry in hometown Norsfjordeid in Sogn og Fjordane, reveals that the sketch to the bridal dress is finished and that she will be visiting Jenny in Oslo on 23 May – for the very first trial.

– The dress is going to get a unique touch in addition to the historical piece that goes with it. I think it will be finished in time, but I’m obviously very excited about how it is going to be. I trust Jenny then, hehe, says Anne-Malin excited.

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THRILLED: Jenny Skavlan was not slow to try out wedding effects, when she met the bride Anne Malin Sørland Aase (right) in his home town Nordfjordeid to discuss dress project. Here wearing veil Anne Malins own mother used her bryllupdag. Maria Hjelle

MIND TURN: Jenny Skavlan studying one of the three dresses that form the basis for Anne Malins upcoming wedding dress. Maria Hjelle

Would sew several wedding dresses

The style-conscious actress and television profile, which has previously been voted the best dressed of look and HORSHOLM fashion police Jan Thomas, reveals what triggered her to accept the mission:

– The sewing dresses for very special occasions, is what I think is very funny. With detaljsøm, fine details and a bit challenging things.

And I got a taste of sewing my own, then. Anne-Malin is a unique girl who has lots to come by, and there is a unique story – that she has gown to both the mother, grandmother AND-law, says Jenny Skavlan to Seoghø

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DREAM DRESS: Jenny Skavlan got lots of praise for its special wedding dress when she married Thomas Gullstad last year. She says that to sew her dress himself, gave her the taste of similar projects.

Jenny, who last year was current with bilfilmen “borning” reveals that three vintage wedding dresses to Anne Malin currently lies untouched in Oslo.

– I think a lot about the project, but I have not physically started to sew. I will consult me ​​a little at first, and construct the most in the head before I start cutting. I can not destroy these dresses, it’s the only one I have!

– The worst that can happen is that I cut wrong, or that I spill something, melting something … Actually much of the same thing I was afraid of my own dress, but it went well, says Jenny.

View Jenny talk about her own wedding dress project:

She hopes to have ” come a little piece “on the way when Anne Malin come to Oslo from Bergen under six weeks.

– Then we can make a first trial, or fitting . And so we go in stores, drug stores, a gem shop … Maybe find “that little extra” to dress like a blonde detail on a vintage dress that we can take and use on the dress, revealing Jenny on.

READY TO GET STARTED: Jenny Skavlan has brought the bride dresses from Nordfjordeid to Oslo. But so far she has not begun to cut and sew, she betrays. Maria Hjelle

Although nerves thus long ago in place, do not put 28-year-old secret that there might be several similar challenges ahead.

– I have been asked by many to help them with the bride dresses his. By helping Anne Malin, I hope to help others with some inspiration too. If successful, it is conceivable that I may take several wedding dress missions in the future, says Jenny Skavlan to Seoghø

FOUND TONE: – Anne-Malin is a unique girl, and it’s fun to bring up young girls who come from smaller places, not only to focus on big cities, says Jenny Skavlan (left) about the collaboration with Anne-Malin Sørland Aase from Nordfjordeid. Maria Hjelle

READ ALSO: Marrying secretly

16th April 2015 – 6:30


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