Friday, April 17, 2015

Ryan Gosling kan bli klar for Blade Runner 2 – Side2

(page2): Hollywood has apparently run out of ideas, and an increasing number of old movies retrieved – either in the form of remakes or sequels that.

Many revisited

This week the first trailer of “Star Wars” -oppfølgeren released and it is currently ongoing negotiations for a sequel to “Twin Peaks.” In May, the remakes of “Poltergeist” Norwegian premiere, while 80s hero Mad Max reappear a week before.

Another classic that now recalled, is “Blade Runner.” Ridley Scott’s film from 1982 has a huge fan base, and it is considered one of the best ever films.

Did you know that residues from “The Shining” was used in the movie? Read 17 things you hardly knew about the film here.

Ryan Gosling and Harrison Ford

And now planned thus a sequel.

Harrison Ford will in all probability repeat role as Rick Deckard. The film will take several decades after the original, which took place in 2019.

“Prisoners” director Denis Villeneuve stands for the direction, while Ricley Scott will join as executive producer.

This week reports Variety that Ryan Gosling should be considered for one of the roles in the film. They do not know what role he will play, but have confirmed that he is in negotiations.

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Rick Deckard has disappeared

There are not many details about the film that is known yet, but Ridley Scott has revealed some elements, writes

The film will be about Rick Deckard (Ford) has disappeared, and the protagonist must try to find him.

More speculate whether this role is intended Gosling. Scott, however, has said previously that he wants a woman in the lead role.

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