Monday, September 29, 2014

Awoke to rekordtall – Fredrikstad Sheet

 On a national level as close to 100,000 people, “Captain Jack and treasure in Rama Lama ‘the first viewing weekend.

 Also in Fredrikstad, the hometown of author Terje Formoe, people flocked to the cinema.

 Formoe relieved

 - We recorded 2,550 visitors from Friday to Sunday and it’s season best, said a delighted Cinema Manager Jorgen Soderberg Jansen.

 Less happy is not Terje Formoe, who enjoyed themselves with moviegoers of all ages in Fredrikstad cinema Sunday.

 - These are amazing numbers. Anticipation pressure has been high, and when I heard the numbers yesterday morning, it was like I was many pounds lighter. Now I just indescribably happy and relieved. We are on the winning track, cheering him.

 Wet Dream

 So far the film has been sold to 73 countries, but Formoe do not think it stops with it.

 - I have a wet dream about selling the film to a hundred countries

 In Fredrikstad was run 16 performances of the Sabertooth movie this weekend, and the pace of the number of performances continues. Just this week, the movie theater about 40 times.

 - Here in town we go quite clear from Formoe effect, we have in fact had significantly higher visitation than other theaters in the same size, maintains Cinema Manager Soderberg Jansen.

 Can get 10,000 visits

 So far this year tops the Swedish film “Hundred-year-old who climbed through the window and disappeared” ti-on-top-list to the Fredrikstad cinema with 8,500 visits, followed closely by “Doctor Proctor’s fart powder” with 7,900 visits.

 - Events Captain Jack until he has begun, the film may very well get to top the list by year-end. A total of 10,000-11,000 visits I consider that quite possible, says cinema boss.

 - How long will the film go?

 - Long time! Maybe until the July

 That a film when 100,000 visits during the opening weekend is not common fare in Norway. A rule of thumb in the industry say that the opening weekend usually accounts for about 30-35 percent of the total visit.

 In that case, “Captain Jack and treasure in Rama Lama ‘end of almost 300,000 visitors.


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